Sunday, June 21, 2015

Republican Triumphs and Democrat Lies

Since this is a day to honor our Dads, and I am generally being lazy, here is a classic post from the early archives of DMF from 2011 which at the time received many links, and is still hit by search engines at least a few times each week (and occasionally ripped off in it's entirety). It's full of sourced information not taught in schools, and certainly not reported truthfully in the media...

Read carefully the graphic below:

To compare the actual definitions of "Liberal" versus "Conservative" in the present day context and how they are used in the media and political discourse in 2011, you will find that they are grossly misused. 

Most of what Mr. O'Donnell, who calls himself an "Anti-Republican Crusader", mentions as Liberal accomplishments are indeed true. What he fails to state is that the parties, Republican and Democrat, are not the same parties of the past. He hides the fact the accomplishments above were mostly opposed by his party, the Democrats. His hate for anything Republican is blinding and he is mis-informing the people he speaks to on the News Network (I use that term lightly) MSNBC nightly.

Anyone can see that the Republican Party of Lincoln is not the party of Ronald Reagan, no more than the modern Democrat Party is the party of Jefferson Davis. Branding modern Republican conservatism as mean spirited and uncaring is pure hyperbole.

The Modern Conservative movement, raised to it pentacle by Ronald Reagan exist today to conserve the Republic and protect the individual freedoms. A Republican Conservative of 2011 is not the same as the conservative of the Democrat party of past. Mr. O'Donnell has twisted the truth and denies his party's shameful history. For most of this countries history, a different brand of conservatism manifested itself in a vehemently racist Democrat party, and remained there till the late 1960‘s.

 Let's look at some facts, shall we:

"History shows from the formation of the Democratic Party in 1792 to the Civil Rights movement of 1960's, Congressional records show the Democrat Party passed no specific laws to help Blacks. History also reveals that the Republican Party was formed in 1854 to abolish slavery and challenge other racist legislative acts initiated by the Democratic Party."
"During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African Americans voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congress to stop Klan Activities."
"Congressional records show it was Democrats that strongly opposed the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. These three Amendments were introduced by Republicans to abolish slavery, give citizenship to all African Americans born in the United States and, give Blacks the right to vote." 
"Congressional records also show that most Democrats were opposed to passing the following laws that were introduced by Republicans to achieve civil rights for African Americans:
Civil Rights Act 1866
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Freedman Bureau Extension Act of 1866
Enforcement Act of 1870
Force Act of 1871
Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Civil Rights Act of 1960
And during the 60's many Democrats fought hard to defeat the: 
1964 Civil Rights Act
1965 Voting Rights Acts
1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act
"Dr. Martin Luther King, several Civil Rights leaders and many historians reported that during the first two years of his administration, President John F. Kennedy ignored Dr. King's request for Civil Rights legislation. 
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which supposedly established the Democrats bona fides on race, was passed in spite of the Democrats rather than because of them. Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen pushed the bill through the Senate, despite the no-votes of 21 Democrats, including Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd. In contrast, only four Republicans opposed the bill, mostly like Barry Goldwater on libertarian principles, not segregationist ones."
"Congressional records show after signing the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act and issuing Executive Order 11478, Richard Nixon, a Republican, then started what we know as Affirmative Action. After exclusively giving the Democrats their votes for the past 50 years, the average African American cannot point to one piece of civil rights legislation sponsored solely by the Democratic Party. Congressional records show that all previous legislation (since 1964) had strong bi-partisan support, even though some Democrats debated and voted against these laws."

As for the Social Security act of 1935, there were only 39 total no votes, 16 of which were Democrats. 

The Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act was a result of founding The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970. It had wide spread support from both parties.

The Medicare act of 1965 the vote was 327 yes -128 no, of which 55 democrats voted against.

The Nineteenth Amendment, giving the vote to women passed with overwhelming support from Republicans 56 to 25 in the Senate and 304 to 89 in the House.

