Monday, January 27, 2014

Giving to Congress Information of the State of the Union

"As undignified as it is unedifying and unnecessary, the vulgar State of the Union circus is again at our throats. 
The document that the Constitutional Convention sent forth from Philadelphia for ratification in 1787 was just 4,543 words long, but this was 17 too many. America would be a sweeter place if the Framers had not included this laconic provision pertaining to the president: 'He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union.'
"'Information'? Not exactly.
"The Constitution’s mild requirement has become a tiresome exercise in political exhibitionism, the most execrable ceremony in the nation’s civic liturgy, regardless of which party’s president is abusing it. You worship bipartisanship? There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the ways the parties try to milk partisan advantage from this made-for-television political pep rally." — George F. Will

MSNBC Beefs Up it's Libtard Race Baiter Lineup

After a disastrous year for msnbc in the personal department,  it seems to not know the adage "the definition of stupid is doing the same failed thing over and over" and is keeping with the losing strategy of hiring on- air personalities ate up with left wing retard symptoms that manifest in the assigning a racist motive to all conservatives words and deeds, especially white males.

Msnbc is said to be ready to give Miami Herald columnist and regular contributer to the network,  Joy-Ann Reid her own soap box in their daytime lineup. A highly experienced teleprompter reader and affirmative action Harvard grad, Ms Reid will be a perfect example of leftist diversity and perfect bookend to her counterpart at night, Rev. Al Sharpton. Racist accusations and a gallant defense of the Obama administration morn till night on the big Cuckoo. 

Reid in the past has defined the GOP in very inflammatory terms involving a 40-year-old pop culture reference:
"Think of the Republican Party as kind of a three-legged stool, the business wing of the party, the religious right and kind of what you might sort of broadly call sort of the Archie Bunker wing, the kind of angry white male wing of the party..." 
 Ms. Reid is no stranger to attacking the GOP as a party of angry white men. In the past she has also claimed that black and Hispanic Republicans were mere “window-dressing”, and that CPAC attendees sympathize with slavery.  

In her world, Black people who stray from the Democrat Party are regularly intimidated and ridiculed by other black people.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Barack Obama’s 2014 Election Theft Commission

Barack Obama attended a little meeting Wednesday at the White House that was all but ignored by both media and pundits. It’s with a group his White House, under the direction of Valerie Jarrett, initiated last year involving the election process. Now tell me reader, how comfortable are you with the idea of THIS White House, working extra hard to influence the upcoming election process? Yeah, me neither…
Check out this portion of the president's White House schedule for Wednesday:

10:45 am || Meets with the President’s Commission on Election Administration on voter access.

Here’s an official blurb on the newly formed group, from May of 2013:

Presidential Commission on Election Administration Launched
WASHINGTON, May 21, 2013 — The Presidential Commission on Election Administration was officially launched today, following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union pledge to identify non-partisan ways to shorten lines at polling places, promote the efficient conduct of elections, and provide better access to the polls for all voters.

Now check out this public statement given Wednesday by this same organization:

Presidential Commission on Election Administration Presents Recommendations to President Obama
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2014 – The Presidential Commission on Election Administration today presented President Obama with a series of recommendations designed to help local and state elections officials improve all voters’ experience in casting their ballots. The Report is based on a six-month study conducted by the 10-Member Commission of the problems that have plagued voting in the past and the issues that will confront the American voter in the future.
The Commission concluded unanimously that the “problems that hinder the efficient administration of elections are both identifiable and solvable.” The Report offers certain key recommendations and numerous administrative best practices to improve the problem areas identified in the President’s Executive Order charging the Commission.
Ah yes, the use of Executive Order. It is no accident that Barack Obama so recently came out declaring himself ready to expand his use of Executive Power even further in 2014 – just as it is no accident Executive Power is a foundational component of this newly formed Election Commission.

h/t Ulsterman

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

President Signs Executive Order to Extend 5 Second Rule

(MFNS) Washington - The president today took an important step, without congressional approval, in forwarding the agenda he set for his second term. Sighting a study by Manchester Metropolitan University on food safety, Obama ordered the FDA to extend the 5 second rule for food that has hit the floor.

"The government is to tackle food poverty by officially doubling the five allowable seconds for food dropped on the floor to ten seconds" Obama told a small group gathered at the White House. "The action could see millions of pounds worth of pizza slices, nachos and ice cream reclassified as edible".

"I've got a pen and I've got a phone -- and I will use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions to move the ball forward on important issues like this 5 second rule extension."  

