On Wednesday, I watched and listened to President Obama once again publicly support Islam in a rambling nonsensical rant, as if he were lecturing the rest of us for not embracing Islam as the religion of peace. I'm sorry, but I will never embrace Islam as a religion, let alone a religion of peace. The historical facts speak to the contrary. Islam is far more a paramilitary political ideology than a religion. What religion in world history was founded by a brutal and savage murderer of his opponents?
The historical record is undeniable. It's Islam.
I'm tired of Obama's haughty elitist demeanor in talking down to those who have legitimate disagreements with Islam. It's so typical of liberals to look down at those who oppose them, as if we are ignorant or stupid low life cretins or Neanderthals.
Obama's comments were a sickening and rambling nonsensical lecture. He stumbled, mumbled and tried to place the blame for radical Islam, in part, on the victims of radical Islamist Jihadists. His solution was more a sociological treatise than facing the reality of radical
Islamist Jihadists and their responsibility for their own actions.
Of course Obama went on to blame ISIS for hijacking Islam. I take exception to that thought. ISIS has not perverted Islam. Every thing that ISIS does is clearly stated in the Quran, especially the later and much more strident and virulent verses, which supersede similar earlier verses. The fact that ISIS has dwelled upon the most fundamental views expressed in the Quran does not mean ISIS has hijacked Islam. They have simply taken a different approach to the ultimate objective of Islam. ISIS is certainly a death cult that is interested in bringing the end times of the Apocalypse to fruition.
Creating economic opportunities for ISIS members is nonsense. ISIS fighters are making much more money than the opposing military force aligned against them. That fact alone destroys the Obama administration's thought that we should be doing more economically for these poor misguided souls, giving them alternatives to joining ISIS.
I'm sorry, but that thought simply doesn't take into account the greater psychological drive of ISIS fighters that have bought into the end times of the Apocalypse and their supposed ascension to meet Allah and their 72 virgins.
That's like saying John Hinckley would not have tried to assassinate President Reagan, if he only had better economic opportunities in his life.