Monday, June 12, 2017

Amateur Diplomat Dennis Rodman to Visit North Korea And Spend Some Quality Time With Flathead

Amid heighten tension over threatening missile launches and the detention of 4 american citizens, the androgynous cross dressing freak of nature and Basketball legend Dennis Rodman is said to be on his way to North Korea to visit his long time pal, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.
Business Insider- North Korean officials confirmed that Rodman was expected to arrive in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital, on Tuesday. A senior US official also confirmed Rodman's trip and said he was not there in an official capacity.  Rodman declined to answer questions when he was spotted by CNN journalists at Beijing International Airport. Rodman has visited North Korea at least four times — his last trip being in 2014 where he and former NBA All-Stars played an exhibition game as a "birthday present" for Kim Jong Un.  Rodman has in the past defended his trips as "basketball diplomacy" and called them a "great idea for the world."  However, Rodman has been accused of ignoring North Korea's human rights atrocities, including the case of American citizen Kenneth Bae, who was held prisoner and sentenced to forced labor by the regime for allegedly planning to overthrow the North Korean government.

Keeping the ‘Russia Collusion’ Story Alive

"American democracy has been corrupted, and if not cured, the disease will be fatal. There is no other conclusion to be drawn when the public is deceived on the scale that was revealed (but ignored) by James Comey. The stunning truth is that the American political and media establishment allowed a phony story -- that they knew was phony -- to dominate our political discourse for months. When James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week, he revealed that he had informed many important Congressional leaders that there was no investigation of President Trump and the Russians underway, even as MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and the Washington Post daily carried stories alluding to an imaginary investigation." 

 "None of these informed leaders spoke out! They allowed a make-believe tale intended to harm the legitimacy and therefore political power of President Trump to dominate mindshare in the nation's collective political conversation." - Thomas Lifson 

It Must Really Be Depressing to be a Democrat Theses Days

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Draining the Swamp is Gonna Expose Some Real Ugly Creatures Stuck in the Mud

Former Attorney General Loretta and Her Homie James Comey

"While the mainstream media was expecting Comey’s testimony to set the basis for a possible impeachment against President Trump, his revelations opened a Pandora’s box for the former Attorney General instead. Arguably, the most interesting part of the testimony of James Comey, the cowardly lion of the criminal justice system, before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday is not that President Trump was cleared of even a scintilla of corruption and obstruction of justice but that President Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, is up to her eyeballs in both."

"Remember that Comey’s exoneration of Hillary came just days after Lynch met with Bill on the tarmac. Can you say “collusion” and “obstruction of justice”? The June 27, 2016 tarmac meeting on Lynch’s plane in Phoenix itself, in the light of Comey’s admission of Lynch’s pressure on him, is worthy of a special prosecutor all unto itself. Let’s hope this DOJ will focus on real crimes and real obstruction of justice. It may turn out that Loretta Lynch and James Comey interfered in the 2016 election more than Vladimir Putin could even have dreamed of." 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

💣 💣 💣 💣 💥

Friday, June 9, 2017

CNN Dumps Iranian Born Tolerance Teaching Anti-Christian Islamic Promoting Scholar Who Called Trump "A POS"

CNN has cut ties with far-left "Believer" host Reza Aslan following a nasty June 3 tweet using an expletive to attack President Trump following the London terror attacks. The firing only continues what’s been an embarrassing few weeks for the anti-Trump network, ranging from being forced to fire New Year’s Eve co-host Kathy Griffin for her fake severed Trump head to Aslan to their false reporting about Jim Comey’s Senate testimony.

Aslan came under fire after using profanity to describe President Donald Trump in the wake of remarks the President made about the terrorist attacks on London. In the tweet, Aslan called Trump “a piece of Shit” and expressed dismay at Trump’s use of the tragedy to promote his desire for a so-called “travel ban” on certain kinds of people hailing from specific countries in the Middle East.

The Human Brain Eating Aalan promised more to come, so CNN issued a statement announcing they were pulling the plug on Aslan's Series.

Who is this one called Reza Aslan? Go to CNN’s website. You’ll learn he host Believer, a “spiritual adventure series.” You’ll be told Aslan is a “renowned author and religious scholar.” 

What you won’t be told is that Aslan is a leftist Muslim activist who wrote an insulting book about Jesus Christ called “Zealot.” He recently gave a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania titled “Fear Incorporated: Confronting Islamophobia in America.” What you also don’t see is how vile this so-called “religious scholar” can be on social media. 

After Greg Gianforte won a House seat after assaulting a liberal reporter, Aslan mocked Vice President Mike Pence: 
"And Jesus said, 'if someone tries to ask you a question, beat the shit out of them."
He responded to a Happy Mother’s Day tweet by House Speaker Paul Ryan by screeching:
"Except of course Syrian moms fleeing war, famine, and genocide with their starving children. Fuck those moms."
Responding a tweet by author and Obama critic Dinesh D’Souza, he fired off this beaut:
"Hey Dinesh. I'll say this as politely as I can: Go fuck yourself, you adulterous piece of shit felon."
That was similar to a tweet imagining what Khizr Khan's wife would say to Trump if they spoke after he criticized her at the Democratic National Convention:
"She'd probably tell you to go fuck yourself." 
And his tolerance really comes out when it comes to conservative Republicans:
"Just to be clear I was indeed wishing someone would rape congressman Todd Akin. I'd hate to be misunderstood."
Even After uncorking these intolerant, vicious and profane tirades by the “renowned author and religious scholar”, it took a strike against Trump for CNN to finally can his Sorry Ass


Fishnet Friday