Monday, October 1, 2012

Obama Campaign Spokeswoman Worried He Will Be Too “Professional” Sounding During Debates For Normal People To Understand…

Because, yes, they really do think you’re that stupid.

Beltway Confidential:
"President Obama’s campaign spokeswoman said she’s concerned Obama will sound too “professorial” to resonate with the low-information voters tuning into the presidential campaign for the first time during this week’s debate.
“[W]hat the American [people] are looking for is not just a professorial list of facts or accomplishments or even goals,” Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said yesterday as part of her ongoing, almost-comical attempt to lower expectations going into the debates. She then lamented that Obama “has a tendency to give longer, substantive answers.”
Psaki’s concern that Professor Obama will appear during the debates is understandable given that “he was the third-lowest-ranked lecturer” at the University of Chicago Law School in 1999.
Still, Obama’s background as a professor is more of a running joke in conservative circles than a typical Democratic criticism of the president. So why would Psaki bring it up now (beyond, again, the absurd expectations game that both sides play)?
Maybe it has to do with their target audience. “He wants to speak directly to the families — the people who are on their couches at home, having snacks, drinking a beer, drinking soda, whatever it is, and tuning in for the first time — and that’s who he’s speaking directly to,” she said.
Psaki explained that Obama’s debate advisers “pointed out to him that he needs to work on tightening and shortening his answers.

Leaked: Obama’s National Security Strategy


Sunday, September 30, 2012

CNN to Release Entire On-Air Staff

Middle Finger News Service

Atlanta - It was announced in a hastily called news conference Saturday night that Cable News Giant CNN is to fire the entire prime-time on-air news reporting staff effective October 1. CNN President of Media relation, Jim "Pinky" Cogburn and Founder of the Cable News Network, Ted Turner spoke to reporters in a crowded room near CNN headquarters to make the announce that they could "no longer hide the obvious bias in their news organization. "

"That freakin rat bastard Pat Caddell spilled the beans on the media and now we feel as if we should just be open about it" said Turner "We are going full Tilt Obama, 24/7"

"To  facilitate the truthfulness of our agenda," said Cogburn "we will release all current CNN talking heads to seek employment at a less bias media organ such as PBS."  

The New Lineup for the network promises to be straight forward Pro-Obama and leftist to the bone.

Left to Right- Martino, Krass, Schwartz, Leggman, Berkowitz, Dubue'

The new Prime Time line-up will consist of Prime Anchor Hairy Leggman , formerly of San Francisco bay area television news fame, former professor of journalism and the media at NYU and a expert on the leftist political scene. The Business News Team will be taken over by Gary "Kneecap" Schwartz, former SEUI treasurer and retirement consultant, known for his no nonsense approach to business, and Tess Berkowitz, Berkley O.W.S. organizer and former NYSE receptionist. Reporting on the National Weather, underground and above, will be popular weather babe, Randy Martino of Key West Florida's Gay Island Radio News. 

Senior Political correspondent for the network is to be Lillian Krass, former senior adviser to Senator John Edwards and right hand man to NY Representative Anthony Weiner. Her savvy inside backroom knowledge of Washington puts the network well ahead of it competitors on the issues of the day. Entertainment news brings Christopher "Chrissie" Dubue' to the team. Christopher is a Toni Award winner for his leading role in the Off-Broadway production of "Mame". Dubue' is personal friends with entertainers such as Madonna, Cher, Joy Behar, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and many others, and was appointed national co-chairperson of the Samuel L. Jackson "Wake the F**k up" campaign.

The only holdover from the previous lineup are to be Anderson Cooper, who will be the war correspondent for the Republican War on Women and the Middle Class, and Candy Crowley who, after the debates will be doing regular features on Health and Fitness.

CNN awaits a new day at the network, one of not hiding behind a phony shield, of pretending of being non- partisan. 

"Our Mission" said Cogburn, "is to get Barack Obama's ass reelected and do it with all the integrity we can muster here at the nation's leading news source."

Saturday, September 29, 2012

America's Newest Trend:

by Matthew N.
from The Lunatic Asylum

Alcoholic Enemas...

"Thank God we have 'experts' to constantly remind us not to do that which seems obviously stupid. I'll bet the guy who came up with that self-evident little piece of handy advice was paid at least high six-figures.

It's a good thing we're sending our children off to college in record numbers, huh? This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what some of you have saved for all of your lives. It is what you have sacrificed or deferred vacations, dental fillings, the occasional steak, knee-replacement surgery and new cars for. It is why you have indebted yourself for the rest of your natural life with second mortgages and school loans.

 All so your kids can go off to college, get a Master's Degree in Holistic Basketweaving (in only 7 years, too!), and in the meantime, discover new, exciting -- and dangerous -- things to stick up their backsides, or to do with alcohol, and preferably do both simultaneously. This is what most of you are paying nearly $60,000 a year for in the vain hope that your child will emerge from the college experience just slightly smarter than when they went in...."

