Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Obama Administration Back Door Attack on the Second Amendment

Secretary of State Kerry 
Fox News - Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the Obama administration would sign a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, despite bipartisan resistance in Congress from members concerned it could lead to new gun control measures in the U.S.

Kerry, releasing a written statement as the U.N. treaty opened for signature Monday, said the U.S. "welcomes" the next phase for the treaty, which the U.N. General Assembly approved on April 2. The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country. 

Still, gun-rights supporters on Capitol Hill warn the treaty could be used as the basis for additional gun regulations inside the U.S. and have threatened not to ratify. 

"As your review of the treaty continues, we strongly encourage your administration to recognize its textual, inherent and procedural flaws, to uphold our country's constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, and to defend the sovereignty of the United States, and thus to decide not to sign this treaty," the lawmakers wrote....."

Another Government Sequestration Bummer.......

Biden Cancels Annual Summer Beach Blast

Vice President Joe Biden will not be throwing his annual beach party for journalists this summer. Since 2010, Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden have invited top journalists to their home at the Naval Observatory for a beach bash that has included Super Soaker fights, face painting, pin the tail on uncle Joe and a moon bounce.

Past guests have included then-White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Candy Crowley, MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow, CBS's Bob Schieffer, ABC's Ann Compton, PBS's Gwen Ifill and New York Times reporter David Sanger, among many others.

Despite the embarrassment to the White House and recurring debate over the ethics of the nation's press outlets hobnobbing with government officials, the vice presidential party has been a fixture in Washington. 

The Vice President's office declined to comment on the record regarding the decision to forego a party this summer.

Off the record, rumors have it that the real reason for the cancellation was fears of a recurrence of last years incident where the Vice President's drunken Secret Service detail stripped him naked, stole his clothes and duct taped him to the steering wheel of Arianna Huffington's  SUV. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

BC's Second Annual 'Coolest SOB' Contest

Thanks to my good friend Curmudgeon@Political Clown Parade,  yours truly has been nominated for the Coolest SOB in the Conservative Blogosphere Contest for 2013 over at BC's I'm 41.  Thank You my Dear. A lot of my good blogger friends are also nominated this year, including Big Fur Hat, last years winner. A cool SOB he is indeed! BUT, the mighty must fall. Eh,Fur?

So, hump it over and check out the story behind the contest and cast your vote for me  your choice for Coolest SOB (Sweet ol' Blog) today. You can vote for more than one blogger, so the pressure is off the 'who will I vote for' decision. Just vote for your favorites. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Iran Threatens Middle East Peace with New Weapon System

Powerball Redesigned for Obama Voters

Keeping up with declining math standards in the United States and the intelligence of the low information voter , Powerball today announced it has abandoned numbers and will instead use balls painted with 59 familiar colors and shapes.

Powerball’s new, less challenging system relies on visual recognition that avoids the brain’s math-adept parietal lobe in favor of the occipital lobe, which is used for lesser functions like watching television or updating your Facebook status. As a result, participants will be no longer pick from among 59 numbers, but will instead pick from among 59 commonly recognizable shapes, plus the “Powerball” shape, which instead of being one of 35 numbers, will be one of 35 contestants from “Celebrity Dancing with the Stars.”

While individual state lotteries are considering making the switch away from numbers. Florida officials said they have always adorned their game balls with a variety of straight and curved lines, until it was pointed out to them that those were in fact numbers.

Powerball spokesman Dan Mangenis denied the change is another step toward the dumbing down of America, and insisted it be viewed as a dumbing-up of Powerball.

“The truth is, numbers are hard for the low information voter.  You have to recognize them, put them in sequence, tell them apart from each other,” said Mangenis. “ I mean, we were using 59 numbers before. Fifty-nine! That’s not just one number; it’s two numbers put together – a five and a… another number.”

Lottery sales outlets also welcomed the change.

“I can’t tell you how many people came in here, handed me their cards and said their numbers matched because their card said P-o-w-e-r-b-a-l-l, too,” said Jack Portofino, who owns a convenience store in Akron, Ohio. “I had to explain that those were letters, not numbers. But the letters did match, so it was good they recognized that.”

MSNBC commentator, Rev. Al Sharpton immediately criticized the changes  as racist. He called the move "just a way to disenfranchise the African American gambler."  He went on to say "you don't see birds and MacDonald Signs in the ghetto. Bet you don't see Kanye West's face on no powerball ball."

Moments ago, the first drawing was held with the new system, which continues to use the term “numbers” on the theory that many players won’t be able to tell the difference. Tonight’s winning numbers are: bird, tree, smiley face, scissors, triangle, and the Powerball is Apolo Ohno.

Matthew's Weekend Commentary

Welcome to Zimbabwe, America...  

"Upon seeing this Mussolini-like pose, struck by a man, who much like it's originator, is also a shallow and hollow human being with few redeeming qualities, I find myself curiously in mind of an age old adage that goes something like this:

One bad apple does not spoil the whole bushel.

I do not know the origin of this phrase, and quite frankly it isn't all that important. However, it is necessary to view the events of the last five years through the prism of this quaint expression, for it is our curse to live in a day and age in which bad apples have become the norm and are hardly the exception.

When one looks at the metaphorical apples and bushels which represent the sum total of America's Obama Experience, it becomes apparent that old saw should be taken out of the lexicon, for it is now becoming a universal truism that today's seeming wisdom will, eventually, become tomorrow's stinking load of bullshit.

Strictly speaking, no decent chef on planet Earth would believe such a thing, that one rotten apple does not endanger those within close proximity. One need only a rudimentary understanding of basic food safety and hygiene (or simply watch any of Gordon Ramsey's infamous and tedious 'Save This Restaurant' mini-dramas) to know that one diseased fruit will eventually spread it's rot to another, rendering the entire batch unsuitable for consumption and poisoning all who partake of the bushel.

And although human beings are not apples, the truth of the Obama Administration has been that rot does, indeed, spread, whether we're talking fruit or people. For the Obama administration has been nothing if not a constant parade of proverbial bad apples.

It is an administration with bad apples in it's foundations, built upon the Clinton-era retreads who somehow manage to avoid jail and summary street execution. Whether it is the Hildebeest herself as Secretary of State, Rahm Emanuel as one-time Chief of Staff, or Eric Holder, the Attorney General who believes the law doesn't apply to his self-pitying self, the cavalcade of Clintonista bad apples was there from the beginning to taint whatever came after it. This should have been your first indication that something was terribly wrong.

 Of course, Obama brought his own bad apples with him, too..."

* Y'all Welcome Matthew Back After
An Extended Hiatus to Work on His New Novel.