Monday, February 23, 2015

The Beginning of 'Obamanet' and Big Goverment Control

"Critics of President Obama's 'net neutrality' plan call it ObamaCare for the Internet. That's unfair to ObamaCare.
Both ObamaCare and 'Obamanet' submit huge industries to complex regulations. Their supporters say the new rules had to be passed before anyone could read them. But at least ObamaCare claimed it would solve long-standing problems. Obamanet promises to fix an Internet that isn't broken.
The permissionless Internet, which allows anyone to introduce a website, app or device without government review, ends this week. On Thursday the three Democrats among the five commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission will vote to regulate the Internet under rules written for monopoly utilities. ... 
This week Mr. Obama's bureaucrats will give him the regulated Internet he demands. Unless Congress or the courts block Obamanet, it will be the end of the Internet as we know it." — L. Gordon Crovitz, Former Wall Street Journal Publisher

A Good Monday Morning

Some Random Thoughts on Barack Obama's Love of America or Lack Thereof.

by Robert Janicki

Recently, Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City and still thought of as a force in Republican politics by some, questioned whether President Obama really loves America, since Obama proclaimed in his 2008 presidential campaign that it was his objective to "fundamentally" change America as president. Giuliani has been roundly castigated by liberal progressives for his questioning Obama's love of America. Here are my thoughts.
If you love your country, why would you want to seek to"fundamentally" change it? Why, then, would Obama love or even like America? It doesn't make sense. It's just counter intuitive.

Obama has repeatedly gone out of his way to denigrate and belittle America's greatness as the world leader in protecting individual liberty, freedom and human rights. At home in America, Obama often injects race in issues and individual confrontations that have nothing to do with race, unless, of course, you are a race baiter using race as wedge to separate Americans, in which case it is a proven way to move up in liberal progressive politics.

So I often ask myself why Obama is fixated on and so heavily invested in finding race issues under every rock he turns up? In my opinion, Obama is obviously and blatantly using race as a political tool to beat upon his political opponents. The fact that Obama really has not had the personal experiences of racism in his life that living the black experience might bring to a black person raised in a black community and interacting with non-blacks is of little meaning to him. The race card is simply a tried and true means to put opponents on the defensive. Interestingly, if Obama were a black conservative, black liberal progressives would say that he is "not authentically black" since he never really experienced growing up in a black community and its culture. Can anyone say hypocritical?

Instead, Obama has experienced artificial support for his blackness as a means to rise all the way to the highest political office in America. And all this has been done ironically with the direction and financing mostly by rich, white liberals guiding and mentoring his rise to stardom status bordering upon his being a black Messiah come to save America from all its supposed evil and pernicious continuing racism today. If playing the race card regularly if not enough, Obama fails to address, acknowledge, publicize or even promote, all of America's virtues, which are many, if not more than any country in history.  

Instead, Obama and his hatchet man Holder continually claim that "Americans are cowards" when it comes to racism, implying that if you're white, you are racist by their definition and have no idea what it means to experience racism. I'm a relatively intelligent person and rather well educated for the means that were at my disposal. And I say this all without bragging, just stating some fact to make a point. I don't have to jump off a cliff to clearly understand the consequences of such an act, which is a metaphor to say I believe I know racism when I see it and I don't need to be lectured by race mongers seeking to promote themselves politically, using racism as a means to gain political advantage.

President Obama never actually experienced typical black American culture growing up. His early years were spent living in Indonesia in a Muslim culture. He spent time living his white grandparents living in whiter than white Kansas. Later he would return to Hawaii, a widely diverse racial culture, but with few blacks. Now tell me again just how authentic a black man Barack Obama is.

Back to Rudy Giuliani's remark and some perspective and context on Obama's love or lack thereof for America. In the 2008 presidential campaign, Democrat candidate Obama publicly called then sitting President George W. Bush "unpatriotic" for saddling future generations with an additional national debt of $4 trillion dollars. Viewed from today's national debt increase under Obama, which has almost doubled all previous national debt incurred cumulatively by all previous presidents, Obama and all his acolytes in the White House and the MSM, have no leg to stand on in berating Rudy Giuliani for questioning Obama's love for America.

* Editors Two Cents:   If Obama can decide who the Real Muslims are, why can't Rudy Giuliani say who the Real Patriots are???? 

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Online dating services are now a dime a dozen. And while I have never partaken in an adventure like that myself, I have often wondered what it's like to put a profile of yourself out there for strangers to see while trying to woo a potential love interest. During a break in a movie lastnight, a commercial for Black People came on the television. The gears started to spin.

Having become an expert at shooting down unwanted advances by black men, I wondered what a profile on this all black dating website might look like, so I took a look for myself.....

