Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Interestingly Enough......

I just perused the major lefty websites. Other then a few interesting 4th of July recipes for corndogs to stuff down their throats in lieu of other things today, or suggestions of flying the flag upside down in protest of Trump, no mention...none at all, of Patriotism or reason for celebration of America. Just another day to not have to work. 

Happy Independence Day Y'all

May The Blessings Laid Upon this Nation at it's Founding 
Remain Forevermore!

This day also marks the anniversary of the fall of Vicksburg.  On July 4th, 1863, after a 47 day siege of the city, ravished by hunger and disease, the heavily fortified stronghold and the Mississippi River navigation it controlled were surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, changing to course of the war. July 4th celebrations were not again observed in Vicksburg until 1907.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Celebrate With Gusto!!

Lizzy Warren’s Senate Race Opponent Sends her a Birthday Gift. Princess Spreading Bull Was Not Amused

Massachusetts Senate candidate, businessman V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, who is running against Elizabeth "Fauxcohontas" Warren for her U.S. Senate seat posted hilarious screenshots of a birthday gift for Warren he purchased online. Lizzy turned 68 in June. Ayyadurai, who is of bonafide East Indian decent, is running on the slogan: “Only a real Indian can defeat the fake Indian.” Senator Lizzy was not amused and refused to take a DNA test mailed to her by Ayyadurai.

The Boston businessman and inventor V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai is the real deal. Ayyadura received a Ph.D. and his undergraduate degree from the M.I.T.  Thanks to her exploitation of her phony minority status, Senator Lizzy, who graduated from Rutgers Law School was hired as a professor at Harvard Law, where she was listed as a “woman of color” and taught one class for a $300,000 salary, benefited from affirmative action hiring programs that should have benefited ACTUAL Native-Americans.  Hypocritical Progressiveness at it's best. 

Earl Done This.

We Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 2, 2017

It's Gonna Be an Interesting Week Coming in the World of Journalism.......

Just about the only good thing one can say regarding the American Left, and that subspecies of it called "journalism," is that they never give up. They've long since abandoned any pretense to objectivity, and so day after day, they spin just about every single news event into yet another example of the horrors of the Trump administration. Given the unrelenting hostility toward president Trump from the Left, do they really think he's going to accommodate them and their trash? Elections have consequences, as somebody or other once said.


Springer Done This.