Thursday, May 30, 2013

The 2012/2013 Nominees for Diogenes' Asshat of the Year

2011 Winner - Paul Krugman
Note:  There was no  Diogenes' Asshat of the Year award for 2012. Being a election year the field was way to wide to pick through a plethora of sleazy, lying, clueless, incompetent and corrupt candidates eligible for the title.

Another Note: I chose not to include Piers Morgan in my list as I thought it not proper to pick on such a clueless foreign dolt as Mr. Morgan. He is in a class of his own.

So without further ado, here are the nominees:

President Barack Obama: Odds on favorite and front runner. No surprise here. The “I didn’t know” community organizer in chief spoke to his Democratic liberal far left wing base, claiming there is no global war on Islamic terrorism and about closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay Cuba.  This ostrich-like, head in the sand, foreign policy speech that ignores radical Islamic fanatics was given to distract attention from the Benghazi cover-up; IRS targeting conservative and Tea Party non-profit groups; and the Department of Justice persecution of Associated Press (AP)/Fox News Channel scandals. We also spot him some points for Joe Biden.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney: He received the coveted 4-Pinocchio award from The Washington Post (not a conservative newspaper) Fact Checker on many occasions for defending the presidential scandals indicated previously.  He obviously took to heart the part in the job description about becoming a professional weasel, and he's good at it. It is rumored that the maker of Viagra has inquired as to how Mr. Carney’s nose keeps getting longer each time.

Attorney General Eric Holder: A recluse who has discovered the words “I recused myself” (same as I didn’t know) when it comes to the AP/Fox News Channel scandal. Then why did the AG personally sign off on the search warrant of Fox News Channel reporter James Rosen’s emails? Let’s also not forget the Fast and Furious gun walking scandal.
Mr. Holder is one of the  crowning achievements of Affirmative Action.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: This politician who wants to be elected the first woman president in 2016 said “It was so long ago” referencing the September 11, 2012 date when the American Ambassador to Libya, an embassy staffer and two Special Forces operators were murdered.  Had the worst Secretary of State in history  broke a few lamps
here and there around the world  like she did as first lady, we wouldn't be worrying about racial Islam so much.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice: The fabricated talking points about the Benghazi Embassy Islamic terrorist attack she was given to espouse on the Sunday talk shows were a charade to hide the incompetent Obama administration’s failed Islamic terrorism policy. Her subsequent arrogance to the American people daring to question being fed a load of bullshit by the Obama administration was an act to behold. I see a future for her in soap operas.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Speaking from the US Senate floor he blamed a 2.4% funds sequestration for causing people to die of cancer, contract athletes foot, water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock disease, incurable boils, hail and thunder, locusts, darkness and death of the first-born.

Senators Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and Carl Levin: This gaggle of three Senators (Snoop, clueless and Poop) wrote a letter to the IRS asking this agency to investigate non-profit tax exempt Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Tea Party groups, Republicans, Diogenes Middle Finger and other right of center groups. Non-profit progressive, liberal and left groups were conspicuously absent from their correspondence. Oops!

Ex Governor Mark Sanford: Oh my God (sorry ACLU), a Republican among all these liberal Democrats! The good news is that a US House seat in South Carolina didn’t go Democratic. The bad news is that Mark Sanford is sitting in it. However, Mark has one and a half years in Congress till November 2014 to redeem himself for committing adultery, just like former President Bill Clinton!

Ex Congressman Anthony Weiner: The former congressman, who resigned from his seat after being embroiled in an uncovered wiener related scandal two years ago, announced he’s entering the New York City (NYC) mayoral race. He also said there could be women coming forward with more emails and photos of my hot wiener, but I’m going to try to keep being focused on issues that are important to NYC.  A survey of 49% of NYC voters indicates he’s gone soft and shouldn’t run!

IRS Official Lois Lerner: Invoked the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution (not incriminating oneself) at a US House committee hearing, but not before saying in a statement that she had not done anything wrong or broken any laws. Sorry lady, you’re big mouth may have just legally screwed yourself. She had signed IRS letters improperly targeting Tea Party groups in 2012 asking them to turn over everything from printouts of their Facebook pages to the credentials of speakers who participated in their events. However, US taxpayers also got screwed as she has been suspended with pay.

