Monday, January 12, 2015

Mohammad Image of the Day

Mohammad along with Gabriel, the giver of the Koran, visit Hell and see a demon punishing "shameless women" who had exposed their hair to strangers. For this crime of inciting lust in men, the women are strung up by their hair and burned for eternity. Persian Art, 15th century.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Politics Make for Some of the Strangest Decisions in D.C.

by Robert Janicki
In what could be the strangest political turnaround in recent times, comes this news in the face of the recent bungling by House conservatives in mismanaging a revolt against Speaker John Boehner.
As soon as the voting for the Speakership was over, Boehner announced some new changes in committee assignments and chairmanships.  Most thought that the bloodletting had begun, with Boehner apparently bludgeoning the conservative upstarts for their audacity in challenging his leadership.  Moves were made by Boehner and hard core conservative bloggers became enraged.
Now comes some quiet changes that very could bode well for the influence of House conservatives in the 114th Congressional Term.
Rather than punish and isolate those who opposed him as leader, Boehner surprised many on Friday by embracing an immigration plan that's tougher than lawmakers had expected. It would block President Barack Obama's recent limits on deportations and undo protections for immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.
As the rebellious hard-liners celebrated, mainstream Republicans said Boehner's decision probably portends firmly conservative approaches to other issues. That would complicate life for some of the more moderate Senate Republicans and ensure fierce battles with the Democratic president.
Now, I don't want to throw cold water on what could become something positive for all House Republicans, but I have to admit that I am holding off any celebration until I actually see some consistent movement in the Republican House caucus toward a more conservative stance.  
The key point here is to see a consistent and measured movement to the right in the House.  A one time bone thrown to House conservatives will do nothing to assuage their concern for the same old practices of the Republican establishment leadership in the House.  
Boehner had better be prepared to make this move to the right a regular practice, or else things may only get worse for all House Republicans, thus giving Democrats a wedge to derail a Republican House agenda going forward.
Conservatives have to understand that despite Republicans having a substantial majority in the House, they still have an uphill battle with more moderate Republican Senators, who have their own battles to pass legislation in the Senate.  Some of what comes out of Congress, will undoubtedly find a presidential veto waiting to be exercised by Barrack Obama.  That may not always be a bad thing, since, if exercised regularly by Obama, it will firmly characterize Obama and Democrats as the "party of NO!", a label Democrats enjoyed hanging on Republicans and caused them problems at the ballot box.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Mohammad Image of the Day

Illustration showing Mohammed (on the right) preaching his final sermon to his earliest converts, on Mount Ararat near Mecca; taken from a medieval-era manuscript of the astronomical treatise The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries by the Persian scholar al-Biruni; currently housed in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris (Manuscrits Arabe 1489 fol. 5v). This scene was popular among medieval Islamic artists, and several nearly identical versions of this drawing   were made in the Middle Ages.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Satire Extremists Erase Head of Terrorist Cartoon


MFNS - An unidentified group of satirists has leaked a terrifying video depicting the brutal decartooning of an unknown terrorist’s head. The video, shot in what appears to be a drawing studio, starts with a proclamation that the cartoon was sentenced to death for various crimes and continues with the gruesome, methodical erasure of the head of what appears to be a drawing of an Islamic fundamentalist.

“It was horrifying. They took a Staedler eraser and started wiping the head off without an iota of empathy for the unfortunate cartoon,” stated an anonymous source who claimed to be a witness  to the massacre. “I will never forget how the paper was shaking and twisting under the eraser.”

The video ends with an eerie promise that more ink will be spilled and that the world’s terror networks will be “brought to their knees” during an event referred to only as “The Night of the Quill.”

Mohammad Image of the Day

In 1999, Islamic art expert Wijdan Ali wrote a scholarly overview of the Muslim tradition of depicting Mohammad.  In that essay, Ali demonstrates that the prohibition against depicting Mohammad did not start to arise until as late as the 16th or 17th century, despite the media's continuing false claims that it has always been forbidden for Muslims to draw Mohammad.  Until comparatively recently in Islamic history, depictions of Mohammad (especially in Shi'ite areas) continued to be produced. 

Mohammed receiving his first revelation from the angel Gabriel (or as I believe a fallen angel). Miniature illustration on vellum from the book Jami' al-Tawarikh (literally "Compendium of Chronicles" but often referred to as The Universal History or History of the World), by Rashid al-Din, published in Tabriz, Persia, 1307 A.D. Now in the collection of the Edinburgh University Library, Scotland
(images via Mohammed Image Archive)

Islam swept the Arabian Peninsula, and later most of the ancient world with the blade of the sword.  With it's founder's prophetic words and instructions, it's history filled with forced conversion and violence unlike any religion know to man. Present world events show us the legacy of the boy who suffered seizures, fell under the influence of supposed angelic (?) visions and took children as wives, has once again raised it's twisted bloodthirsty ideology to scourge civilized man .   

Friday, January 9, 2015

Will You Make Us Watch?

As someone born on your Continent and spent a large part of my early life living in Europe, a descendant of French and Belgian immigrants and an American Patriot, I have something to ask my dear European freinds. 

You have now witnessed your own 911. Will I watch as you wait till the Louvre is set afire for being immoral and an offense to Allah, or your magnificent Cathedrals turned into mosque?  Will you now drop the pretense of an all inclusive society I always questioned and never understood as a young girl , as I watched your culture degraded little by little while living in your midst . Will you now Wake Up?

