Thursday, January 17, 2013

I Ask You My Democrat Friends.....How Does It Feel?

I too was once a Democrat. Educated and indoctrinated with your ideals and ways of thinking. I too believed to a certain extent, the ends justified the means.

Some of life's discoveries are exciting, joyful, and exhilarating, while others can be quite painful. Stumbling upon the fact that you do not necessarily have a competent grasp of reality, that you have in fact been duped, is not a pleasant experience. While it may be a living nightmare to realize that part of one’s life was, perhaps, wasted on the false ideas of others. Time wasted in an intellectual fog of propaganda.

So,my progressive friends, now I ask you.....How does it feel to see your so-called “anti-war” party become the most accommodating cheerleader of laser guided death and domination in the Middle East, with predator drones operating in the sovereign skies of multiple countries raining missiles upon civilians and “enemy combatants”, all at the behest of Barack Obama. How does it feel  to see the “party of civil liberties” expand on every Constitution crushing policy while levying some of the most draconian legislation ever witnessed in the history of this country. How does it feel  to see  Obama endorse enemy combatant status for American citizens, and the end of due process under the law through the NDAA. How does it feel to see him endorse secret assassination lists, and the federally drafted murder of U.S. civilians. How does it feel  to see him endorse executive orders which open the path to the declaration of a “national emergency” at any time for any reason allowing for the dissolution of most constitutional rights and the unleashing of martial law.

If I was still a Democrat today I would be sickly ashamed. Yet, I hear many average Democrats actually defend this behavior from their party. The same behavior they once railed against under George Bush.

The biggest difference between progressives and conservatives is that progressives consistently look to government to solve all the troubles of the world, when government is usually the CAUSE of all the troubles in the world. The most common Democratic argument is that in America the government “is what we make it”, and we can change it anytime we like through the election process. Maybe this was true at one time, but not anymore. Just look at Barack Obama. I would ask all those on the Left to take an honest look at the policies of Obama. Where is the end to domestic spy programs? Where is the end to incessant and dictatorial executive orders?

You cannot claim to be anti-war, anti-torture, anti-assassination, anti-surveillance, anti-corporate, anti-bank, anti-rendition, etc. while defending the policies of Obama at the same time. This is hypocrisy.

And now,  in the name of tragedy,  you feel the need to strike even deeper into the document that contains our rights (in your case also perceived rights) and protections against tyranny.

People of my political stripe want a system that respects justice and legitimate law instead of using the law and executive orders as a sword against the public. To wake up each day with solace in the knowledge that while life in many regards will always be a difficult thing, we still have the means to make it better for ourselves and for the next generation. To wake up knowing that those inner elements of the human heart which make us most unique and most endearing are no longer considered “aberrant”, and are no longer under threat.

So I does it feel?

This Does Nothing for the Reputation of Women Drivers

Police officers stand around a local train that  crashed into a residential building
in Saltsjobaden outside Stockholm

Honey I'm Home!

NBCA cleaning lady allegedly stole a Swedish train and drove it off the end of the tracks and smashed into a house outside Stockholm on Tuesday. It was not clear how the woman, around 20, got access to the key needed to start the train. She was taken to hospital with serious injuries "The cleaner drove the train at high speed, considerably higher than normal on that stretch, to where the rails end and crashed into a house," said Jesper Pettersson, spokesman at Stockholm Public Transport (SL).

The train ploughed past the end of the line and vaulted over a street separating the house from the depot, crashing through a balcony and into a downstairs room in the upscale suburb of Saltsjobaden.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

You Tell Me........


Monday, January 14, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Commission Recommendations on Gun Violence Leaked

Some of the recommendations to  the Presidents Commission on Gun Violence headed by V.P. Joe Biden have been leaked to Middle Finger News late this evening. Commission members unhappy with some of the new rules put forth for review leaked the points most favored by commission chairman Biden. Here are just a few we were able to obtain:

* All firearms manufactured or imported into the United States must be fitted with delay action, allowing a brightly colored flag reading ‘BANG’ to be released to warn potential victims preceding the projectile leaving the firing chamber.
* All bullets manufactured or imported into the United states must be of brightly colored material to warn potential victims of their impending approach and be sterilized to prevent infection to control health care cost in accordance with Obama Health Care Reform.
*Require all publicly funded school systems to appoint one (1) child per classroom (grades K- 12) to be issued a sidearm daily for the prevention of violence and protection from deadly intruders.
* All concealed gun permit holders shall be required to wear underwear outside their clothing (officially referred to as Biden Style) to warn potential victims of nearby dangers of gun enthusiast.
* All bullets and various munitions be packed and sold individually and taxed accordingly. 

Under Fire for Lack of Diversity. Could This be a Reason Why?

Aggressive: Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, leans in to her emphasize a point as she talks to President Obama on Jan. 10 while Felicia Escobar, Senior Policy Director for Immigration, left, looks on. Obama Looks Uncomfortable As He Comes Under Fire From Two Female Advisers… While The Other Men In The Room Fade Into The Background.

Good Monday Morning


George Soros Knows About Gun Control Firsthand

Scotty Starnes
"The Center for American Progress is a George Soros funded group of radicals that have been setting Obama’s presidential policies from day one. Soros was a Hillary supporter and funneled untold millions into CAP. Once Hillary lost to Obama, Soros the felon, and his group embraced Obama and Obama has embraced them. They helped push for the ObamaCare bill and a host of other radical bills for Obama. John Podesta, who runs CAP, was the leader of Obama’s transitional team.
The Desk of George Soros
Now the anti-American, anti-2nd Amendment extremist have Obama’s ear and are pushing their anti-gun ideas.
From WaPo:
"With President Obama readying an overhaul of the nation’s gun laws, a liberal think tank with singular influence throughout his administration is pushing for a sweeping agenda of strict new restrictions on and federal oversight of gun and ammunition sales.
The Center for American Progress is recommending 13 new gun policies to the White House — some of them executive actions that would not require the approval of Congress — in what amounts to the progressive community’s wish list."
 So, a left-wing news rag is admitting that Obama is listening to, and taking recommendations, from a radical group of non-elected officials.
"CAP is urging the Obama administration to back Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s proposal to ban assault weapons. The California Democrat wants to prohibit the sale, transfer, importation and manufacture of military-style assault weapons and ammunition magazines that carry more than 10 bullets." 

Not so strange when you realize George Soros has a rich personal history of involvement with gun grabbers. 



Saturday, January 12, 2013

They're Not Just for Breakfast Anymore

Kim Jong Un's North Korean Famine Relief 