Sarah Hall Ingram: Served as commissioner of the IRS office responsible for tax-exempt organizations involved in the current IRS scandal (2009 to 2012). Ms. Ingram has since left that section of the IRS and is now the director of the IRS’s “Affordable Care Act” office. Bend over and smile.

Journalist or Reverend or something, Al Sharpton: Let’s have a prayer (sorry ACLU) for both true journalists and real clergymen as Al is neither, but tries to inflame any situation by inserting himself into a news story and then asserts everything is due to “racism.” Al ordered a wiener (not Weiner) and it was served without mustard, calling the dark skinned, counter woman a racist.  Al missed his calling as a ghetto used car salesman.
He's so good with words.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eyes Wide Shut and Circling the Drain

The Irish Times
"There have been calls for an urgent debate in the Dutch parliament about the integration of Muslim immigrants amid claims that one area of The Hague, known locally as “the Sharia triangle”, is being run by a form of unofficial Sharia police.
The claims relate to the district of Schilderswijk, about two kilometres from the city centre, where an almost entirely Muslim population of some 5,000 people surrounds the El Islam mosque, fuelling criticism that the government has failed to ensure a proper ethnic mix in schools and local housing. One recent investigation, in which local people were extensively interviewed, concluded that Schilderswijk had become “orthodox Muslim territory” which was now largely ignored by the city authorities, by politicians and even by the police, on the grounds that it had become self-regulating.
The investigation found that orthodox Muslims had become so dominant that they were dictating what people in the neighbourhood wore and how they behaved.
“The norms of the majority are beginning to take over,” it said.
In the case of women, dress was a particular issue. One woman told how her daughter had been approached and told her short skirt was inappropriate, while her son had been called a “kaffir” – a racist term formerly used in colonial South Africa to refer to a black person – for smoking. A youth who had previously been involved in local gangs said that criminality had dropped off, not because of the police, but because he and his friends were “afraid of the wrath of Allah”.
Another man said he felt he was gradually being driven out of his home because he had a dog, and many traditional Muslims tended not to keep or favour dogs.
A veiled Muslim woman, however, defended Islamic practices, and said dressing modestly would “do the locals good”. She pointed out that women in the Dutch ultra-conservative, largely Protestant, Bible Belt also wore long dresses, and that shops there were closed on Sunday – as many in Schilderswijk were on Fridays.
Local police chief Michel de Roos said: “We have no indications there is a form of Sharia police here. That is not to say it does not happen, but we are unaware of it.”

