Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Pointed Hat Guy Takes Shot at Fake News Media

Pope Fran is Obviously Not a Fan of Fake News Purveyors Like CNN Either

According to NPR News
Pope Francis weighed in on the issue of freedom of the press and fake news as he delivered a sermon to a group of journalists Saturday about “the sins of communication."

The Pope made his comments to members of the Italian Periodical Press Union and the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies. Franics said  journalism is a field “dominated by the anxiety of speed” and is driven by sensationalism. Reliable information, he said, is at a premium. "There is an urgent need for news communicated with serenity, precision and completeness."  The Pope also spoke about the perils of disinformation and slander. 
“You shouldn’t fall into the ‘sins of communication:’ disinformation, or giving just one side, calumny that is sensationalized, or defamation, looking for things that are old news and have been dealt with and bringing them to light today.  They are very grave sins, which damage the heart of the journalist and harm people.”
This is not the first time the Fran has waded into media issues and the world can expect to hear similar sermons from the pope in the future. Francis made “fake news and journalism for peace,” the topic of his 2017 World Communications Day speech. NPR reported last year that the pope told “journalists and media consumers” that an interest in dredging up scandals is similar to “the sickness of coprophilia."  You'll have to look that up yourself if you really want to know......

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Gevera Revolvo Calls BS on San Juan Mayor’s False Blame: ‘I’m here. Who is dying?’

The mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico may have bitten off a little more than she can chew by politicizing the Trump administration’s Hurricane Maria relief efforts. When not busy cranking out nifty custom T-shirts and hats by candlelight, Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz has made a name for herself complaining about the people who have come to her island to help with recovery efforts.

The mayor is all the rage in political circles because of her driving criticism of President Donald Trump, and does she ever play up to the billing, appearing on CNN with a T-shirt emblazoned with the words “help us, we are dying.” The anti-Trump media only needs ONE person to trash the president and they flock to the political stooge like moths to a light.  And as expected, CNN was only too happy to help disseminate the anti-Trump political narrative Cruz is pushing

But Angel Perez, the mayor of nearby Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, said the Trump administration has been fantastic in providing hurricane-relief aid, and suggested San Juan Mayor might better serve her city if she actually did her job by attending FEMA.

Fox News Correspondent & Reporter and Attorney Geraldo Rivera, who’s Puerto Rican, is on the ground in San Juan. Rivera saw things differently too. “On the ground I see the suffering-but feel deeply that attacking @realDonaldTrump for the ravages of nature &neglect is politicizing tragedy,” he tweeted.

Rivera caught up with Mayor Cruz, without her custom-made T-shirt and said she was “being partisan in her sharp unfair attacks,” although he did not agree with President Trump’s most recent assessment of her criticism he point blank told the mayor:“I’ve been traveling around, I don’t see people dying.  I spoke to the doctors, they say they saw 53 patients and they had a person who was septic, but nobody dying.” 

San Juan ‘s mayor has been all over CNN and MSNBC bashing Trump but doesn’t bother to attend critical meetings to help residents get the aid they desperately need. But what the hey, for the dems and the media, its too good of a fake news story to pass up...........

(Miami Herald)
(The Tweeter)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

No Sir! No Aidin' and Abettin' Up in Here!

The wagon-circling campaign to protect Obama administration and intelligence community officials who surveilled Donald Trump and his transition team during his presidential campaign and post-victory transition is moving into hyperdrive. On Monday, CNN's Don Lemon proclaimed that "there is no evidence whatsoever" supporting Donald Trump's claim about having been "spied on illegally" (note the inclusion of the word "illegally," which is crucial), and declared that he would not "aid and abet the people who are trying to misinform you."

Lemon's stridency as he delivered his rant on CNN appeared to betray "he protests too much" behavior, while subsequent events have further undermined his there's-nothing-there position. Try as they might, it seems that Lemon and his establishment press cohorts will have a hard time turning these and likely additional future bitter developments relating to Team Obama's election campaign and Trump transition conduct into lemonade.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

CNN to Issue Warnings for Sensitive Viewers

MFNS - NEW YORK – The Board of CNN Inc. and it's worldwide news division have announced starting Monday a new policy of issuing trigger warnings before showing the face of President Donald Trump to viewing audiences. CNN has estimated that millions of viewers have turned off CNN because of their growing fear that Trump may appear on their screens and further traumatize them with his blunt language, harsh political realities & brutish no nonsense diplomatic tact. 

