Giving a gay man charge of groups of impressionable young boys is like making a horny middle-aged cougar the equipment manager of a high school football team.
Monday the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America removed the restriction on openly gay adult scout leaders. The vote on the resolution was announced by former Defense Secretary and National President of the Boy Scouts, Robert Gates. The resolution is effective immediately. (PDF)
"Chartered organizations can continue to select their adult leaders and religious chartered organizations may continue to use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality. This change also respects the right of religious chartered organizations to choose adult volunteer leaders whose beliefs are consistent with their own...."But as predicable as the sunrise, the Human Rights Campaign, who are not a human rights organization at all but just another pushy gay rights activist group dressed in suits, expressed their concern that churches (who sponsor a large amount of scout troops) are still open to discriminate (?) against openly gay men who like to spend time with boys.
Well Boo F**kin' Hoo!
Look, you can have your gay scoutmasters and you can sponsor your own little fairy scout troops now. You can wear pink kerchiefs, dance limp wristed around the campfire in your underwear and give out merit badges for flower arranging and knowledge of show tunes if you want.
But given homosexual tendencies, most thinking people know giving a gay man charge of groups of impressionable young boys is like making a horny middle-aged cougar the equipment manager for a high school football team! Things are gonna happen that shouldn't happen, and any sensible person knows so. Scouting is about building minds and character in youth, not about pairing off in the bushes at scout camp.
It's never really about tolerance is it, it's always about mandating voluntary acceptance of an agenda. But ladies, in this case it ain't happening.