Get a Grip Europe. I Doubt We Will Shed Blood for You Again

I was--big mistake--reading CNN and BBC reporting on the Religion of Peace's activities in London and Stockholm when I saw that the benefits of Islam's Peaceful Activities also have made themselves manifest in Paris, where a French soldier has been stabbed. I love the cautious, oh so very delicate reporting by BBC on this latest demonstration of Love of Peace,
President Hollande also responded cautiously while on a visit to Ethiopia, telling reporters: "I do not think at this point that there may be a link" [with the London attack]
French reports said police were hunting a bearded man of North African origin about 30 years of age. He was wearing a light-coloured robe called a djellaba.
 "We still don't know the exact circumstances of the attack or the identity of the attacker, but we are exploring all options.
Oh yes, that description is undoubtedly of a Mormon missionary, or perhaps a Hasidic Jew or a slightly disheveled Amish tourist?
I also adore the breathless reporting (here and here, for example) re the alarming "rise" in anti-Muslim "attacks." Note the source for the reports and take a grain of salt, a spoonful would be better, then let me know how many Muslims have been beheaded on the streets of London in the middle of day. How about zero for a number? How many Muslim immigrants in the UK are packing up, turning in their assistance cards, and moving back to Nigeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Bangladesh, etc? I'll bet that zero number remains a pretty accurate estimate for that, too.
 I enjoy reading the comments from readers around the world on the BBC and CNN stories. There, and elsewhere, we see another number, a rather tired one: the "statistic" that "99% of Muslims" are not terrorists. Is that true? I don't know. From where does that number come? I don't know. Let's, however, go along with the gag. Let's assume it is accurate, and come up with our own equally valid "99%" statistics. Some samples follow; I am sure you can turn this into a drinking game--but not around Muslims because drinking offends them (unless they are Saudi diplomats in Islamabad).
 Did you know that,
-- 99% of the Japanese did not attack Pearl Harbor?
-- 99% of the Nazis did not kill Jews or Gypsies, or invade Poland?
-- 99% of the Communists did not engage in Stalin's or Mao's purges?
-- 99% of the Germans killed in Dresden had never bombed England?
-- 99% of the Italians did not invade Ethiopia?
-- 99% of the Iranians did not occupy the US embassy in Teheran?
 -- 99% of the Al Qaeda membership did not fly airplanes into the World Trade Center or the Pentagon?
 And so on, and on, and so what? What does that "99%" prove? Just one thing: There are consequences in the real world to belonging to organizations or following ideologies and leaders that commit atrocities. That's the way it works. If 99% of Muslims are not terrorists, and do not support terrorism (that's the big "if") where are they? Why can't they control the crazies and murderers and rioters in their midst? If they can't they will find that they might just pay the price, even if they did not pull the trigger, or drop the cyanide gas. The Germans and the Japanese discovered that during World War II.
We see Britain's foolish PM Cameron making the typical foolish Western politician statement after the murder of the young British soldier (and let's not forget he is just following in the path of nonsense about Islam blazed by our own President Bush),
"This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act."
No, Mr. Prime Minister. Everything in Islam justifies this truly dreadful act and so many more. That is why the "99%" cannot condemn, isolate, or punish the murderers. That violence, that "extremism" is Islam; that is the real item. We need to deal with that hard and unpleasant fact. Islam has not gone through an enlightenment, and what "reformation" has taken place has moved it backwards, ever deeper into the thinking prevalent in the dark ages and places from whence it came.

London Daily Columnist States the Obvious: Obama - Weakest President In The History Of The U.S.

"The problem of U.S. President Barack Obama can be summed up in a single word: hesitation. The man is short-sighted, confused and diffident. It seems that the gist of his policy is disagreeing with every position of his predecessor, George W. Bush, and that is quarrelsomeness, not policy. 
"This assessment of Obama's policy is not voiced only by his Republican rivals in the U.S., or by those who hate some [aspects] of his global [foreign] policy, but also by some proponents of his own school of thought, like the well-known American author David Ignatius, who recently wrote a critique of the Obama administration's policy that was not confined to foreign [policy] affairs... Summarizing the problematic aspects of Obama's conduct, he said that the public is more afraid of a weak administration than a strong one!
"We are not talking [only] about harsh critics of this administration, inside or outside the U.S. This is apparent from a recent article by Lebanese-American writer Fuad 'Ajami, who slammed Obama for his feebleness, his lack of leadership, and his inability to take bold decisions under difficult circumstances......."
Read More HERE

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Diogenes Earns Third Finger

We're This Many

 This Weekend Marked the Third Anniversary of the Advent of Diogenes' Middle Finger. 

Because of generous linkage and kind words on many on-line forums about the format, 'Diogenes' Middle Finger' has experienced unbelievable growth since our first year. 

I would like to thank all who linked over, emailed me and drop in on regular basis for your support and kindness. You know who you are (the e-referrer list on my sidebar tells the story). 
New features and plans are in the offing but the mission shall remain the same; kneecapping the political left with strong doses of satire, biting humor and serious commentary.
Thank You All so much for your support, readership and comments over the past two years!

God Bless America and Her Children that Defend Her


Spot the Incongruous Headline

"So take in this screen cap of the yesterdays roster of headlines appearing on the AOL/HuffPo home page. Six of the ten headlines relate one way or another to terrorism or the problem of Islamic jihad. One of them sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb. The country’s in the very best of hands, as Glenn Reynolds likes to remind us."

