Friday, September 19, 2014

Obama's Year of Action:

"President Obama's 'Year of Action' has turned into a Year of Fear. The country seems mired in dread. And that could have mortal consequences for midterm Democrats.   The White House is afraid. Democrats are afraid.
"New polls out this week betray a rattled public, one that is jittery about war, security, and the economy -- and one that is increasingly looking to the GOP, not the party in power. Even as the White House has sought to reassure Americans that the campaign in Iraq will be limited, that the president isn't going to act alone on immigration in the near future, and that the economy is doing better, the damage appears to be done.
 "Obama and his aides have been caught between messages: that the country wasn't going to war, until it was (sort of). That the president couldn't act on immigration, until he could, until he wouldn't (yet). That the economy had turned the corner, but not quite. (Wait.)" James Oliphant, National Journal

Resille Vendredi

Ten Buck Friday

During the 2010 midterms, conservative bloggers united in a movement called “Ten Buck Friday”. The concept behind TBF was to encourage a contribution of $10 each week to select campaigns to help elect fiscal conservatives to Congress. And is you rememberthat was the year that Republicans handed "The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer" an "embarrassing shellacking". 

There are only 7 Fridays between now and the 2014 midterms and we support the effort to push vital funds into the Republican candidates campaign coffers.

Republicans need just six seats to oust the corrupt Dingy Harry Reid as majority leader. Isn't it worth ten bucks a week (30 pkgs. of Ramen?) to help eliminate Reid's control.   

Every Friday between now and November 4th we are asking our readers to strongly consider contributing $10 to the campaign of the candidate(s) we have highlighted that week.

I give a special appeal to donate to the campaign of Dr. Bill Cassidy . It is of the up most importance we defeat Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.  The race is virtually a dead heat, and this is a chance to finally defeat the Landrieu family political machine and free America from a rubber stamp for Barrack Obama's policies.  

Contribute to Dan Sullivan  Here
Contribute to Tom Cotton Here
Contribute to Joni Ernst Here
Contribute to Bill Cassidy Here
Contribute to Thom Tillis Here

(If you mark your contribution as "Ten Buck Friday", they'll see the blogosphere give them a little bump.)

And be sure to visit our fellow Ten Buck Friday bloggers:

* Adrienne's Corner * Fishersville Mike * For God, Family and Country *  Laughing  Conservative * Left Coast Rebel  * Mind Numbed Robot * Political Clown Parade *Polination  * Proof Positive  * Theo Spark * Texas Conservative News  * Wyblog

Thursday, September 18, 2014

ISIS Putting Pants on Goats to Reduce Islamic Temptation

Raqqa Syria, on the north bank of the River Euphrates, is the headquarters of ISIS, and base to leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It is also capital of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, and ruled with a Sharia Iron Fist. No Goats flaunting their genitals there.

 Goats climbing trees to avoid unwanted advances from Islamic perverts 

Daily Mail
"In the months since ISIS militants imposed Sharia law, thieves have had their hands hacked off and opponents have been crucified or beheaded.   
Music has been banned. 
Smoking is now forbidden, women must wear the full veil and there have been reports of people being stoned to death. 
Even goats have had their genitals covered. 
It is said that if you are on the streets at prayer time, you risk your life. 
One resident said: ‘They banned the sale of alcohol, they tried to close cafes where boys and girls sit together, they banned street theatre, cinema, bright colours and forced women to wear Islamic dress. 
‘They are the new dictators, just like Bashar al-Assad, but dressed in black.’......"
h/t Barking Moonbat Early Warning System 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dems Losing Confidence in The Crisco Kid

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shittz
"Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in a behind-the-scenes struggle with the White House, congressional Democrats and Washington insiders who have lost confidence in her as both a unifying leader and reliable party spokesperson at a time when they need her most.
Long-simmering doubts about her have reached a peak after two recent public flubs: criticizing the White House’s handling of the border crisis and comparing the tea party to wife beaters.
The perception of critics is that Wasserman Schultz spends more energy tending to her own political ambitions than helping Democrats win. This includes using meetings with DNC donors to solicit contributions for her own PAC and campaign committee, traveling to uncompetitive districts to court House colleagues for her potential leadership bid and having DNC-paid staff focus on her personal political agenda.
She’s become a liability to the DNC, and even to her own prospects, critics say......"

Obama and Friends Celebrate Constitution Day

What Happens if You Throw a Party and No One Shows Up?

by Robert Janicki

Ask President Obama or UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. They've sent out invitations to world leaders to attend the upcoming UN Climate Summit in New York.  It's really bad news for President Obama, who was planning on taking in a Broadway show or two, with the travel being paid for by American taxpayers.  You remember what that endangered species is, right?  It's the 50% of tax filers who actually pay personal income taxes to support the narcissist in chief and his liberal agenda of growing government.

Anyway, the responses of world leaders have been, well, something less than expected or hoped for by the two globalists who sent out the invitations.

It seems world leaders have better things to do than show up to listen to a boatload of climate disaster bullshit from pseudo scientists, who have financial interests in promoting the hoax of global warming.

Eric Worrall writes: The imminent climate summit in New York is rapidly turning into an utter embarrassment for President Obama and UN Secretary General Bank Ki-Moon, in addition to becoming a bit of a punishment round for national deputy leaders.
Aussie PM Tony Abbott today defended his decision not to hop on an earlier flight to America, so he could attend the UN climate conference in New York, because he has more important matters to attend to, such as running the country. 

Read the list of some prominent world leaders who have better things to do than attend a global summit circle jerk of jerks promoting a hoax.