Thursday, August 21, 2014

More Proof We're Being Governed By Idiots

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters with a straight face at a news briefing about the savage beheading of American photojournalist James Foley by savages calling themselves the Islamic State, that not only was the crime not directed against the United States, it wasn’t done in the name of religion either.

Israeli Delivers Major Blow to Hamas

Goes for the Head of the Snake 

(AP)- An Israeli airstrike in Gaza killed three senior leaders of the Hamas military wing on Thursday, the militant group said, in what is likely to be a major blow to the organization's morale and a significant scoop for Israeli intelligence. Israel says the airstrikes are in response to a resumption of Hamas rocket fire that on Tuesday scuttled a six-day cease-fire. The strike near Rafah, a town in the southern part of the coastal territory, was one of 20 the Israeli military said it carried out after midnight.
In a text message sent to media, Hamas said three of its senior military leaders — Mohammed Abu Shamaleh, Mohammed Barhoum and Raed al-Attar — were killed, along with three other people. The three Hamas leaders are considered to be at the senior levels of its military leadership and were involved in a number of high profile attacks on Israeli targets.
On Wednesday, in the most spectacular Israeli strike since the cease-fire was breached, Hamas' shadowy military chief, Mohammed Deifm, was the object of an apparent assassination attempt that killed his wife and infant son. Hamas officials announced that Deif was not in the targeted home at the time and was still alive.

The Media and Ferguson, Missouri

"The most poisonous '-ism' now infecting Ferguson, Missouri, is not virulent racism. It's viral narcissism.
Over the past two weeks, the impoverished St. Louis County suburb has become a magnet for self-absorbed publicity seekers of all colors and agendas.  Perhaps the most repulsive species on display in Ferguson is the Journalisto Vanitatis. This breed of egotistical East-Coast reporters can be easily identified by its ever-present appendages: a smartphone and smart glasses. ...  
From the L.A. riots to Hurricane Katrina to Ferguson, an eternal truth endures: Tragedy is the mother of poisonous pretension"- Michelle Malkin  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Maybe Eric Holder Should Clean Up His Own Yard

"D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black. The number of incidents was up from the 13 race-based bias crimes reported in 2012."
In 2009 Eric Holder went on record and testified before a Senate judiciary Committee to explain new Hate Crime legislation was written to protect those that have historically been oppressed and targeted because of skin color or religious affiliation, giving African Americans and Jews as examples. When asked some simple question pertaining to how the laws would be enforced Mr. Holder stumbled over himself a bit as he struggled to justify his reasoning. 

This we call a post-racial America, where your skin color determines if you hate or not.  

The Killing of Cops and Other Footnotes in History

Now that it has been reported that Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson suffered a serious injury during his confrontation with Michael Brown, and breaking news that his companion Dorian Johnson recanted his media statement, along with the revelations of numerous eyewitness seem to confirm the police account of events are making more and more observers draw an increasingly likely conclusion:

On that fateful Saturday, August 9, Officer Wilson was trying to avoid becoming what cops too often do. A statistic.

“On average, one law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty somewhere in the United States every 58 hours,” writes the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Yet they don’t receive ultimate attention. That’s reserved for the likes of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Mumia Abu-Jamal — the last of whom murdered a Philadelphia police officer named Daniel Faulkner in 1981.

The reality is that if Brown had killed Officer Wilson 10 days ago, it just would have been a footnote in the news. No high profile racial bias investigation by the DOJ. No intervention by the Attorney General.

Columnist and former Dade County Sheriff s Office police captain Frank Marshall cites three recent deaths:
• July 13th. Detective Melvin Santiago, 23, Jersey City P.D., New Jersey. Ambushed when responding to a robbery call. Killed because he was a cop. Suspect is a black male who was killed on the scene. The suspect’s wife said that more cops should have been killed.
• July 6th. Officer Jeffery Westerfield, 47, Gary Police Department, Indiana. Responded to a domestic disturbance call. He was ambushed, shot in his patrol car as he arrived. Killed on his 47th birthday, he leaves behind four daughters. Another loyal, American officer… killed for being a cop. Suspect was a black male.
• July 5th. Officer Perry Renn, 51, Indianapolis P.D., Indiana. Answered a call about shots being fired in the area. Shot as he arrived. Officer Renn was also an U.S. Army veteran. Killed because he was a cop. Suspect was a black male.
Marshall also adds further perspective:
“At least 120 to 180 officers a year are killed in the line of duty. In 2014, the death toll is on track toward 130 dead officers. Half of those have been killed by gunfire. Most of those are killed because they were a cop. Why don’t we label that bigotry? Hate crime?”
Statistically, 94 percent of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks, and black Americans are more likely to shoot whites than whites are to shoot blacks. This makes white-on-black homicide a man-bites-dog story relatively speaking, yet that isn’t why the media afford such cases disproportionate coverage. Rather, we’re supposed to believe they are cases of dog bites man — and that the media is the dog catcher. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

VP Joe Goes to the Ball Park

Someone Had to Do It.....

