Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Damn Idaho!

 * Seems wild gorillas have already killed the entire population of Maine 

Bulletin: U.S.State Department 01/13/2016

"US. Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned counterparts in Tehran, convinced the Iranians that the ships' movement was an accident and was not an intentional violation of Iran's territorial waters." - @NBCNews

UPDATE: James Taylor in route to Tehran with written apology, the newest porn releases and will serenade Iranian Military Commanders........ Developing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Obama To Once Again Thrill Us With His Teleprompter Skills and Last Annual Manure Spread Of His Presidency Tonight

We can once again expect more lying then a teenage boy with his pants around his ankles sitting in a squad car trying to explain to a Deputy why the Sheriff's daughter is in the back seat of his car naked from the waist up......

Monday, January 11, 2016

Watch Your Back Spicoli......

After inadvertently leading Police to the capture of the famous drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who's violent tentacles reach far and wide, Mr.Spicoli may have just revived his award winning role as a "Dead Man Walking".

......of course there is always the 'Amish Witness Protection  Program'. 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 10, 2016

We Don't Listen

Just as in the early part of the last century they were told what was to come. 
They didn't listen. 
 Once again we have been told exactly what is to come. 
And We Don't Listen.  

Houari Boumediene (1932-1978)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Son of JFK and Marilyn Monroe Arrested in Plot to Kidnap Obama's Dog

WASHINGTON - A North Dakota man was arrested in Northwest D.C. after he allegedly planned to kidnap one of the Obama family’s dogs, according to court documents.  Secret Service agents took Scott Stockert, 49, into custody Wednesday at the Hampton Inn located at 901 6th Street. He arrived in the District alone, driving a pick-up truck from North Dakota.

During Stockert’s interview with agents, he allegedly stated that his parents were John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. He also said that he came to D.C. to go to the Capitol to advocate for $99 per month healthcare and to announce that he was running for president.

In court Friday, Stockert admitted to sending a text message to his daughter saying that he planned to take Bo, one of the first family's dogs, because he heard “they weren’t taking care of him.” He also said he was kidding.

As he was being transported, Stockert allegedly claimed to be Jesus Christ. According to court documents, he also stated, "You picked the wrong person to mess with. I will (expletive) your world up."


Friday, January 8, 2016

Don't We All.......

Feral Islam

Tensions are high all over Europe because of Feral Muslims and acts of terrorism and rape, the latest ones being the mob attacks on German women in Cologne.

While acts of terrorism will come and go, and may even abate for long periods of time due to the efficiency of surveillance, acts of Muslim rape are much less likely to cease. They will continue to be a regular occurrence wherever Muslim migrants are housed, and can be expected to raise tensions between migrants and the native populace simmering over.  It's the result of the vast numbers of migrants who have arrived in Europe last year (conservatively estimated at between 750,000 and 1,500,000) and those who will arrive this year, the overwhelming majority are and will continue to be young males. One estimate is that 72% of them are adult men, with just 13% women, and 15% children. Many of the "children" are teenage boys, hormones in tennis shoes already feeling the first stirrings of sexual desire, while most of the adult men are in the more sexually virile age groups of twenties and thirties.

In other words, the great majority of these so called "Muslim Refugees" are males of an age at which they think almost ceaselessly about sex. It is a significant fact that these young men are moving from societies where women are routinely covered up and jealously guarded as property, into societies where they are allowed to wear whatever or as little as they like, and rarely feel endangered living in an advanced civilized culture.

The obvious outcome of all this is that those countries that are most accommodating to the refugees can expect to be on the receiving end of having their women regularly raped.
They have invited their own trouble and downfall.

The Facebook Experiment: A MUST READ

 Mark Zuckerberg

On December 12, 2015, the Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center opened 2 Facebook accounts. One was anti-Jew/Israel, the other was anti-Palestinian/Palestine.
They uploaded identical posts in terms of tone and pictures and verbiage. One being anti-Jew, the other being anti-Palestinian. They kept that up for days, ramping up the tone, but always in the same proportion on both pages.
On the same day they posted Death to all Jews on the Palestinian page and Death To All Palestinians on the Israeli page.
Then they reported each page to Facebook.
What do you think happened?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Sternly Worded Letter

Dear President Orack,
I got Big Bomb like you! Ha! Who tie yu shoe lace in morning? You wife ugly like monkey butt! Ha Ha!   

Kim Jong #Un! 

Dear Korean Fat Kid, 
I get paid vacations to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard any time I want, and all the chocolate cake I can eat! Ha!

President Orack  

P.S. We seem to agree on one thing, my wife. 

*Thank You MJA for the Linkage* 

Their Elites Are Cackling Mad Scientists: Frankensteins....

I vill create new Germans hahahahhahaa!  Germans out of Africans and Arabs, yes! They say unmöglich, it can never be done they say, but they. vill. see!
"For centuries the Germans were wont to leave their homeland, emigrating to places such as America, where the Statue of Liberty welcomed them among the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. For all the Germans remaining at home, however, nationality remained a matter of “blood” (jus sanguinis in Latin) rather than choice or place of birth. That identity was built into the language itself.
All that is history and will definitively be buried in 2016. Today Germany is second only to America in the number of immigrants it attracts. Most come from within the European Union (EU), but many come from farther afield. Among rich countries Germany also takes by far the most refugees—today’s “huddled masses”. About 1m were expected in 2015 alone, and the numbers in 2016 are sure to be big too.
The great Cathedrals shall become Mosques, the magnificent castles fall into ruin and the museums just empty shells......