Friday, April 8, 2011

Great Moments in History #32

 Note: Sadly, the nation's supply of nylon and plastic was
 needed for the war effort in 1942.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

But Fool You Twice.........Shame on You.

Fact #1 - I History tells us it is extremely difficult to defeat a sitting president for a second term.  Extraordinary circumstances, such as strong third party candidates must be in play.

Fact #2 - History tells us at no time in this country’s history has a sitting President seemed so inept, out of focus, uneducated to the ways of governing , spent so fast the political capital and good will which comes with a new administration  and reversed so many campaign statements and promises used to dupe Americans to vote for him.  (I chose not to use “Lie” in favor of “Ignorance”).

Now that Obama has officially thrown his hat into the race (sorry -- can't say 'race' in re: Obama) I mean, into the competition, rumors swirl about a challenger.
"I would rather be a good one-term President then a bad two-term one....." Barack Obama 
For Obama to bow out and not run for re-election would be an admission of failure. And if there's one thing we know about this president, it's his failures   But in Obama’s world, everyone else fails, but never him. When Obama fails it's not because he advocated a bad idea, or chose the wrong policy or priority, it's because he didn't communicate his vision to the village idiots well enough; we're just too stupid to understand his unparalleled brilliance.

That's why the man spent the first 15 months of his Presidency pushing a Health Care law that couldn't even be explained, which is an assault upon American Liberties and Pocketbooks. He still hasn't figured out how to explain why, if this ObamaCare thing is such a wonderful policy, 1,000 waivers (granted on the grounds of political necessity, i.e. guarantee votes) have been issued.

That's why we were treated to three years of  George Bush did this,that and the other, except that Bush was (mostly) right, and when Obama adapted wholesale all the Bush policies on War and Terrorism, there was no admission of having been wrong to criticize them in the first place. There is PLENTY to criticize GWB about, but the War on Terror was not one of them, at least in theory.

I don't know exactly he's going to run on. I mean, you'd be hard-pressed to find an actual achievement to brag about.

But there were all those great photo-ops….. Obama emerging from the surf……..Obama playing golf….. Obama receiving a Nobel Peace Prize for Being Black……… Obama visiting the few unsoiled parts of the Gulf Coast before continuing his interminable summer vacation and filing a lawsuit against BP. I guess those sorts of images will sway some voters, those who still believe that Obama would pay their bills and fill their gas tanks.  But where the rubber meets the road, the Great Candidate Slayer question "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" will be asked, and Obama will have no answer for it, and his machinations in appearing to be answering it will be an all too obvious dog and pony show.  

Is I stated in earlier post Warming Up the Clinton Smear Machine and Yep...I Still Think Pantsuit is Gonna Run, I believed Hillary Clinton might challenge Obama in the primaries. But Obama has made a bad situation at home and abroad even worst with his incompetence dealing with foreign governments and lack of attention to wishes of the American people, and Clinton may see nothing but a giant hole in which to fall. 

I am beginning to have some doubts about my prior predictions.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Publius Minimus to Diogenes....."Stop judging. We're all just sixty million dollars, thirty porn stars, and one ton of cocaine away from being Charlie Sheen."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

PBS to Try Capitalist Experiment.

New York - The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) will announce on Monday that it will launch a new, for-profit cable television network in 2012. A Public Broadcasting spokesperson said that the new venture, the  TNA Network, will be devoted to women's beach volleyball, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. "If this venture goes as planned, we will never, never, NEVER have to hold another lame-ass fund-raiser for public television in this nation again!"

I think they may be on to something here! 

I've Got Me Some Experience Now!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Publius Minimus to Diogenes......"Its one thing to shoot your mouth off during a presidential campaign; sound much smarter then you really are and say whatever will get yourself elected. It’s an entirely different thing to be elected President, and with all the information and intelligent at your disposal, to govern domestically and as the leader of the free world as if you’re still that ill-informed candidate. Well, at least it was until two years ago."    

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Great Moments in History #21

Ms. Swanson went on to be an unprecedented 10 time winner.  
She also pursued a movie career in her in her spare time.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Educational Crash Course #14

Another Installment of Diogenes'
 Public Service Educational Series:

Next in the series: Genetics for beginners
with Rev. Louis Farrakhan  

 ......Class Dismissed!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Publius Minimus to Diogenes......"Does anyone actually know who these Libyan rebels are, and what they want other than no more Muammar el-Qaddafi?  Have we just given aid to radical muslims, who may form another Iranian-style theocracy or Taliban, and are handing them the doorstep to Europe? I doubt very seriously they want constitutional democracy, pluralistic society and WiFi access, and I don’t think they're fighting to make Libya safe for Starbuck's and Arby's."

Great Moments in History #14

On this day in 1964...

To counter the onslaught of the sixties British Music Invasion, legendary rock band 'Newman, Davis, Mitchum, Martin & Garner' was formed as music's first "Super Group". Gigs were raucous and far between, and the band finally disbanded to spend time on solo careers and film projects. Their ground breaking formula has been followed successfully many time since. Band members privately blamed the groups demise on the  refusal of Frank Sinatra to join the project after insisting on he be lead singer, and which kind of hats would be worn. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Joseph R. Biden Railroad Station Christened

With only a minor delay, like the Amtrak C.E.O having to be brought to the event in a car  after his train was delayed, the historic refurbished Wilmington Train Station was put into service officially as "The Joseph R. Biden Jr. Railroad Station" today.

The refurbished Station received $20 million in federal stimulus funds and managed to come in somewhere in the neighborhood of $5.7 million over budget.

Tax Payers and fans gave a big send-off to the  
Vice President and the first train as it leaves out of  
the newly christened Biden Station.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Now Leaving Gate 37...........The Crazy Train.

From Capitalist Preservation  

Joe Biden and Amtrak. 
America's two favorite long time  
Federal subsidies. 
" Joe Biden lost out on having a school named after him in his home state of Delaware. This is sad. How does a sitting Vice President of the United States, and I do mean sitting, get SOMETHING, ANYTHING named in their honor? Hmmmm..." Will Profit