An FDA spokesman said: “We knew that any dropped food item is perfectly safe to eat if retrieved within five seconds. This applied irrespective of whether the surface was carpet, wood or whatever and how clean it was. But further research has shown that germs are actually even slower to notice the food and leap onto it than previously thought, so we are able to double that limit. And obviously if you’re drunk – which boosts natural immunities to bacteria, colds and gastric illness – that can be extended to 60 seconds provided a pet hasn’t started licking it.”

The extension is one of many measures introduced to stop food waste, including a ‘three strikes’ law giving mandatory life sentences to anyone repeatedly buying and not eating bagged salad.

The Executive Order also brought in a sliding scale for sell-by dates based on income, with any household earning less than the median family income level instructed to ignore them and eat away.

The FDA spokesman continued: “There’s no food crisis and there’s no need for food banks, which aren’t proper banks anyway because they don’t pay their workers huge food bonuses.

Afterward, the President invited the media and guest to lunch after the signing and told them “Now shut up and eat your dinner or you won’t get any pudding.”

What does the NSA Know about Obama?

CFP - National Security Agency (NSA) veterans Bill Binney, Russ Tice and Kirk Wiebe spoke at a Friday news conference at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., with Tice declaring that the spy agency monitored Barack Obama’s telephone conversations—and those of his wife—in 2004, apparently as a result of Obama’s run for the U.S. Senate and emergence as a major figure in the Democratic Party. This should have been big news. However, the claim was ignored or dismissed by most of the major media.

A major exception was NBC News, which posted a clip from the press conference and an item noting that “Former NSA analyst Russ Tice says that, during his tenure, the NSA had a program that spied on phone and email messages of Congress, the Supreme Court, reporters, military and an up-and-coming politician named Barack Obama.” These are sensational charges.

Jeff Mason of Reuters interviewed Tice about Obama’s proposed “reforms” of the agency, but didn’t include any comments on the agency’s alleged surveillance of Obama.

Why would the NSA watch Obama? Could it have something to do with his communist and foreign connections?

Tice, who says he supported Obama for president even though he had been a conservative Republican, told Russia Today (RT) television that “...a high-level person at NSA told me this was being directed from the vice president’s office. That would be Vice-President Dick Cheney. I don’t know that for sure, but that’s what I was told from a very senior person at NSA.” Tice also told the Moscow-funded propaganda channel that Obama may somehow be “controlled” as President as a result of its surveillance of him.

Tice cannot be dismissed completely as a nut by the Left, since he was one of the sources used in The New York Times’ reporting in December 2005 on domestic surveillance activity. The media have treated him as credible in the past. His affiliations reportedly include his roles as a former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency." 

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This is not your Grandfather’s Democratic Party.

"In the Spring of 2011, National Security Council staffer Samantha Power sent emails to top Pentagon officials. Her emails contained GPS coordinates in Libya. She demanded that the Pentagon launch immediate air strikes on top of these coordinates, no questions asked. Power, you see, had friends in NGOs on the ground in Libya looking to borrow American might for a moment or two.

Her emails were ignored at the Pentagon. But her cavalier and hasty email demand that American airmen be launched on a dangerous mission to benefit her friends might seem incompetent and reckless.

But like so much about the age of Obama, Republicans mistake leftist ideology for incompetence. In the five decades-old orthodoxy of the foreign affairs left, pilots in supersonic jets with laser guided missiles are most appropriately used in small ways, and to serve small causes. To radicals like Power, American might should be used for their political ends, and the old conventions on target selection, chains of command and strategic aims are obsolete.

Some in America still can’t understand why President Obama’s policies and his nominations are so radical. It doesn’t make sense, you think, for him to pick extremist nominees who would have radical skeletons that would have disqualified them in any other administration. They also can’t understand why he continues to lurch left on almost every foreign and domestic issue.

It isn’t 1990 anymore, and leftist radicalism is a prerequisite for jobs in this administration, not a disqualifier. Leftist radicalism is the administration’s reason for existence.

This is why Obama chose John Kerry as Secretary of State.

Kerry first distinguished himself as a stooge for America’s enemies. In his first campaign for Congress, Kerry said, “I’m an internationalist. I’d like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.” He even travelled to Europe to hold talks with North Vietnamese Communists while American soldiers were dying in Vietnam. His views about American power didn’t moderate over the years, as he continued to aid America’s enemies. Now he is Secretary of State.

History never stops turning the soil and what seemed impossible not long ago is always possible. Had you brought up fears in 2005 that the federal government would take over General Motors, shut down coal plants, destroy secured creditor rights of Chrysler bondholders, or taken over the health care system, polite company would have moved to the other side of the room. “Couldn’t happen here,” would have been the response."