Name: Joy Ann Reid
Sign: Leo
Occupation:  MSNBC Network TV Host and Expert Political Commentator
Likes: Bubble Baths, Handcuffs, Having My Toes Sucked While Feeding Me Cream of Chicken Soup 
Dislikes: Conservatives, Velcro, MSNBC programmers, Cantaloupe, Loud White Girls on Fox News 
Contact Info: Joy@MSNBC

Name: James 'Kocaine' Washington Jr.
Sign: Middle Finger
Occupation: Independent Pharmaceutical Distributor 
Likes: 9mm's, Extra Beef Burritos, Moon Lit Nights, BJs
Dislikes: Rip-offs, Snitches, Yoga, Alex Trebek 
Contact Info: P.O. Box 756 Caddo Correctional Center,  Inmate #12589, Shreveport La.

Name: Janette Pace
Sign: Aquarius 
Occupation: Massage Therapist 
Likes: Walks on the Beach, Mad Dog 2020, Elephants  
Dislikes: People from Outer Space,  Lunar Eclipse, Dumpster Truck Drivers, Flying Bricks   
Contact Info: Alley behind The Ace of Spades Bar-B-Que, 121 West Morton Street, East St. Louis Mo.

Name: Leroy Jerome Bates (aka 'Little Pee Pee')
Sign: Sagittarius 
Occupation: Rap Artist Extraordinaire
Likes: Big Booty, Rainbows, For You to be My Baby Momma 
Dislikes: Hangers-on,  Kanye West, That Bitch at Walmart, Satirical Bloggers.
Contact Info:
Miami FL. 

Name: Latisha Cameroon
Sign: Virgo
Occupation:  Horizontal Bop Technician 
Likes: Cash, Bling, Weaves, Strip Poker  
Dislikes: Undercover Cops, Horny Circus Clowns, Jim Carey
Contact Info: Corner of Albert St. and Brookings Ave. Boston Mass. between 7pm - 4am Nightly

Name: Shelton Jackson Lee
Sign: Gemini
Occupation: Independent Film Maker
Likes: Professional Basketball, Pretending to be an Important Cultural Icon,  Looking Angry and Agitating White Folks
Dislikes: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Referees, George W.Bush
Contact Info:

Name: Professor Lilly McDonald White 
Sign: Aries
Occupation: Adjunct Professor of Black Womens Studies, Smarmy College, Vt.
Likes: Gangsta Rap, Unicorns, Barack Obama
Dislikes: When People Try to Convince I'm Not Really Black, Toenail Fungus, Hula-Hoops
Contact Info:

Name: Blind Boy Lemon Chitlins
Sign: Libra
Occupation: Blues Musician
Likes: Fender Stratocasters, Hot Naked Women, Menage-a-threes, Beet Smoothies
Dislikes: Bumping into Things,  Fox News, Brazilian Dwarfs, Kanye West , Seasonal Jock Itch
Contact Info: - New Orleans La.

Friday, February 20, 2015

OH NO.......Tell Me It Ain't So Reverand AL

Sharpton's MSNBC Show May Soon See The Chopping Block

Truth Revolt
"Thursday, MSNBC announced the cancellation of Ronan Farrow's and Joy Reid's afternoon bombs—a move many saw coming for some time now with both shows consistently tanking in the ratings. But inside sources say that the dual cancellations are just the beginning of a major shakeup at ratings-challenged MSNBC, as the network attempts to move back toward the center after veering far left. Next on the chopping block: Chris Hayes and possibly Al Sharpton.
 Citing two "well-placed sources," The Daily Beast reports that in addition to canceling Chris Hayes' struggling 8 p.m. show in the "relatively short term," Al Sharpton's weeknight 6 p.m. show is likely to get the ax "in the longer term," with the controversial host relegated to a weekend slot.
 Sharpton's "PoliticsNation," though popular with African Americans (accounting for 35 percent of the audience), has continued to underperform—as has the host, who is regularly mocked for his teleprompter gaffs and insincere posturing. Sharpton's self-promotional version of civil rights activism, his deplorable tax record, and controversy-ridden past have frequently resulted in unflattering headlines during his stint at the network.
 MSNBC President Phil Griffin's personnel and programming changes are part of a larger move away from the left-wing political commentary that has become MSNBC's trademark toward straight news reporting.
“Everybody in the food chain from top to bottom understands that the Olbermann era is over,” said one of the sources. “Going left was a brilliant strategy while it lasted and made hundreds of millions of dollars for Comcast, but now it doesn’t work any more...The goal is to move away from left-wing TV.”
Frankly, I think they should keep Rev. Al on in Prime Time and scoop up the Ad Dollars, seeing most of his viewers don't agree with him but watch because he can be much more entertaining than anything on Comedy Central. 