Let's Face It: Your President is a Great Big Wussy

Refuses Challenge by an 86-Year-Old

The latest social media trend to sweep the nation is being done to raise awareness for Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), and has had a wide range of high-profile participants. People across the country have taken the Ice Bucket Challenge in order to help raise money for ALS research.  Participants have a bucket of ice cold water dumped on their heads, much like football players do to their coach to celebrate a victory. Many well-known people, politicians and celebrities have taken the “challenge” and help raise over $15.6 million dollars for ALS awareness and research.

After a participant takes the challenge, they then nominate somebody else to do it in order to keep the trend going, which is exactly what 86-year-old Ethel Kennedy, widow of Robert Kennedy Jr. did when she completed the challenge at the Kennedy home in Hyannis Port, Mass.  Once she did,
(Video Here) she had a message and a challenge for President Barack Obama:
“Welcome to Cape Cod, President Obama. I nominate you.”    
 Since the challenge is for a good cause and raises money to help fight the progressive neurodegenerative disorder, most high-profile people gladly accept the challenge once they’re nominated, but the most notable name in America won’t be participating.    

Here’s the response the White House gave to the Boston Globe regarding Kennedy’s nomination for the challenge:
“The President appreciates Mrs. Kennedy thinking of him for the challenge – though his contribution to this effort will be monetary. The President will be making a donation to an ALS charity this week.”
How much? A mere $100.

Way to go Borack, way to set an example for other high-profile people by donating your pocket change to a more than worthy cause. Absolutely pathetic. He spends more on greens fees at the courses he golfs at than he’s donating to help others.

(h/t Mad World)

Monday, August 18, 2014

And now a word from Sigmund......

Things are Seldom What They Seem to be on the Surface.

by Robert Janicki 
The investigation into the homicide of Michael Brown at the hands of a
Ferguson, Missouri police officer is still undergoing collection of
evidence as we see and hear in the endless news cycles.  Anyone who
claims to know beyond a reasonable doubt what transpired on that
Saturday afternoon on August 9th, simply doesn't know what they are
talking about at this point in time.

The forensic evidence will be far more telling in the final determination of the propriety or lack thereof, of the behavior of the  police officer.  As each day goes bywe seem to be finding out more evidence of what might have happened on that fateful day. 

The best evidence in this investigation will be gathered by professional investigators, lab technicians and especially from the autopsy of Michael Brown. Forensic evidence isdispassionate.  It takes no sides.  It does not act upon emotion.  It is what it is.

We live in a country based upon the rule of law.  That's the
foundation of a constitutional republic.  The rule of law and its
application is meant to remove the emotion of the moment and to seek
justice in a calm, rational and dispassionate manner, free of the
heightened and raw emotion of the lynch mob.

And yet, we see Ferguson, filled with a lynch mob mentality.  They
want a police officer immediately arrested and convicted of what they
perceive as the crime of murder against a helpless 18 year old
teenager characterized as a "gentle giant" at 6'4" inches tall and 290
lbs.  Guilty until proven innocent is the watch word of the vigilante
mob mentality.   

By all reports to date, and these are preliminary and very sketchy at
best, there is contradictory evidence of whether the officer was aware
or unaware of the convenience store robbery involving Michael Brown.
There is much more here than has been reported to date.  It will take
time for the investigation to uncover all the missing data points to
connect the facts and from which to make a determination of whether a
crime has been committed or not or to what extent and circumstances
Micael Brown may have been responsible for contributing to his own

Until all evidence is in we, and the lynch mob, have no idea of what
happened, other than from what Brown's companion, complicit in the
convenience store robbery, tells the media what happened.All eyewitness testimony is subject to scrutiny by considering the source of the testimony and their relationship to the individuals involved in the case.

Until the investigation is completed by the various parallel law
enforcement agencies investigating this homicide, community leaders in
Ferguson need to step up and take control of the narrative being
advanced by the protesters and redirect it to an understanding that
the rule of law must be followed through to its natural conclusion,
what ever that might be.  Any narrative less than this will only
contribute to the destruction of the social fabric that keeps us above
the rule by lynch mob.

A Good Monday Morning

2000th POST!