Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Teleprompter President’s Oratory

 A Comparative Analysis 
Conservative Resources

Barack Obama is renowned for his speechifying, but comparing him to historical figures is downright dispiriting because of the wide chasm that separates him from them. If Obama is a great orator by today’s standards, then we have a problem with our standards.

The man reads from his teleprompter like a pro but has little of import to say, lies shamelessly, uses eighth-grade language, leans heavily toward long-windedness, and stumbles over his own tongue like a stroke victim when the teleprompter is unavailable. This passage from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address, delivered to a divided nation during the Civil War, shows how far standards have slipped:....Keep Reading........

H/T Larwyn's Linx

And now a word from Sigmund.......


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Diogenes has Bugs

Seems our recent yearly computer operating system reinstall and cleanup wasn't the usual 1-2-3 success we usually achieve, and things are a bit wonky on both machines. 

 We hope it was only a bad update or corrupt file, but we leave that up to the monkeys to decide. In the meantime, I'm taking a short vacation to play with some new toys. 

I leave you with my thoughts of the whole situation......


Monday, March 12, 2012

I Purpose a Question.....

Why Would Anyone in Their Right Mind Run for President?

Take Mitt Romney for instance. He has a good life, his health, a devoted wife, tons of money, exceptionally thick hair, seemingly dozens of sons who look exactly like him, and so on. Yet he’s decided this isn’t enough and is running for president, with the result he now spends his days forced to make conversation with people he normally wouldn't let valet park one of his wife's Cadillacs. And watching him makes me wonder, “Why would anyone enter a presidential campaign?” After much contemplation, these are my possible reasons:

1. Believe your leadership will make America a better place.

2. Believe that, while your leadership won’t necessarily help  America, probably less damaging to America than the leadership of the jerk currently running things.

3. Believe that, while your leadership will almost certainly be spectacularly damaging to America, at least you’ll get the paycheck instead of the jerk.

4. America owes you the presidency (you’ve served your country nobly in at least one war).

5. America owes you the presidency (you’ve held a lot of other government jobs; might as well have this one too).

 6. America owes you the presidency (you’re very rich and if a very rich man can’t get what he wants, why did you bother inheriting that money in the first place?).

 7. Your dad ran for president and didn’t win; need to reach the White House to restore family honor.

 8. Your dad ran for president and did win but lost bid for reelection; need to restore family honor by claiming the White House for two terms this time.

9. Your moron husband was president; you might as well be president too.

10. Don’t actually want to run for president, but do want to boost your speaking fees and possibly get a book deal, so sticking it out for now.

11. Don’t actually want to run for president, but do like the media inexplicably taking you seriously when you mention you might want the job, plus you’ll need something to do when The Celebrity Apprentice is canceled.

 12. Don’t actually want to run for president, but have been brainwashed to seek the White House and overthrow the American way of life in a Manchurian Candidate-type deal.

13. You’re really, really sick of being the governor of Arkansas or Wisconsin or Nebraska or whatever messed up state you happen to be running and it seems a way out.

14. You’re already convinced armed men follow you everywhere, so shouldn’t be too tough to adjust to Secret Service protection.

15. You love what America was, but hate what it’s becoming.

16. You hate what America was, but love what it’s becoming.

17. You’re surprisingly neutral on America past and present; hope that ruling it for a time will stir up some passion one way or the other.

18. Chicks dig really
presidential candidates.

19. Free food, free gas, free house and a really cool airplane to ride around in for at least 4 years.

20. If you run for president enough times, someone will think you're really smart and make you Vice President (that one worked out pretty well, didn't it).

Let me know which ones I’m missing.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

Osama Bin Laden's Eldest Wife May Have Collaborated with CIA

The IndependentOsama Bin Laden, physically and mentally frail and holed-up in a secret compound in a Pakistan garrison town, may have been sold out to the Americans by his eldest wife who was furiously jealous of the al-Qa’ida leader’s preference for a younger bride.

An eight-month investigation carried out by a retired senior Pakistani army officer, Brig. Shaukat Qadir, suggests Bin Laden’s eldest wife, Khairiah Saber, was so upset that after she moved into the house in February last year that she collaborated with the CIA teams that were hunting him. “Absolutely, I’m sure about it,” said Mr Qadir, speaking yesterday from Rawalpindi. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

The retired officer has based his investigation on interviews with officials from the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and access to transcripts of interviews with Bin Laden’s three wives who were living with him in the Abbottabad house. The widows remain in Pakistani custody and who have this week been charged with visa offences.

Mr Qadir was also permitted rare access inside the compound, where he was shown blood-stains purportedly belonging to Bin Laden, who was shot dead by US special forces. He said the motivation to invest his own money and time in the issue was the number of contradictions that appeared in the various accounts of the CIA’s surveillance operation and the eventual raid to kill Bin Laden, who was codenamed Geronimo." 

Keep Reading......

Friday, March 9, 2012

Do to Temporary Difficulties.........

Image Stolen  from

Fishnet Friday


Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Condoms and Catholics....

By Matthew@The Lunatic's Asylum
RE: The recent tempest regarding the ObamaCare mandates on birth control vis-à-vis religious institutions.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me that Muslim religious institutions must comply with the law, too. There has been a curious silence on this matter. One would either expect that any Muslim negatory response would come with an ostentatious explosion, or since one has been lacking, that another 'secret' deal has been brokered behind the scenes which exempts the Exploding People from this provision of ObamaCare.

I'm also waiting to hear from all those Left-wing retards who screamed about the draconian threats to personal liberties and privacy that were embodied in the Patriot Act to explain why it is that the government should respect a terrorist's right to privacy, vis-a-vis wiretapping in order to prevent a mass murder, and that it should have the right to drag people's sexual lives into the light of day and infringing upon people's right of conscience in order to score a cheap political point on behalf of a walking-wounded President who hasn't got the proverbial snowball's chance in hades to be re-elected.

I'm not expecting to hear anything especially logical or coherent on either account, so there's no point in waiting for answers.

 A few words about birth control, which Muslims have been practicing since 632 AD -- only now with explosives and televised beheadings...oh, sorry, this isn't about Muslims, and I seem to have gone slightly off track. My apologies.