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Top 5 Lies Leftists Believe About Conservatives: Number 1

From a continuing series by
One of My Faves: Fuzzy Logic

Number 1: Conservatives Are RAAACIST homophobic Islamaphobic xenophobic misogynists. No commas, probably should use hyphens, though, as that’s the breathless, said-as-one-word description of us that they have in their tiny little brains. Wrapped up in this, of course, is the sense that we are drooling idiots who hate everyone who is unlike ourselves, toothless rednecks who shoot “others” on sight, a Bible-thumping God Squad intent on white supremacist isolationism. And they believe it. The “nuance” crowd, our supposed intellectual betters, have zero problem painting with broad brush every single conservative (though of course they are loathe to be so-stereotyped themselves).
I’ve thought about this post a lot, knowing it was coming, and have contemplated how I’ll approach it (a Fuzzy Rant seems so obviously in order, ya know?). I settled on a focus on the mindset behind it rather than debunking (yet again) the idiocy of this belief. After all, we know that we are not any of those things, with the possible exception of being Islamaphobic (that old “it’s not paranoia if ‘they’ really are out to get you” saw may be applicable here). But it’s hardly going to be a complete post without at least mentioning the flaws on the face of that assumption, right?
Before I do that, though, I want to take a few moments (paragraphs) to examine leftist “thought.......”

Keep Reading  for the red meat

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Word to the Daily Poll Watchers

By Jamie J. 
Eye of Polyphemus

"I am not much of a poll watcher until after the debates when the candidates have had their last big shot at appealing to voters. The winner and loser does not usually become solidified until then. There is no point in paying much attention to polling prior to the debates accept to analyze the successes and failures of the respective campaigns. Even that is more of a concern for the campaigns themselves, but the polls around this time can show candidates’ supporters which way they need to prod their guy towards victory.
 For whatever influence said supporters actually have. I am in deep red South Carolina where Mitt Romney cannot lose and Barack Obama cannot win. Neither one o them cares what anyone in the palmetto state thinks. Perhaps you are in the same bright red or blue situation. The circumstances do give you a certain distance from the election as a whole. The primaries are the last close up glimpse of the presidential race we get remember Newt Gingrich running away with South Carolina/ That was a long time ago. With that in mind, appreciate high emotions regarding the campaign have given way to detached observation of reality in everything else I am going to write here.
Embrace the fact that polls are largely accurate. Romney and Obama are virtually tied in the national polls. National polls are a soft indicator, however. It is the swing state polls that really matter in a relatively even matched election like this one, and those show Obama with an advantage. Stop claiming that the methodology is biased or looking at ’alternate polls that show who really is in the lead.....look at the facts instead."
Read the Rest  

Fishnet Friday


Thursday, September 27, 2012

1.4 Billion in Perks for the First Family


While the country is struggling in a recession made worse by Obama's economic policies, the first family is living high on the hog like no other occupants of the White House before. In a new book Presidential Perks Gone Royal by Robert Keith Gray, he details the exorbitant amount of money the taxpayers are shelling out for travel and comfort for Bo and Mo and the brood each year. 
"Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars on everything from staffing, housing, flying and entertaining President Obama and his family last year, according to the author of a new book on taxpayer-funded presidential perks."
"In comparison, British taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal family...."
Gray also says taxpayer dollars are subsidizing Obama’s re-election effort when he uses Air Force One to jet across the country campaigning.
"When the trip is deemed political, it’s customary for the president to pay the equivalent of a first class commercial ticket for certain passengers. But Gray says that hardly covers the taxpayer cost of flying the president and his staffers around on Air Force One.
“When the United States’ billion-dollar air armada is being used politically, is it fair to taxpayers that we only be reimbursed by the president's campaign committee for the value of one first-class commercial ticket for each passenger who is deemed aboard ‘for political purposes?’” Gray asks in the book......
Read More Here

"Doing this to us too, eh Mr. President?"

Electoral College Model Predicts Romney Win

Human Events
"Professors Ken Bickers and Michael Berry, of the University of Colorado, have a system for predicting the Electoral College outcomes of presidential races. Their model has accurately forecast the winner of every presidential race since 1980. According to an article published by UC-Boulder, they even got the Perot-flavored election of 1992, and the Bush-Gore photo finish in 2000, right.
This year, the Bickers-Berry model shows Mitt Romney winning with 320 electoral votes to Obama’s 218, with a 20-vote margin of error. A popular vote margin of 53-47 percent in Romney’s favor is predicted.
The Bickers-Berry model draws upon a wide range of state and national economic data, rather than collating public opinion polls. It anticipates little lasting effect from factors such as the location of the party conventions, the vice-president’s home state, the party affiliation of state governors, or – according to Bickers – “gaffes, political commercials, or day-to-day campaign tactics.” He finds the focus of voters upon big issues “heartening for our democracy.”
The Associated Press notes that “the model does not account for sudden changes in the economy or unexpected developments in states split 50-50.” There appear to be quite a few states fitting that definition at the moment. The Bickers-Berry model has Obama losing almost every swing state, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida.
Interestingly, the model predicts different partisan effects for two key economic factors: “Voters hold Democrats more responsible for unemployment rates while Republicans are held more responsible for per capita income.” That’s obviously not good news for President Obama, who has made double-digit unemployment a permanent feature of the American landscape.
The forecast that has Romney winning with 320 electoral votes is based on five-month-old economic data, with an update planned for late September. Maybe Romney will do even better, when even more dismal Obama economic data is plugged into the Bickers-Berry model.
On the other hand, the professors note that it’s hard to predict if the public will judge the economy in “absolute” or “relative” terms – in other words, will they consider the totality of the Obama record, or will they accept a possible uptick in a few key indicators during October as encouraging signs that the President is turning around?"