Friday, July 31, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015

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“When Alexander the Great visited the philosopher Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for him, Diogenes is said to have replied: ‘Yes, stand a little less between me and the sun.’  It is what every citizen is entitled to ask of his government.” ---  Henry Hazlitt (1894 - 1993)

March of Dimes Admits Giving to Planned Parenthood

The March of Dimes??

Ever feel like nothing is real anymore, like you were living in a dream and just woke up to find everything is not what you always believed was true. I believed apart from all the other charitable organizations, The March of Dimes was above them all, claiming to respect life, conquer childhood disease and birth defects and seek to end premature birth and infant mortality.

The March of Dimes' motto is: A Fighting Chance for Every Baby. And Their Mission - from their website:  We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies. 

Nothing makes sense anymore........
The uproar began after a list of 41 organizations that donate or have donated to Planned Parenthood through direct grants or matching employee gifts. Planned Parenthood featured the names of the groups on its website, but removed them after complaints from companies like Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox Corp.
March of Dimes was included on the list due to a 2012 tax form showing a $22,760 grant to the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, one of the affiliates of the national organization.
This enraged many March of Dimes supporters and they flooded the organization’s Facebook page with complaints. That prompted March of Dimes to post this message:
To set the record straight, the March of Dimes does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. Additionally, the March of Dimes does not promote or fund abortion services, nor may foundation funds be used for directive counseling regarding abortion. Violation of this policy would be grounds for immediate cancellation of a grant or cooperative agreement. Since 2007, five local March of Dimes chapters have given local grants to Planned Parenthood exclusively for prenatal education.   
March of Dimes’ admission was met with an even bigger flurry of reaction on social media and has given a black eye to one of the most respected charity organizations. The March of Dimes should do some serious soul searching if they truly are a group that ‘funds lifesaving research and programs and works to end premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality, as they have always claimed, and distant themselves from the evil dealers in death, and sellers of the parts of aborted babies.  

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

On this day many years ago in a land far far away...

.....a young Lydia Marie gave birth to what her own Mother was heard to say was the most beautiful baby girl she'd ever seen (second only to Lydia Marie herself of course).   
And I, being that baby girl, shall for this day delegate my duties of business to others, I shall sleep as late as I wish, eat anything my heart desires and as much as I want, and spend some well earned downtime lounging on the sofa killing brain cells watching daytime television. 
And after the evenings Fete du l'abondance et beaucoup de vin rouge festivities and celebration, I shall retire to the boudoir for the night only when I'm good and ready, and not before. 
And if it requires panties and a bra, I will assure you, it's not happening today!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bet Ya Didn't See This One Coming!

... unless you're like nine and have the IQ of a cicada.

The White House coordinated with the media, and specifically with Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz (aka Jon Stewart) of The Daily Show.

The Wahoo
Tell me, what is the chief asset of the left? What characterizes them best and what do they themselves value the most? It's organization. The left has always known their views are not widely shared by the middle-class, the masses, the bourgeoisie, the proletariat (whatever term one may apply). Therefore their focus has always been on organizing, to multiply their power by controlling KEY positions in business, arts and entertainment, news outlets, academia etc.
 Now you may call this a conspiracy theory, but the idea that the liberal media WOULD NOT coordinate with the White House and other political entities that share their world view is to me ludicrous. It would go against their very nature. I am POSITIVE there is highly organized coordination between all the aforementioned groups and probably your damn dog-groomer (if she or he is a tapped in leftist). Technology over the past couple of decades has made their message even more monolithic (and a helluva lot easier to disseminate).
 Adam Smith said that competitors rarely talk, but if they do it'll take them less than 10 minutes before they hatch a conspiracy against the markets. 
Likewise leftists have been conspiring against our Constitution and our freedom since the days of Emma Goldman and John Reed (and probably since Moses, but I can't prove that). So Politico's grand revelation is not so grand, in fact I'm quite sure they've known about all this for years because they're part of the conspiracy. 
Jon Stewart manipulates young idiots and Politico manipulates older idiots...and so it goes.

A Bill and Hillary Private Moment

Boy Scouts Greenlight Gay Scout Leaders

Giving a gay man charge of groups of impressionable young boys is like making a horny middle-aged cougar the equipment manager of a high school football team.

Monday the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America removed the restriction on openly gay adult scout leaders. The vote on the resolution was announced by former Defense Secretary and National President of the Boy Scouts, Robert Gates. The resolution is effective immediately. (PDF)
"Chartered organizations can continue to select their adult leaders and religious chartered organizations may continue to use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality. This change also respects the right of religious chartered organizations to choose adult volunteer leaders whose beliefs are consistent with their own...."
But as predicable as the sunrise, the Human Rights Campaign, who are not a human rights organization at all but just another pushy gay rights activist group dressed in suits, expressed their concern that churches (who sponsor a large amount of scout troops) are still open to discriminate (?) against openly gay men who like to spend time with boys. 

Well Boo F**kin' Hoo!

Look, you can have your gay scoutmasters and you can sponsor your own little fairy scout troops now. You can wear pink kerchiefs, dance limp wristed around the campfire in your underwear and give out merit badges for flower arranging and  knowledge of show tunes if you want.

But given homosexual tendencies, most thinking people know giving a gay man charge of groups of impressionable young boys is like making a horny middle-aged cougar the equipment manager for a high school football team! Things are gonna happen that shouldn't happen, and any sensible person knows so.  Scouting is about building minds and character in youth, not about pairing off in the bushes at scout camp.

It's never really about tolerance is it, it's always about mandating voluntary acceptance of an agenda.  But ladies, in this case it ain't happening.