The Modern Democrat party is not a true classic Liberal Party as the Republican Party once was. It is a socialist Party, born of 1960 radicals, taken over in the 70's by the far left thinking and has become a detriment to the Republic. Nor is the modern Conservative Republican Party like the backwards looking Democrat Party of the 19th and 20th century. The likes of Bull Conner, Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr., Lester Maddox, Strom Thurman, Ernest Hollings, George Wallace, Hugo Black, etc. were all conservative Democrats. Mr. O'Donnell and members of the media painting the Republican Party with shameful ideas and actions of the their own party's past is ridiculous, and teaching an uninformed generation wrong history. The Modern Republican Conservative exist to preserve the American Experiment and values that make this country strong. Liberal thought and social justice of the 19th century has been seized and perverted by phony compassion bent on power and votes, and the Democrat socialist idea of big government dependency as a way of survival; but in reality is just perverting the American Dream. 

As long as there are leftest lies, there shall be Conservative truth seekers there to dispute them.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The 2015 Paul Revere Award

After numerous Pay Pal bribes and a rent-a-mob of hired campaigners marching with signs and stationed in front of the their headquarters, Curmudgeon of The Political Clown Parade has chosen to bestowed upon us The 2015 Paul Revere Award

It is truly an Honor to be  recognized for your efforts by other bloggers that you yourself admire. I truly Thank You my Dear Curmudgeon for the Honor. You can see the explanation of the awards,  and other 2015 recipients here

It's my firm belief that if Paul Revere was to return to us today, he might not thoroughly understand, but would approve of we bloggers use of graphics, humor and sometimes sarcasm as our way of calling out to the people that the enemy is in our midst.

Now maybe people will finally pay attention to me as I yell at them out my car window as I pass by......

Friday, June 19, 2015

Professional Race Agitator Deray McKesson Stuns the Media and His Followers


Professional Race Agitator, Social Justice Warrior and all around angry black guy, Deray McKesson, made an announcement to the media that sent shock waves through the black community and is expected to upset in particular the #blacklivesmatter twitter community. 

One of his latest tweets was a cryptic message that just said: "There is work to be done". We now know what he meant.....

A somewhat stunned Wolf Blitzer listened intently: 
" I took inspiration from the courage of Caitlyn Jenner to know I could really be who I thought all my life I always was, a woman........and from the strength of my home girl Rachel Dolezal who showed me I could be any color I wanted to be.  Now when I look in the mirror I don't see an angry opportunistic hate filled self aggrandizing obnoxious black man......instead I see the makings of a beautiful blond princess. I tell ya Wolfie, Ima feelin' kinda free here man!

Tragedy Narrowly Avoided as FLOTUS Arrives in Venice


Venice - Tragedy nearly struck the adoring throngs of admirers at  Venice Airport as First Lady Michelle Obama and her sizable entourage arrived for their visit. The crowd, some on the verge of shock, repulsed as the First lady emerged from her plane to greet the crowd and dignitaries.......

Hillary’s Charleston Panderfest

Let Freedom Ring
Hillary’s panderfest on the Charleston shootings was a portrait of the type of ‘leadership’ she’d bring to the White House. Here’s what she said that’s dangerous:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton challenged the nation Thursday to take new actions to curb gun violence in her first reactions to the shooting inside a historically black Charleston, S.C., church that left nine dead.
“How many people do we need to see cut down before we act?” she asked, during a summit of elected and appointed Latino politicians meeting in Las Vegas. She began by saying that her thoughts and prayers were with the victims and their families in the shooting, before turning to a broader discussion of police. “So as we mourn and as our hearts break a little more, and as we send this message of solidarity that we will not forsake those who have been victimized by gun violence, this time we have to find answers together".
That thinking is straight from the progressives’ surely-we-must-do-something chapter of their strategy handbook. It’s filled with emotion, which is understandable. Unfortunately, it’s equally devoid of constructive ideas, much less solutions.
This is essentially Hillary’s “I feel your pain” moment. That’s nice but saying that we have to curb gun violence, then not offering a solution is cruel.
Let’s unwind this a bit. The alleged murderer was a bigot who’d been in trouble with the law relatively frequently. That’s indisputable, verified fact. He’d gotten kicked out of a Charleston shopping mall and told never to return. Instead of never returning, he tried returning, only to get thrown out again. His punishment for these actions? His father bought him a handgun for his birthday. There are laws already on the books that prohibit criminals from owning guns. Would another law covering the same thing matter? I’m betting it wouldn’t. BTW, I’d prosecute the father for supplying the weapon to his obviously deranged son.
Remember that the alleged murderer was a bigot. He read skinhead literature, too. One of his friends said that he’d planned this “for 6 months.” There’s another human failure. If this friend knew this, why didn’t he contact authorities?
Finally, what gun control legislation would’ve prevented this heinous crime? We know that gun control laws that’ve been proposed in the last 5 years wouldn’t have stopped Sandy Hook or Aurora or the shooting of Gabby Giffords.
The first step to solving these violence issues is for Democrats to stop blaming the guns. The people who’ve done these killings are violent individuals. Until you change people’s hearts, no laws will matter.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Maybe Now He Will Leave Us Alone.....

