Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Social Justice Warriors Took a Damaging Broadside.

When every vote cast (real and fraudulent) has been counted, Joe Biden will probably have enough states to claim victory. But this is not a moment for Democrats to celebrate as it could have been.  Arrogant Democrats failed to win a Senate majority and appears to have lost ground in the House.  Some want San Fran Nan's head on a spike, and an internal party civil war may be ahead.  That means that Biden is on track to be a weak, ineffectual president governing at the mercy of Mitch McConnell's Machiavellian machinations.

So much for the Democratic fantasy, the one that seemingly never dies, of unobstructed rule.  Democrats didn't just want to win and govern in the name of a deeply divided nation's fractured sense of the common good.  No, they want to lead a moral revolution, to transform the country.  Not only enacting a long list of new policies, but making a series of institutional changes that would entrench their power far into the future.  Pack the Supreme Court.  Add left-leaning states.  Break up others to give the left huge margins in the Senate.  Get rid of the Electoral College.  Abolish the police.  Rewrite the nation's history, with white supremacy and racism placed at the very center. Ensure 'equity' not just in opportunity but in outcomes.  Hell, maybe they'd even establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Despite the screaming and yelling in the streets by the toxic soft skulls, nothing from the poisonous progressive-fantasy wish list will come anywhere close to passing congress. 

Instead, we will have grinding, obstructive gridlock. Social Justice warriors like the squad will demand that Biden push through progressive priorities by executive order.  But if he does,  the country will move closer to witnessing a conservative backlash that results in Republicans taking control of the House and increasing their margin in the Senate in November 2022, rendering the Biden administration even more fully dead in the water.

Democrats live in a country with a large, passionate opposition. Arrogant talk of demographic inevitabilities and transformative changes to lock Republicans out of power in the name of "democracy" has the effect of inspiring that opposition to unite against them, rendering political success less assured and more tenuous.

And In Other News.......

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tucker Carlson Completely Eviscerates the Media's Analysts and Bad Predictions

This clip speaks for itself.  Carlson took to the air during election coverage to point out in his typical most excellent fashion how terrible our intellectual betters in the media are at their jobs. They’ve been suggesting to viewers and their tweeter followers a coming bluewave and a presidential blow-out for months now.  That’s clearly not going to happen now.  Republicans are now a heavy favorite to keep the Senate at this point.  So, with such a miserable record of late, what future is there for poll analysts and CNN’s genius election commentators now?  Perhaps teaching creative writing or learning to code might be a better match for their skill set?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Invention of "the mathematical president-elect"

"If news organizations declare Joe Biden the mathematical president-elect, he plans to address the nation as its new leader" the leftist News Organ Axios reports in "Scoop: Biden's plan to assert control."
"Biden advisers learned the lesson of 2000, when Al Gore hung back while George W. Bush declared victory in that contested election, putting the Democrat on the defensive while Bush acted like the winner. So if Biden is declared the winner, he'll begin forming his government and looking presidential — and won't yield to doubts Trump might try to sow."
It's very interested in the tone of this report because just yesterday Axios reported on DJT's supposed devious, anti-democratic totalitarian plan to do the same thing. 

Here's the Axios piece: " Scoop: Trump's plan to declare premature victory "Axios treated Trump as though he'd be doing something wrong to declare victory early. This strategic move was portrayed as premised on "false" and "baseless" claims. But when Biden has the same strategic plan, it's presented as wise and a defense against "doubts Trump might try to sow."

Now, I assume Axios would defend itself by saying the 2 plans are different. Trump's purported plan is to say the election night count should predominate and we should be suspicious of whatever gets counted later. It's expected that more Trump supporters will vote in person on Election Day and more Biden supporters mailed in their votes. Biden's plan is based on something that "news organizations declare" — that Biden is "the mathematical president-elect."

I think we can expect news organizations to declare things that help Biden, and what exactly is this math?! Is it something like the number of uncounted ballots and an assumption about the proportion of these ballots that should go for Biden?

Monday, November 2, 2020 Yglesias Suggest Directing Violent Acts by Biden/Harris Supporters Toward Trump Properties.

Excerpts from Sister Toldjah@RedState

I’ve said before, Democrats, the media, and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook always hold themselves to different standards than they do folks on the right. They hold Republicans to two standards, and themselves to none. Wash, rinse, repeat.

We’ve been listening to our intellectual betters in the mainstream media for weeks now tell us that if any post-election violence goes down, that Trump supporters will be the ones stoking it and participating in it because they simply will not be able to control themselves if President Trump loses to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

CNN senior media correspondent Tater Stelter and his sidekick Olie Darcy have both been two of many who have pushed this bunk, ignoring the fact that business owners in Democrat-run cities across America have boarding up their buildings over the last several days because they’ve been witness to the Antifa/BLM-led riots that have plagued their cities since the death of George Floyd back on May 25th. Needless to say, they don’t want their businesses to be among the victims of the far left’s wrath.

In contrast to StelterCo., co-founder and senior correspondent Matt Yglesias doesn’t appear to be interested in participating in such a high degree of media gaslighting. While that’s something to be thankful for on election eve, what is alarming about journalist Yglesias’ hot take on what might happen in the aftermath of the election was his encouragement of violence against Trump-owned properties in the event he “steals” the election. He urged rioters to hit Trump’s hotel in DC – where men, women, and children would be sleeping and hotel staff working – if they felt like “smashing windows”: 
While it’s true Yglesias eventually did delete his tweet, it was several hours later, and only after conservatives called him out for it – not any of his colleagues in the media, nor the hall monitors at Twitter.

Strangely enough, the same media firefighters – including Stelter and all the rest – could simply not be bothered to condemn a fellow journalist for encouraging the very type of violence they say will be coming from supporters of President Trump. 

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Your Sunday Open Thread

You Beloved Blog Editrix turns things over to the readers. Post your links. Say your piece.