CNN's Wolf Blitzer made the announcement Saturday:
“We know the mere mention of President’s Trump name or the sight of his face is enough to trigger serious emotional distress or even seizures in a large part of our viewing audience so we believe that this is an appropriate policy for our time. Families with children will really appreciate this warning, as the mere sight of Trump reportedly makes many babies, small infants, and millennials cry uncontrollably. 
Just as we issue warnings before showing bloody, mangled corpses after mass murders or terrorist attacks, so we will issue warnings before showing the face of Donald J. Trump or mentioning his name. We would prefer to avoid the mention of Mr. Trump’s name altogether if possible,  But Trump is President of the United States now, so it’s difficult to completely avoid the subject of Trump no matter how badly we want to not mention the name of Trump ever again. Trump. 
It seems that Trump is a President that many people really love to hate. While many people really love to hate him, they prefer to hate him from their own designated ‘safe space,’ wherever that may be. Many people prefer to sit on their own toilet with their iPhone and hate Trump and curse his name." 
CNN also promised at least 15 minutes of “Trump-free” programming every hour, from 15 minutes to 30 minutes after each hour. Blitzer concluded his annoncement: 

“We would like people to know that for those 15 minutes, that CNN itself is a safe space from the menace of Donald Trump’s face and the menace of Trump’s unholy name. Even during the rest of the hour we may have some Trump-free programming.”
Even some journalists also want safe spaces and so that they are not triggered by having to cover Trump from the White House press pool. One anonymous Wall Street Journal reporter and frequent White House press pool correspondent confessed to being “horrified at the mere sight of Trump. He triggers me into two minutes of total hate for him at least every day. I am trying to get out of covering Trump. I want to cover less offensive leaders, such as Kim Jong-Un. Or that President Erdogan of Turkey. He seems nice.”

World leaders also praised CNN’s decision. Angela Merkel of Germany praised CNN for “showing sensitivity to world audiences for whom the fact that Trump is so-called leader of the free world is a fact too terrifying to contemplate.”

Thank You Pookie's Toons @ Right Reasons & GoodStuff for the Linkage!

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Media Transition to Trump

"Life is not fair to losers, or the critics of Donald Trump, and the way he won the presidency. He just won't stand still and give the rotten eggs a chance to hit their mark.
The Donald is conducting his transition to the White House in his own way, taking his time, choosing his Cabinet carefully, and rationing misery to his detractors. His critics, particularly in the know-it-all media, are having trouble with a transition of their own. 
Almost a month has passed since the election, and the critics, who are supposed to be working their way through the five stages of grief -- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance -- are stuck in denial. They should be angry by now, and learning how to bargain with their emotions."— Wesley Pruden 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Video CNN Is Set To Play In Event of The End Of The World

Although the world will surly end at some point,  lucky for us CNN has plans and an end of the world video which the last living CNN employee will be required to play.

A former intern found the never-before-seen video which has been dubbed the “Turner Doomsday Video,” after the network's creator, Ted Turner. After creating Cable News Network (CNN) 34 years ago, Turner assured the world that the only way they'd go off air was on account of  the end of the world.

According to Turner:
"We’ll be on, and we will cover the end of the world, live, and that will be our last event. We’ll play the National Anthem only one time, on the first of June [the day CNN launched], and when the end of the world comes, we’ll play ‘Nearer My God To Thee’ before we sign off."    
The video is stored on CNN’s MIRA archive system. According to the website Unilad, “The video itself is proper 80s,” and “It’s in standard definition, with an aspect ratio of 4:3, perfect for the cathode-ray tube televisions of the 1980s.”

It goes to show the level of production quality CNN is ready to offer its viewers, but that’s the kind of broadcasts to which they've become accustomed.  CNN may very well be the human centipede of journalism at this point, its bloated corpse stumbling through the supposed middle ground of the wasteland that is American cable news.

Personally, I'd rather see CNN go out with the slightly whacked CNN Anchor Dudette Carol Costello running around the news set screaming and ripping her hair out while pseudo-journalist Don Lemon looks solemnly into the camera as he pees in his pants.....