Thursday, June 23, 2016

Obama Tags Champion of Porn in Public Libraries to Head Library of Congress

One the few lasting major accomplishment Barack Obama will be able to point to, besides running up a massive national debt, is his masterful job of appointing and getting confirmed major tenured government positions with unqualified, affirmative action candidates using what has come to be called "Identity Politics". All that really matters is race and gender. The latest target, the vaunted position of  Librarian  of Congress. 
PJ MediaThere is now a Republican-led effort for the Senate to confirm President Obama’s nomination of Carla Hayden to be the librarian of Congress. Her confirmation hearing proceeded without any serious review of her record, her views, or her qualifications.
The American people should be asking why any senator would be anxious to confirm a nominee who is not only unqualified, but whom The Nation magazine celebrated as a “radical librarian” who champions unrestricted access to pornography in public libraries.
Other members of Congress should be asking why there is such a hurry to put a non-scholarly political activist in charge of their research arm -- the Congressional Research Service, which is within the Library of Congress. The post of librarian of Congress has long been filled not by librarians, but by first-rank scholars and historians of national reputation.
The librarian of Congress is, in effect, the nation’s scholar-in-chief. Retired incumbent James H. Billington, who left the position in 2015, authored five books, dozens of scholarly articles, and was the former director of the Smithsonian’s Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He also taught history at Harvard and Princeton. His predecessor Daniel Boorstin was a prolific scholar of the American experience -- his book The Americans won the Pulitzer Prize.
And what are Carla Hayden's qualifications for such a prestigious post? She headed the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore since 1993. She has edited, not written, only one book: a bibliography of culturally diverse materials, and is neither a scholar nor a historian. 
The post of librarian of Congress is of vital importance to the nation's cultural and intellectual life. However, she seems to have been nominated, according to National Review, because of the Obama administration's “yoke of identity politics.” Obama didn’t emphasize her qualifications as a scholar or historian when he nominated her because of “her meager scholarly credentials,” according to the Weekly Standard. Instead, Obama emphasized her gender and race:
"Carla Hayden would be the first woman and the first African American to hold the position – both of which are long overdue."

This is just another step towards the Lefts Orwellian world of the  control of history and information. The Library itself is a prime target for the Left, which works to change our culture, impose politically correct restrictions, and erase any of our history they do not like.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required - Dancing Encouraged *

He Sat In Protest For His Civil Rights, But Now Sits in Protest of Your Constitutional Rights.

Mushmouth John Louis (D-GA) 

It's All Becoming Very Tiring

Flying home this morning I came to the realization my blog reading list has become considerably smaller.  Much of what I find is just the same thing over and over, same videos, same stories. To make things worse, stark political lines have been drawn since the primaries began. I believe most of the big boy anti-Trump blogs are now just playing it for all it's worth, riding the wave of monetarily lucrative traffic they helped create, and will come back to earth via a conveniently amazing epiphany announced to their stunned readers after the conventions. 

And I've see smaller blogs, once honest pom-pom waving Trump supporters become nothing but cultist, most with no thoughts of their own, just parroting their favorite pundit spinning anything not glowingly 100% positive, even despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  And now, I see some even crossing into Alex Jones False Flag Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy territory. It looks to me some have total loss sight of who the real enemy is. And it all is becoming very tiresome.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Gersh Takes a Spin in a Prius

via the Tweeter 

Obviously a Fake........

I mean, Come on. Really? Running on grass in High Heels?

Monday, June 20, 2016

Bernie Supporters Plan One Last Public FU for Hillary

The Bernie Sanders campaign and his supporters have been the comedy gold of the 2016 campaign. But of all the silly ideas and economic nonsense we've been exposed to, this just may be the best idea put forward so far...... 