Nebraska Woman Dropped from Three Different Obamacare Health Insurance Plans.

by Robert Janicki

Pamela Weldin's story is just one anecdote of what could be a tsunami of such results in the coming days and months of Obamacare across America in 2015.  Her third and latest Obamacare non-profit health insurance carrier has been taken over by the state insurance agency.  58 year old Pamela Weldin is now forced to once again seek out an Obamacare approved health insurance plan.  

I cannot imagine the magnitude of the emotional frustration, turmoil and personal disruption to Ms. Weldin's life and medical experiences as she tries to make sense of who, among her current medical providers, will take Obamacare insurance and which institutions and specialists in her local area will also take whatever Obamacare insurance she can obtain.

One medical specialty group that I see twice a year for a checkup simply does not accept CaliforniaCare (the state version of Obamacare).  Another provider, my dermatologist, has limited the number of CaliforniaCare patients he will add to his patient load, because of the poor reimbursement rates of CaliforniaCare.  I don't know if either of these two medical specialty groups even take MediCal (the California version of federal Medicaid) since they reimburse at a lower rate than even most Obamacare or CaliforniaCare insurance plans.

Moving on, lets look to Obamacare Co-ops around the country and where they stand and their financial condition.

Co-ops are no stranger to the insurance market, and lawmakers hoped the nonprofit insurance companies would help infuse competition and choice into markets where there were limited options.
However, the co-ops created under the law would be slightly different from those already in existence—to help the new insurers get off the ground and meet state reserve requirements, the federal government provided $2 billion in startup and solvency loans. 
One Year After Obamacare’s Implementation, Taxpayer-Funded Co-Ops Struggle to Survive
Twenty-three co-ops serving 26 states were ultimately licensed and received federal loans including CoOportunity.
According to the latest quarterly filings, more than 520,000 people enrolled in insurance coverage through the co-ops through September.
An analysis conducted by The Daily Signal earlier this month, though, found that all but one of the co-ops experienced operating losses through September.  
It becomes obvious that many of these co-ops will either go bankrupt, thus seriously  jeopardizing Obamacare or taxpayers will, once again, be on the hook to subsidize these co-ops.  That's the story of liberal programs, which can't stand on their own abilities.  Government must step in and subsidize these failures with taxpayers funds to avoid collapse.

If a government program, such as Obamacare, cannot survive on its own financing without a taxpayer subsidy, it should be abolished.  Of course this is political heresy, since so many other federal programs would have to be canceled with this concept. 

Attaboy Barry....

via RightWing News

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I did it again, contrary to good sense....

by Robert Janicki

On Wednesday, I watched and listened to President Obama once again publicly support Islam in a rambling nonsensical rant, as if he were lecturing the rest of us for not embracing Islam as the religion of peace. I'm sorry, but I will never embrace Islam as a religion, let alone a religion of peace. The historical facts speak to the contrary. Islam is far more a paramilitary political ideology than a religion. What religion in world history was founded by a brutal and savage murderer of his opponents?

The historical record is undeniable. It's Islam. 

I'm tired of Obama's haughty elitist demeanor in talking down to those who have legitimate disagreements with Islam. It's so typical of liberals to look down at those who oppose them, as if we are ignorant or stupid low life cretins or Neanderthals. Obama's comments were a sickening and rambling nonsensical lecture. He stumbled, mumbled and tried to place the blame for radical Islam, in part, on the victims of radical Islamist Jihadists. His solution was more a sociological treatise than facing the reality of radical Islamist Jihadists and their responsibility for their own actions. 

Of course Obama went on to blame ISIS for hijacking Islam. I take exception to that thought. ISIS has not perverted Islam. Every thing that ISIS does is clearly stated in the Quran, especially the later and much more strident and virulent verses, which supersede similar earlier verses. The fact that ISIS has dwelled upon the most fundamental views expressed in the Quran does not mean ISIS has hijacked Islam. They have simply taken a different approach to the ultimate objective of Islam. ISIS is certainly a death cult that is interested in bringing the end times of the Apocalypse to fruition.

Creating economic opportunities for ISIS members is nonsense. ISIS fighters are making much more money than the opposing military force aligned against them. That fact alone destroys the Obama administration's thought that we should be doing more economically for these poor misguided souls, giving them alternatives to joining ISIS. 

I'm sorry, but that thought simply doesn't take into account the greater psychological drive of ISIS fighters that have bought into the end times of the Apocalypse and their supposed ascension to meet Allah and their 72 virgins.

That's like saying John Hinckley would not have tried to assassinate President Reagan, if he only had better economic opportunities in his life.