"MSNBC also employs Al Sharpton. The fact that Williams has been relegated to Sharpton's level is analogous to a starting pitcher for the St Louis Cardinals getting sent down to the Thursday night slow-pitch softball league."

Wrong Again Barack......

It's getting harder and harder to remember an America when people
like this were few...and when you weren't President.

Say Goodbye Mr. Hamilton

"There is nothing wrong now with Hamilton, a Founder, Constitution signer, and founder of the Federalist Party, on the $10 bill. The choice to remove him for a yet-to-be-named woman while a genocidal, Democrat bigot who defied a Supreme Court ruling to tickle his “relocation” fetish remains on the $20 is insulting." - Dana Loesch

The White House Suggestion for the New 10 Spot

(Tweeties from Twitchy)

Poor Little Rich FLOTUS

Over the past few months, First Lady Michelle Obama has criss-crossed America to toast artists,  congratulate students, and complain about her terrible, terrible life.
Monte Done This 
Even though she resides in the top .001% of wealth, power and celebrity, Ms. Obama will never let us forget the pain of growing up in a middle-class, two-parent household and receiving one of the finest educations the world can offer.

Having thoroughly depressed the U.S. with her tales of personal woe, FLOTUS took her act abroad, getting feted by the rich and powerful in London. While touring Old Blighty, she visited the Mulberry School for Girls which is located in a low-income, primarily Muslim neighborhood called Tower Hamlets. She inspired the student body the only way she knew how — grievance.

Let’s face it — all of our stories are her stories. The classic narcissist needs to lug around a mirror so he can gaze at his reflection. The Obamas are a superior breed who can look at any group of people and see only themselves.

Though she was talking to actual underprivileged students, Ms. Obama spent about half her speech complaining about her thoroughly normal upbringing:
"We lived in a really small apartment. And my brother and I shared a bedroom that was divided in half by a wooden partition, giving us each our own little, tiny rooms that fit just a twin bed and a small desk…"
"Because our apartment was so small, there wasn’t much privacy. I can remember how hard it was to concentrate on my homework because someone was always talking or watching TV right next to you......."
"So we constantly felt the struggle to balance our family responsibilities and the schoolwork, the activities, and the goals that we had for ourselves...."
"But despite my efforts, there were still people in my life who told me that I was setting my sights too high; that a girl like me couldn’t get into an elite university. 
(Editor’s note: Princeton’s student body was 37 percent female when Ms. Obama matriculated.)
"And the fact that I was a girl and that I was black — well, that certainly didn’t help things, either. When I was growing up, there were very few black women at high levels in business, or politics, or science, on TV, so I didn’t have many professional role models to look up to."
Surely no one has suffered quite like Michelle Obama has suffered. But what she failed to mention is the rather different world she inhabits compared to the girls at the Mulberry School.

Before the speech, Poor Little Rich FLOTUS enjoyed tea with Prince Harry at Buckingham Palace and relaxed with the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street. After leaving Tower Hamlets, she (and her girls and their grandmother) jetted to Milan — at taxpayer expense, of course.

After meeting the Italian Prime Minister they viewed Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper. Then Michelle Obama went to the James Beard American Restaurant with acclaimed chefs Mario Batali and John Besh as her daughters shopped their way through Milan’s fashion district. Next, the First Entourage flies off to Venice for the Biennale contemporary art show.


We shouldn't begrudge the First Tribe taking summer vacations, even if they are more lavish than almost any other American family can afford. After all, we don't have the time. Most of us have to actually take care our own children personally, and have actual jobs and businesses to tend to instead of gallivanting across the country and the globe.  I just wish she would STFU and quit bitchin' to everybody about it about her life. (oooh, that wasn't very lady like of me, was it?)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Crazy Bernie About to Invade the South

The momentum behind the Bernie Sanders campaign for president is spreading in New Hampshire and is about to invade the south.  The interest in Sanders’ message in South Carolina is so high  that the campaign was forced to move his upcoming speech in Charleston to a larger venue to accommodate bigger crowds.

Recent polling in New Hampshire have convinced many that the support for Sen. Sanders is real and it is pushing Clinton's murky campaign message aside. 

There is a pent-up desire for an authentic grassroots movement among the left in America and ironically a desire to reclaim the country that has been under attack from there boy Barack Obama's and his friends that they elected twice. Are they just seeing what we saw all along, or just falling for another snake oil salesman?
The Sanders movement isn’t so much about rejecting Hillary Clinton as it is a response to income inequality and real unemployment (only made worse by failed Obama policies) and  Citizens United ( ya know, the decision that took away the unfair advantage of millions in contributions and influence by Labor Unions to his party) and the political influence of a handful of billionaires who fill the coffers of politicians and activist groups on their behalf (surely they don't speak speak blasphemy against of Mr. Soros, the Hollywood elite and the billionaire social media kingpins).  

No one doubts Mr. sander's beliefs. He's Crazy Hard Core Radical Socialism to the bone. He plays directly to the base, the "give me mine" base that the democrats have led by the nose for decades.

And the south is full of those type of voters.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Now I'm Not a Scientist, Nor do I Play One on TV......

Butt This Sounds Like Some Bad Science to Me

Aesthetic appeal aside, a big derrière might be beneficial to women by helping out their children. A 2010 study from the University of Oxford, popular once more, connects the big booty to healthy children, crediting the Omega 3 “good” fatty acids present in the mother’s body for the extra boost. 
And fat deposits like those in the hips, butt and thighs store heightened levels of Omega 3s, the same fatty acids that help babies’ brains develop properly.
Evidence shows the fats in a mother’s breast milk comes from the lower half of the body, which means that all those Omega 3s become a part of baby’s balanced breakfast. But this idea isn’t new: Research dating back to 2007 showed that gluteofemoral fat is key in producing smart offspring.
In fact, University of Pittsburgh study author William Lassek even hypothesized men could be attracted to women with large bottoms as an evolutionary way of ensuring successful children.
Lassek’s gone so far as to publish a book on the subject, titled “Why Women Need Fat.”
The bottom line? Stay active and healthy, because carrying “good” fat below the waist is most likely the result of genetics.
Now I know a little bit about the female derrière. I've got one, and it follows me everywhere. And as I said before, I ain't no brainy scientifical type gal, ya know. Butt one look at Momma Kardashian and her clan, or a quick trip through the local hood to gaze upon it's abundance of heightened levels of Omega 3 big booty population and the brain develop going on there tells me this here some bad Science. Uh Huh. 

Discuss among yourselves, Gentlemen.....

h/t Jeremy Hatfield / Facebook

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IOTWR is temporarily Down but not Out....

Email Response from Big Fur Hat:

6/16/2015 2:06 PM CDT, bigfurhat wrote:

No heads up, no warning.
I have to scramble something together and get it on a new server."

6/16/2015 2:21 PM CDT, bigfurhat wrote: 
 We should be back tomorrow, hopefully.
I'm already rebuilding on a new server.
It's just that we don't have access to the backups.
I'm sure this company can be sued.
If you can find them.
They are a ghost. Adios.
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