Pity the Multiculturalist Gaia Worshipping Obama Loving Liberals, and What They've Done to All of Us
by DiploMad2.0
I gloat more in sadness than in anger, more in pity than in "we told you so," but, nevertheless, I will gloat--although the gloat will be tempered by the realization of the damage done by the liberals.
As a "compassionate conservative" (remember that horrid phrase?) I can't help but feel some pity for the liberals at home and their leftoid compadres in Europe and elsewhere. Everywhere we look we see the lefty house of cards imploding, caving in, crashing to the floor in a disorganized heap. All of their fantasies and self-delusions seem coming apart.
We see this disintegration in:
-- the bomb blasts by Muslim terrorists ripping through the Boston marathon;
-- the smoke of Stockholm in flames thanks to its Muslim immigrants;
--the blood of a young British father and patriot butchered by jihadis on the streets of his capital city;
-- the EU's growing disarray and absurdities;
-- the disappearance of "global warming";
-- the evident bankruptcy of Keynesian (and Kenyan) economics;
-- the failure of the gun grab in the US which included a secret war against Mexico;
-- the turning of the Arab spring into the debacle of the Arab farce and its Benghazi nightmare;
-- the inability to find employment for the idiots produced by the idiot-run education industry;
-- the sound of Chicago and Detroit crashing into walls under the guidance of liberals;
-- the use of the IRS to target conservatives;
-- the effort to stifle investigative journalism;
-- the growing revolt against Obamacare as its ruinous nature becomes increasingly apparent;
-- and, of course, the revelation that the Obama misadministration has proven precisely as the conservatives and the hated Fox News Corporation have reported for years: an intolerant band of totalitarians who use the powers of the bloated government to suppress dissent and freedom of expression.
For any thinking liberals out there--Do they exist? The world wonders--it must feel akin to the pain felt by the Aztecs or the Incas when a handful of Spaniards brought down their mighty empires, or by that of the Japanese imperialists when the USS Missouri steamed into Tokyo Bay.
Are liberals capable of learning? Or will they instead develop new myths and fantasies, new gods to replace the ones with feet of clay? I think we all know the answer to that, but we can always hope for change.
Even though I would love to take out my dancing shoes in preparation for dancing on the graves of this administration, I am still a touch cynical. I would not call Obama and Holder Teflon coated, more slimey, but they have an extraordinary amount of chutzpah (sp?), and there are still a large number of people who can be buffaloed by a Black proclaiming that he is being discriminated against because of his race. Unfortunately, many such inhabit the congress in both houses. Let us hope that the whistle blowers and the facts keep piling up. It will take a deluge to clean the White House of this contamination. Please, let it be so.