Monday, April 20, 2015

Ethically Challenged & Morally Bankrupt from Inception

by Robert Janicki
If you are opposed to abortion, this will be extremely disheartening and disturbing, if not worse.  
Planned Parenthood is anything but an agency helping women to plan for motherhood.  It would better be called by what it does and what it accomplishes, which is Planned Murder, Incorporated.  And this planned murder of defenseless fetuses is done with a taxpayer subsidy of almost a half billion dollars a year. 
To understand just how despicable and detestable are the practices of Planned Parenthood, one has to just view this video , which captures various Planned Parenthood facilities helping sex traffickers with instructions on how to get abortions for minor child sex slaves.  It's disgusting, but it illustrates the base nature and purpose of Planned Parenthood and their liberal supporters. 

It was  Margaret Sanger and her liberal white cohorts that embarked on their plan to eradicate, or at least reduce, those they felt were the dregs of society through planned genocide of unborn minorities and other groups that Sanger and her acolytes felt were subhuman or served no purpose other than to muddy the genetic gene pool.  

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hookers For Hillary

The Bunnies recognize that thriving economies are built from the Bottom Up

  Moonlite Bunny Ranch Babes Loves Them Some Clinton
"Nevada sex workers at Dennis Hof’s famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch have launched a “Hookers for Hillary” Clinton website that endorses the former secretary of state’s campaign for president.
The legal brothel in Carson City, which was the subject of HBO’s “Cathouse” series, has drafted a four-point platform explaining their endorsement. Earlier this month, Democratic Sen. Harry Reid received a ringing endorsement from a legal brothel in Pahrump, Nevada, called Sheri’s Ranch. In a letter, the ranch similarly commended Mr. Reid’s support for the Affordable Care Act and even offered to host the senator’s retirement party.
Read More 

Fesille Vendredi.....Se il vous plaƮt ne touchez pas la marchandise!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I like a lot of what Carly Fiorina has to say, but…

Public Secrets
I like the relentlessness of her attacks on Hillary Clinton, hitting Lady Macbeth again and again on her record and her hypocrisy. The former Hewlett-Packard executive is the only (almost-) candidate in the race (so far) who can do that without exposing herself to the “sexism card.” That’s takes away one of Hillary’s main ways to dodge any difficult question. Here she is, for example, on the Left’s (and Hillary’s) “selective outrage” over corporate CEO salaries:
"She also rapped the Democrat’s recent attack on CEO pay. “I find the selective outrage of the left kind of interesting. They don’t seem to be outraged by the salaries that movie stars make. They don’t seem to be outraged by the salaries that sports stars make. They don’t seem to be outraged by a lot of salaries except for CEOs,” she said."
True enough: they’re happy to fly to California or New York and schmooze the wealthy glitterati (including sports owners). Their salaries are apparently pure as the driven snow. But the head of an investment bank or industrial firm? EVIL!!
Funny, though, how she’s willing to take their money. Perhap’s she has the “Royal Touch” that heals cash payola of its evil the moment she lays hands on it.
Anyway, back to Carly Fiorina and my hesitation. I’d be more comfortable with her as a potential POTUS if she had first won a lesser race, including the Senate race she lost against the eminently beatable Barbara Boxer. If the “feisty Fiorina” I’m seeing now had shown up then, I think she might have taken it. Clinton is likewise eminently beatable, but if Fiorina were nominated and her 2010 version showed up…
That said, and while I don’t doubt the sincerity of what she’s saying, I think Carly Fiorina is running more for vice-president than president.
Still, for however long she’s in the race, it will be fun to see her kick Her Majesty in the shins again and again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Al Sharpton Threatens to Dry Up and Blow Away

by Emily Zanotti
In case you've forgotten that people besides Hillary Clinton exist in this world, we're still patiently waiting on Congress to either confirm or rebuff the Obama Administration's nominee to replace Eric Holder as head of the Department of Justice. Loretta Lynch, as expected, does not share the ideological viewpoint of many Republicans that the DOJ should concern itself with enforcing the nation's rules and protecting the nation's citizenry, and less with organizing media events that prolong Al Sharpton's cultural relevance.

Of course, not one to be left out of a situation that could rightly benefit him, and left without a job since families have started requesting that he not use their childrens' deaths as campaign platforms, Al Sharpton surfaced today to protest the Lynch nomination process, allege that lawmakers who are stalling her confirmation are abject racists, and announce that he will undertake a hunger strike, in the vein of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders, until Loretta Lynch's DOJ office nameplate is printed and hung.
Only, it's just kind of a hunger strike.
Okay, it's not a hunger strike at all. But he means it, America. 
"The advocacy group founded by the Rev. Al Sharpton, along with female civil-rights leaders, are staging the hunger strike, in which groups of fasters will alternate days abstaining from food until Lynch is confirmed to replace Eric Holder at the Justice Department. Dubbed “Confirm Loretta Lynch Fast,” the new tactic is designed in the mold of actions by civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Cesar Chavez, organizers said."
That's not, at least as far as I know, how hunger strikes actually work. 
I fail to see the profitability in having a hunger strike to begin with here. Although there are many leaders throughout history who have rallied the masses to their sides by refusing sustenance, including but not limited to Homer Simpson, I doubt many people are aware enough of the subject of Senate confirmations to find this interesting on any level. And while Republicans might take slightly greater notice of a hunger strike than they would of, say, the other prongs of the coalition strategy (like a social media campaign), I'm not sure Republicans will be moved by the sight of bussed-in protesters sipping soy lattes on their "day off."
(The Spectacle)

Lights, Camera, Action......

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tough Reviews For Hillary's Campaign Roll Out From Friends on the Left

The roll out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign is being blasted from all sides.  The New Yorker’s Amy Davidson wrote, “in some ways there was more substance in this week’s ‘Saturday Night Live’” skit than Clinton’s video, while The Washington Post’s Alexandra Petri said the video looked like “some sort of detergent commercial, intended to air during the Olympics.”  

Writing also in The Washington Post, columnist Ruth Marcus called Clinton’s video “relentlessly, insultingly vapid” and opined that it was like “a Verizon commercial without the substance.”

Politico’s Roger Simon points out that Clinton trying to reinvent herself is nothing new, “she has invented herself almost as many times as Edison tried to invent the light bulb.”

The Daily Beast’s beast herself, Eleanor Clift, said it looks like “Queen Hillary is coming onto the stage, that she deserves it, thinks she deserves it.”

Even Clinton’s supporters are complaining about the campaign roll out.  Clinton’s campaign “is frustrating some supporters with its lack of concrete plans.” “I can’t believe I missed ‘Game of Thrones’ for this”—referring to team Clinton’s strategy call Sunday night.

 Talking Points Memo notes that “missing from Hillary Clinton’s newly-minted presidential campaign website is a section discussing the policies she’ll seek to implement.”

As if that weren’t enough, one of the Iowa voters in Clinton’s video said he wants to see other Democrats in the race: