Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Statue of Reconciliation at Arlington to Be Destroyed

Anyone who has involved themselves in university level history studies knows almost all empires, monarchies, republics and democracies all experienced uprisings or civil wars of some kind. Their histories are taught not to disparage the losers, but as a lesson, who-where-why and the results. Taught as understandings.

But the American Civil war, a bloody turning point that helped set her on course to a world power, is now taught through a radical lens as a disgrace, a dead horse to be beat at every opportunity to advance agendas. 

Excerpts from the Washington Times:
After the Civil War, Presidents Abraham Lincoln and  Ulysses S. Grant worked hard to reconcile the North and the South. Lincoln pardoned and restored property to all who engaged in the war, with the exception of the highest Confederate officials and military leaders. Grant supported pardons for former Confederate leaders — seeking to maintain peace and economic growth — while also protecting the civil rights of freed slaves. 
In 1898, President William McKinley held a “Peace Jubilee,” where he stated: “In the spirit of fraternity, we should share with you in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers. … Sectional feelings no longer holds back the love we feel for each other. The old flag waves over us in peace with new glories.” 
In 1900, Congress allowed Confederate remains to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, designating Special Section 16 to them — and that’s where the monument stands. 
Three years later, in 1903, the first Confederate Memorial Day ceremonies were held in Section 16. President Theodore Roosevelt sent a floral arrangement to commemorate it, a tradition that almost every U.S. president has repeated — even Barack Obama. (Mr. Obama modified the tradition by sending a wreath to Section 16 and another one to D.C.’s African American Civil War Memorial.) 
Now, the radicals in our society are going to tear down the creation designed by Moses Jacob Ezekiel, a Confederate veteran and the first Jewish graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, who is buried beneath the statue. Its empty base and foundation will remain as to avoid disturbing the surrounding graves. 
With the monument’s destruction, the reconciliation message that Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Taft and Roosevelt advocated will be lost. 
The statue’s demise will not unite but only further divide.
As Biden's affirmative action secretary of defense Loyd something has explained, Arlington National Cemetery can inspire all those who call them home, fully reflect the history and the values of the United States.

In today’s race-based hysteria, it is a wonder that Section 16 has survived at all.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


He drew on his own personal sense of compassion along with a unique ability to show the flaws in the human condition by turned the mirror toward us with his sometime scary or unrealized visions of ourselves.  And was damn good at it. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Spawn of Vader Booed at Alma Mater Commencement

Liz Cheney - Former U.S.Representative (Rino-Wy) Disgraced

In another step toward degrading of our traditions, the hateful forces of division are now invading the time honored ceremony of the higher education commencement exercises. I'm not saying college commencements are sacred and haven't been controversial before. But it's a time of celebration, encouragement and the opening of the doorway to a future life.

But even this happy celebration can be ruined by the ugliest of us. From Joe Biden's disgusting "White Supremacy" rant at the Howard University commencement earlier this month, to Jan 6th Kubiki Theater Co-chair Liz Cheney's blasting of Republicans and DJT at her own alma mater. As a result, the Daughter of  Vader was booed and many turned their backs on her. 

From the Daily Mail:
"Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday. Cheney repeated her fierce criticisms of former President Trump but steered clear of talking about his 2024 reelection campaign or her own political future. The Wyoming Republican blasted her House Republican colleagues for not doing enough to combat Trump's lies. 
Throughout Cheney's remarks, more and more opposing the choice of Cheney as speaker booed and turned their chairs away from the stage while she spoke. One graduate's message to Cheney was splashed on her cap. It read: 'Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, warmonger?? 'Your hate is loud."
"Cheney implored the new college graduates to not compromise when it comes to the truth and blasted one of the attorneys who worked for Trump after the election for allegedly telling a gathering of Republicans that 'it is crucially important to make sure that college students don't vote. 
Cheney, who graduated from Colorado College in 1988, recalled being a political science student walking into a campus building where a Bible verse was inscribed above the entrance that read, 'Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.' After being booted from office and being replaced by a Trump-backed Republican who defeated her in last year's primary, Cheney was appointed to a professorship at the University of Virginia."

I'm sure Thomas Jefferson, father of the Unv. of Virginia rolled over in his grave at that news. And as far as I'm concerned, I hope the witch never get's anywhere near the seat of government again!


A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 28, 2023

We Can Never Appreciate Enough What They Gave.

I ran across this picture a while back, and it hit home for me. It reminded me of someone I miss, one of the loveliest men I have ever known. He was my Grandfather's twin, my Great Uncle Rupert. I got to see Rupert almost every Christmas as a child, and he lived long enough for me to grow up enough to love and appreciate him as a young lady.

Rupert join the Scottish Air Patrol at the beginning of WWII and flew English channel & North Sea patrols. After the allied invasion of France his squadron was transferred to the Royal Air Force command and was assigned as gunner to a British Stirling Bomber Group.


Rupert flew 30 something missions over Nazi occupied territories, and 17 raids over Germany. When the war was over, now deaf in one ear, he went back to his trade of precision clock making. When Rupert died in 1997, of the 91 surviving members of his RAF Squadron after the war, Rupert was one of only 6 left.    
As someone who grew up surrounded by the blood soak battlefields of two world wars that to this day show their scars, I'm fully aware of what terrible things we are capable of, and can do to each other. 

Rupert spoke of the war in detail to me only once when I told him we were exploring the period in our studies. At times the pain of those years weighed heavy on his face. And one time turning away so as not for me to see. But what I saw in this gentle soft spoken man was someone who did what was necessary, and willing to die that I might breathe free. 

I just wonder now what Rupert would think of the juxtaposition of the world to which he climbed out of his bomber for the final time at the end of the war, and this world as it has become today. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

One Ton Karen Triggered - Unhinged Rant Down Range

It's always obvious who the left feels are threats and fear the most, the ones they pounce on like a pack of rabid weasels and don't let up. We've seen it many times before. They twist statements into lies in an all out attempt at destruction of character and reputation. Lately they have been laying in wait, preoccupied with the legal struggles of DJT.  But yesterday, the newest target raised up into the main line of fire. So it should be no surprise to you the first to take big time shots would be one of the Dems protected media class, the untouchable black female. In this case, that would be the anti-Semitic, mavin of on-air farting and leader of the pack, the effervescent Karen Johnson.
PJM - "Whoopi Goldberg went on an unhinged rant ahead of Ron DeSantis’ campaign announcement on Twitter spaces: 
“I don’t understand. I didn’t know what he was saying…. This idea of announcement [sic] on Twitter… do that on television, okay?” Goldberg yelled into the camera, to which the menopausal audience enthusiastically clapped. “I wanna see you do it on television.” “I want to see you take real Americans’ questions,” Goldberg added, apparently so bent out of shape she confused a campaign announcement with a town hall Q&A . 
She then moved on to some kind of weird Charles Manson-esque fantasy about race war, asking rhetorically why DeSantis hates people of color and then abruptly pivoting to a reference to some obscure gay riot from 1975: 
“I don’t want to dislike you. I can’t help it, because you don’t give me any reason, because I don’t understand why do you dislike people of color? What’s wrong with American history? What’s wrong with gay folks? You know, Anita Bryant did this stuff in 1975, and gay folks rose up and fought for what they needed. That’s what’s coming, man! It’s coming, it’s coming. That’s not a threat.” 
Frankly, it’s amazing she can dress herself in the morning. The whole rant had a bizarre dementia-like flavor to it reminiscent of a nursing home resident who thinks the minority staff is stealing her non-existent valuables from her room. These people don’t understand what the internet is or how it works or why it’s going to totally supplant the dinosaur legacy media like The View‘s benefactor, ABC. All that they know is the world is changing in ways they can’t understand, like why a presidential candidate would choose to go to Twitter to announce his campaign rather than one of the dying media outlets they work for. 
But her recent tirade wasn’t the first unintelligible anti-DeSantis rant she’s done on air.  Back in March, she gave a preview of what was to come, lamented that the candidate was not prepared to lead America because something… something… diversity: 
“There are things that are going to come up that you can’t hide, that you can’t fix,” she said. “So dude, you’re not ready for America. You’re not ready for this country yet. ‘Cause you haven’t learned that we are a diverse nation... 
So, you can run if you want to, but I ain’t voting for you.”
I'm sure if you are leaning toward supporting a DeSantis run for the Big House, you would consider Karen's terms acceptable?


~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~