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I've Got Friends in Low Places

Pity the Multiculturalist Gaia Worshipping Obama Loving Liberals, and What They've Done to All of Us

by DiploMad2.0
I gloat more in sadness than in anger, more in pity than in "we told you so," but, nevertheless, I will gloat--although the gloat will be tempered by the realization of the damage done by the liberals.
 As a "compassionate conservative" (remember that horrid phrase?) I can't help but feel some pity for the liberals at home and their leftoid compadres in Europe and elsewhere. Everywhere we look we see the lefty house of cards imploding, caving in, crashing to the floor in a disorganized heap. All of their fantasies and self-delusions seem coming apart.
 We see this disintegration in:
-- the bomb blasts by Muslim terrorists ripping through the Boston marathon;
-- the smoke of Stockholm in flames thanks to its Muslim immigrants;
--the blood of a young British father and patriot butchered by jihadis on the streets of his capital city;
-- the EU's growing disarray and absurdities;
-- the disappearance of "global warming";
-- the evident bankruptcy of Keynesian (and Kenyan) economics;
-- the failure of the gun grab in the US which included a secret war against Mexico;
-- the turning of the Arab spring into the debacle of the Arab farce and its Benghazi nightmare;
-- the inability to find employment for the idiots produced by the idiot-run education industry;
-- the sound of Chicago and Detroit crashing into walls under the guidance of liberals;
-- the use of the IRS to target conservatives;
-- the effort to stifle investigative journalism;
-- the growing revolt against Obamacare as its ruinous nature becomes increasingly apparent;
 -- and, of course, the revelation that the Obama misadministration has proven precisely as the conservatives and the hated Fox News Corporation have reported for years: an intolerant band of totalitarians who use the powers of the bloated government to suppress dissent and freedom of expression.
 For any thinking liberals out there--Do they exist? The world wonders--it must feel akin to the pain felt by the Aztecs or the Incas when a handful of Spaniards brought down their mighty empires, or by that of the Japanese imperialists when the USS Missouri steamed into Tokyo Bay.
Are liberals capable of learning? Or will they instead develop new myths and fantasies, new gods to replace the ones with feet of clay? I think we all know the answer to that, but we can always hope for change.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fishnet Friday

A Boil on the Butt of America

Hancock: Home Of The New York Caliphate

Informant: Islamic Compounds in
America are Training for Jihad:

Hey Gov. Cuomo, if you're so worried about violence in New York State and disarming your citizens, how about sending a few hundred State Troopers to Hancock, NY, to Investigate this festering carbuncle?

"In Hancock, NY an Islamic community that sits on 80 acres of land has decided to form its own government. They call their community: The Town of Islamberg. They have their own mayor, deputy mayor and five town council members. None of them are elected, of course. They even boast that their “town” provides departments of education, medical, finance and land development services.
This Islamic compound has truly become a city-state. Though not recognized as a legitimate township by the City of Hancock, this Islamic community nevertheless enforces its own laws on the “citizens” within its borders. They do so by using the iron fist of Sharia law.
 I interviewed a member of this camp, which sits deep in the Catskills Mountains of upstate New York. The Islamic group that has established this camp is part a network known as Muslims of the Americas (MOA), which has documented links to Al Qaeda.
MOA has established similar villages in nearly three-dozen locations nationwide, with other prominent camps found in Texas, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, California and Tennessee.
 The man I interviewed, Ali Aziz, painted a shocking picture of what life is like to live inside these camps and how many of their members engage in terrorist training activities. Aziz, an Egyptian Muslim, worked as an undercover informant for eight years for the New York Police Department (NYPD). During that time, he lived on MOA camps and worked closely with MOA leadership, all the time supplying the NYPD with information about illegal activity on the camps—including guerrilla combat training....."
[...]Aziz provided this shocking information: MOA has created a secret jihadist army, similar to a guerilla-trained militia, that is ready to attack American citizens “at one word” from their leader, Sheikh Gilani.
 One of the main purposes of the camps is to provide guerrilla training for the young men—and in some cases the women—to be prepared for jihad. A videotape that I obtained exclusively shows MOA members being trained on the Hancock camp, shooting guns, pretending to attack with knives, practicing slitting throats, and strangling victims. This chilling video is proof that MOA compounds have been used to train Islamic terrorists for combat.
 Aziz confirmed that the camps have stockpiles of illegal weapons.
 Aziz also confirmed what my research had already shown: That the MOA’s policy was to encourage members to collect as much public assistance as possible, and the more children they had the more assistance they received, much of which is returned to Sheikh Gilani in Pakistan."
Read it for Yourself Here