World’s Largest ‘Fart-In’ Is Planned for Hillary Clinton’s
  Coronation Speech in Philadelphia

According to the lefty website TruthDig, Cheri Honkala and the leadership of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign  announced that her group was organizing the World’s Largest “Fart-In” to be held on July 28 at the Wells Fargo Center during Hillary Clinton’s much anticipated coronation  speech at the Democrat National Love-in. 
“We will be holding a massive bean supper for Bernie Sanders delegates on American Street in my Kensington neighborhood on the afternoon of July 28. We are setting up a Clintonville there, modeled on the Hoovervilles of the 1930s where the poor and unemployed built shanty towns. 
The Sanders delegates, their bellies full of beans, will be able to return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet the rhetorical flatulence of Hillary Clinton with the real thing.” 
Honkala said she would issue an invitation to Sanders to join the bean supper, which she is calling Beans for Hillary. She has asked donors to send cans of beans to 1301-W Porter Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 19148. Any remaining beans will be served to the homeless, although she said they will be urging Sanders delegates to eat as much as possible.  

Chris Hedges, an author, activist and Pulitzer-prize winning former New York Times foreign correspondent who is an ordained Presbyterian minister, will open the Beans for Hillary the meal with a nondenominational prayer.  
“The Democratic primary process, as Sanders supporters now realize, was rigged from the start,” said Hedges. “The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton machine used a variety of mechanisms to game the elections including the appointing of superdelgates, the banning of independent voters from numerous primaries, purging voters from voting lists and using millions in dark money and from Super PACs to fund the Clinton campaign. Caucuses, as we saw in Nevada, were shamelessly manipulated on behalf of Clinton. Sanders never had a chance.”  
The Revolution Continues!

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, June 17, 2016

Some Still Refuse to Face Stark Reality

An historian who's name slips my mind at the moment once said " History always repeats it's self.  Each time it does, the price goes up." And as Aristotle's Law of Identity plainly states, A is A, a thing is what it is.

In 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran declared islamic war against the West, primarily the United States and Israel. Since then muslims of all stripes have been acting out on that declaration of war. Unfortunately, America and the West have not consistently met the challenge and have emboldened the muslim Jihadists through years of inadequate challenges to the islamic onslaught.

Muslims have correctly recognized the irrational progressive western tendency of political correct appeasement at all costs, and are taking full advantage of it. It used to be that if one nation or group of nations declared war upon another and followed through on that threat, there would be a strong response from the threatened nation with an effort to defeat that enemy. Of course, there were exceptions to that rule. One was Great Britain during the earlier part of the second world war. The British Empire paid the price for taking it’s sweet time to engage the threat.

Similarly, today we regularly witness the atrocities being waged against civilization by barbaric muslim brutes, just as the islamists have been doing for 1,400 years. In the koran, muslims are instructed to either convert or kill non-muslims. This is what they teach their children. They are also persuaded to invade other nations and if possible use their legal systems and freedoms against them. 
It is both sad and immoral when elected government officials who either swear or affirm to uphold the United States Constitution and are expected to govern on behalf of U.S. interests but do not. Barack Obama is the premier example of refusing to do what is best for our nation’s best interests. Instead of exhibiting strength and resolve after a cowardly muslim terrorist wreaked havoc in a gun free zone by gunning down scores of unarmed victims, he chose to blame guns instead of muslim terrorists, who should be hunted down and destroyed.  What an insult to the American victims of dedicated muslim terrorists who are trying to bomb the world into a dark age of muslim domination.

Thus it is high time for civilized nations accommodate them by militarily escorting them to their eternal reward. Right on the heels of Islamic terrorism in Orlando, Florida, once again Paris was hit with another dose of Muslim Jihadist terrorists who simply went to Paris to kill and destroy.

On Monday Obama gave a very telling speech. It conveyed to all objective listeners his true feelings about the nation that twice elected him to the presidency. He was blatantly defiant in his decision to “not now and not ever,” place blame on radical islam participants for the tragedy in Orlando.  Instead, he chooses to threaten our freedoms.

America is a nation at war whether some recognize it or not. We must take the muslim challenge to our existence as one nation. If not, history will not be kind.