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Another Screw the Taxpayer Scam

Obama to Propose Two Free Years of Community College

As we have learned, when a Democrat uses the word free, they actually mean bend over and smile taxpayers. And now Barack is to propose in his upcoming State of Disunion Speech, free college tuition for community college students.
"What I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everybody who’s willing to work for it."
His proposal would make two years free for students with a C+ average who attend school at least half-time and who are making “steady progress” toward their degree.  

And what about the free part?  Federal funding would cover three-quarters of the average cost of community college, and Obama is asking states to pick up the rest of the tab. (Lean Forward Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer).

Here's the best part:
Community colleges must also adopt “promising and evidence-based institutional reforms to improve student outcomes".  Reforms and improved student outcomes in the same sentence means just one thing in Obama's America,  Federal Mandated Rules and Race Based Outcome.

What we will get is is another delusional liberal dream program,  our tax money haplessly given away to try and educate ghetto rats while they wile away their free time in weave salons or work on their rap careers while wasting educator's time and resources better used for responsible students. 

While a program like this could be helpful for single mothers trying to make a life for them and their family, or the  returning Veteran,  it should be exclusive.  But like everything the liberal comes up with it will be another bloated federally directed affirmative action, administrative nightmare falling directly on the overtaxed taxpayers and states already struggling with and other federal mandates.   


The Delusions Continue for Nancy Pelosi

by Robert Janicki

The 114th Congress just began on Tuesday and we have anotherdelusional thought emerge from the House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.  Apparently, the tail wants to wag the dog and doesn't realize who's running the show in the House.  Yes, Nancy Pelosi has once again gone off the deep end of an admittedly shallow and diminished Democrat pool in the House.
One has to give Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) credit for trying to push an anti-American agenda as the minority party in Congress.   
Pelosi has unveiled a Democratic legislative “package” that includes the “Stop Corporate Expatriation and Invest In America’s Infrastructure Act,” a bill that prevents U.S. businesses from moving overseas, which according to Pelosi, would prevent these companies from “paying their fair share of taxes.”
Only a liberal Democrat, with no business experience and a less than third grade understanding of taxation, could come up with such an idiotic proposal for a bill in Congress.  American corporations are moving some or all their operations to foreign shores because the American tax code rate for corporations is the highest in the industrialized world.  Liberals Democrats, with their idiotic tax code, have given corporations every incentive to move offshore with the highest corporate tax rate in the world driving them to do so.

The economic principle is simple.  The more you tax something, the less you get in return for your efforts.

Understand that corporations are taxed on their profits at corporate rates and then stockholders are subsequently taxed at personal income tax rates again on the dividends they receive on the same corporate profits already taxed at the corporate level.  

This is exactly what the liberals want.  Double taxation.  They get two shots at taxing the same profits.  Not a bad deal, when you can get it.  Of course there is no moral or ethical justification for this, but then, we know liberals are morally and ethically challenged in doing anything that is morally or ethically right.  That's just the joy of being a liberal.  You get to make up a moral and ethical construction that suits the ultimate goal and, in this case, that is to squeeze and extract as much revenue as possible from corporations and tax payers.

Back to the present.  Liberal Democrats have driven American corporations to do exactly what they are doing for their stockholders, which, for corporations, is to maximize the value of the stockholder's equity holding in the corporation.  Corporations have a fiduciary duty to bring the greatest value to the stockholders.  Liberal Democrats simply can't get that concept through their Marxist socialist way of thinking.  It's completely antithetical to Marxist socialist dogma. 

Liberal Democrats are captives of Marxist socialist dogma, which demands a redistribution of wealth from producers to those who consume the wealth created by others, while those consumers of wealth do little if anything to become part of the producer class in America.  

There are more people are on food stamps than are students attending all levels of education in America.  America has become a nation of grifters living off the producers and why shouldn't they?  Liberal Democrats have given them every incentive to live off the producers of America with the vast and wide ranging social welfare programs they have enacted into law in order to gain political control over these people.  

When liberal Democrat government provides the basic necessities for human existence, without any responsibility for those receiving the assistance, a perpetual underclass is created and this underclass, almost 50% of tax filers, does not pay personal federal income taxes and a good portion actually get rebates in excess of what taxes they had withheld by employers. 

The best possible outcome for America and its economy would be to completely eliminate the corporate tax altogether and shift the tax to the personal tax rates for individuals who receive dividends and capital gains from their corporate income.  Individuals would receive significant increases in dividends which would make it more palatable to pay the personal tax rate.  This will, however, never happen because politicians in general, and liberal Democrats in particular, will never willingly give up control of a source of tax revenue, even if it means it will increase overall revenues by eliminating the corporate tax.

What makes Nancy Pelosi's proposal delusional is that there is no way on God's green earth, with an enlarged Republican majority in the House, that there is any chance of passing such Marxist socialist tripe.  Could a liberal Democrat be anymore anti American than Nancy Pelosi?  Probably not, but there are a lot of liberal Democrats that could compete for that ignominious distinction.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

DMF/MFNS Top Referrers of 2014

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A Heartfelt Thank You to all our Loyal Readers and to Bloggers that reposted or linked to us this year. It was all of you who made 2014 worth the effort and in turn the best year yet at Diogenes Middle Finger. - Jan

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