Inaugural Inductees into The DMF "Snark Hall of Fame"

After much drinking, debate, discussion and pocketing of bribes  counting and recounting of votes, the soon to be highly coveted DMF/MFNS Inaugural 'Snark Hall of Fame' Awards are today announced.   Honored are 3, for their wit, insight, writing and photoshop talents, as well as their amazing ability to avoid being scooped up by the secret Service.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Is Hillary Starting Her Courtship with the Left Wing Fringe?

Democrat Party’s Far Left Cheers Clinton-Warren Meeting

The left wing of the Democratic party cheered news Tuesday that presumed presidential nominee Hillary Clinton recently met with progressive hero, Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Clinton and Warren, who has has focused on the issue of income equality, held a private, one-on-one meeting at Clinton’s Washington home, the New York Times reported. The meeting came at Clinton’s invitation.
Warren, a Massachusetts freshman who was appointed to Senate leadership this year, is being lobbied to run for president next year. But she has repeatedly said she is not interested.
“It is positive news that Hillary Clinton is meeting with Elizabeth Warren and other progressives -- and it will be even more positive news if economic populist thinkers are appointed to her inner circle,”said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. “The way for Democrats to win the general election in 2016 is by actively campaigning on an Elizabeth Warren-style economic message -- big ideas like expanding Social Security benefits, a national goal of debt-free college, and stopping Wall Street banks from wrecking our economy again.
One must remember this:  Elizabeth Warren-style economics is Barack Obama Economics repackaged.

Socialist Lawmakers Sojourn to Castro's Utopian Cuba

Nancy Pelosi Leads a Democrat House Delegation 

Pelosi Arrives Ready to Make Deals
Politico - House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi traveled with a congressional congregation to Cuba on Tuesday.

The trip is the first official House delegation to travel to the island nation since President Barack Obama announced late last year an easing of trade restrictions with the Castro regime.

“This delegation travels to Cuba in friendship and to build upon the announcement of U.S. normalization of relations and other initiatives announced by President Obama,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) said. “This delegation will work to advance the U.S.-Cuba relationship and build on the work done by many in the Congress over the years, especially with respect to agriculture and trade.”

The delegation includes Democratic Reps. Eliot Engel of New York, Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Anna Eshoo of California, Nydia Velázquez of New York, Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, Steve Israel of New York and David Cicilline of Rhode Island. Engel is the ranking member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Rumor Has It Hillary Loved The Fifty Shades of Gray Movie

Top Presidential Experts call Obama 'Overrated' and One of the Worst By 3-1

Word is He's a Pretty Crappy Golfer Too....

Just weeks after Foreign Policy magazine announced the results of its 2014 Ivory Tower survey of 1,615 international relations scholars from 1,375 U.S. colleges naming John Kerry the Least effective U.S. Secretary of State of the past 50 years, the Liberal think tank The Brookings Institution  issues a survey naming Barack Obama as one of the non-great Presidents.

This should not come as news except to your typical mouth breathing progtard....  

Washington Examiner
He’s still viewed as a nice guy, but less than two years before he wraps up two terms in the Oval Office presidential scholars don’t believe President Obama ranks anywhere near history’s greats, making him a mediocre 18th in the line of best to worst.
According to a Brookings Institution survey of American Political Science Association scholars, they put Obama on the worst, not best, list by a margin of nearly three-to-one. Here's how Brookings wrote it: “Those who view Obama as one of the worst American presidents outnumber those who view him as one of the best by nearly a 3-1 margin.”
And, the friendly think tank added, “nearly twice as many respondents view Obama as over-rated than do those who consider him under-rated.”
Overall, Brookings said, “Few think of Obama as an excellent president, while many more rate his presidency quite low, with the bulk of experts appearing to give him a passing grade but not one that would get him on the Dean’s list.”
The survey was sent to 391 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section, the premier organization of experts of the American presidency, and 162 participated online.
Brookings noted that the polls on Obama’s greatness have never been high, and their survey of presidential experts helps to explain why.
First, they find Obama polarizing. “One area where there is significant expert consensus about the president, however, concerns how polarizing he is viewed as being — only George W. Bush was viewed as more a more polarizing president,” said the blog post.
They also have a muddled view of his military, legislative and diplomatic skills, a far fall from the praise he received early in his first term when he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
“It could be worse for Obama,” adds Brookings. “Barring unforeseen scandal, he’s unlikely to become significantly less popular, and as he enters his post-presidency, he is likely to experience the same slow rise up the greatness polls George W. Bush has had. Whether that is a sluggish climb or more noteworthy, as the case has been with Truman and George H.W. Bush, remains to be seen, but there is still plenty of time left in his presidency to lay the foundation for future claims on the empty spot to the right of Lincoln on Mount Rushmore’s granite façade.”
I know I'm not alone by saying I'm not holding my breath on the Mt. Rushmore thing.....