Friday, April 10, 2015

ABC's New Sitcom Based on Hate Mongering Gay Activist's Life

Embolden by the success of recent television hit shows that depict scenes of gay sex,  ABC/Disney has decided to double down and awarded a new TV show to one of the nations most outspoken gay spewers of hate and anti-Christian bigotry, Dan Savage.  
Even worse, the sitcom will be based on his own life and ironically titled: "Family of the Year."

A perusal of Dan Savage's work reveals a career built on advocating violence, even murder, and spewing hatred against people of faith.

Here is a sample of the kind of person ABC sees as worthy of network television time (links courtesy of Freedom Outpost)
* Bullied former presidential candidate Rick Santorum via a internet campaign to redefine his last name, which fits the definition of cyber bullying. He even expressed the desire to rape Santorum on television. 
* Claimed he licked door handles at Gary Bauer's campaign office in hopes of getting people sick. 
* Pushed for mandatory abortions
* Called Christian students "pansies" in front of their peers and claimed the Bible was BS. 
* Has wished Republicans were all dead (Isn't it interesting how these degenerates call for the deaths of those that oppose them? Yet, play the victim when law is upheld against them? (And I'm still not hearing anyone in the gay activist community rebuke this guy's comments.) 
* Used vile language against Ben Carson 
* Said he wished Carl Romanelli was dragged behind a pickup truck till nothing was left but the rope. 
* Expressed the desire to sexually assault actor Brad Pitt.
His advocation of violence resulted in this: 
Recently the Family Research Council released video footage of Floyd Corkins, the homosexual activist who walked into the lobby of the Family Research Council in August 2012 with a semi-automatic pistol and a backpack filled with 100 rounds of ammunition and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Corkins shot the Family Research Council’s security guard, Leo Johnson, who then successfully subdued him before he was taken into custody.
During an FBI interrogation, Corkins stated that he intended to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces.”
Prosecutors said that Corkins planned to leave FRC after the attack and go to another conservative group to continue the reign of terror. A handwritten list of three other groups was found with Corkins’ belongings. An investigation of Corkins’ computer found that he identified his targets on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website.
For more on Savage and his mental illness see the video for yourself:

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bo Gets Raul an Invite to the Dance

In a symbolism-laden encounter, Barack Obama and his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro (the Fredo of the Cuban Revolution) will Friday night sit down to dinner together with 33 other regional leaders.

The opening of the Summit of the Americas in Panama will be the first time that presidents from the two countries have shared a table since Mr. Castro's older brother Fidel led the Cuban revolution in 1959.  

Although there is currently no one-on-one meeting scheduled between the two men, they are expected to exchange greetings and possibly sit-down for an apology for America's ignorance toward Cuba  more detailed conversation on the sidelines of Saturday's main agenda of talks. 

In more intelligent eras, the US had blocked the Socialist Dictatorship and it's biggest Dic Fidel from attending Summit, a gathering of Western Hemisphere heads of state held sporadically every few years for reasons no one really understands. Castro is expected to massively over eat at the lavish dinner for the leaders to make up for being shunned from participation for 50 years.

The intelligentsia at the State Department last month recommended that the White House should remove Cuba from the list of rogue states after a legal review, clearing the most serious obstacle to the normalization of relations.  Obama seems certain to approve the recommendation after it is assessed by his WH staff of geniuses. 

Panama City prostitutes are said to have geared up in anticipation of arrival of the President's travel security and secret service detail. 

 Raul Castro and His Comrade, T-shirt Icon and Mass Murderer Che Guevara
(UK Telegraph) snark amended 

State Department Orders Crash Course on Negotiatin'

 Training is Meant to Increase Understanding and Effectiveness 

"Mr. Secretary Would You Like to Lead the Class in the Pledge of Allegiance?"

After disastrous negotiations with Iran in which they were allowed to run the table and call the shots, the Obama State Department has decided it just might be time to learn the fine art of not getting the floor mopped with their faces when dealing with adversaries.  

"Less than a week following the framework of a nuclear deal with Iran that allows the Islamic Republic to continue operating core aspects of its program, the State Department is looking for a new training course on how to negotiate.  The agency released a solicitation for “Negotiations” on Wednesday, revealing that the State Department is seeking a class for U.S. diplomats on “making and receiving concessions wisely.”
“The overall course teaches the essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes for U.S. diplomats to succeed in any of 275 overseas posts performing the full spectrum of political and economic work,” the solicitation said. “This module will focus on the complex art of negotiating across diverse cultures to find common ground for advancing mutual interests.”
The training is meant to increase “understanding and effectiveness” of negotiations between foreign powers.
The State Department said upon completion of the course diplomats will be better able to describe “basic, universal negotiating concepts and vocabulary,” and identify “objectives and underlying interests of negotiating parties. Preparing relevant strategies for diplomatic persuasion,” and “analyzing ‘Lessons Learned’ through debriefing to improve future outcomes,” are other goals of the course."
The three-week course also seeks for State Department diplomats to understand “cultural considerations” and “building trust” between their foreign counterparts."

I guess this should come as no surprise to any of us that this bunch have no skills and couldn't negotiate their way out of an open box, considering the previous Secretary of State spent 5 years doing nothing but fly around wearing out government aircraft, having cocktails with world leaders and reminiscing about the Bill Clinton years....

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Gov. Signs Virginia Criminal Fair Employment Act

Va. Governor Eliminates Criminal History Questions on State Job Applications

My friend, have you been convicted of car thievery?  Maybe dealing drugs to high school kids or beating up your baby momma? Or maybe just a politician skimming off campaign funds to buy yourself a nice fur coat.  Well, fear not for being convicted for jacking that 7-11 (of course you were innocent). Now you too can have a rewarding, high paying, cushy pension paying job as a Virginia State Employee thanks to the wee brained, but big hearted Governor Terry McAuliffe ( a bit of a shady creature himself) who in the spirit of Barack Obama, whipped out his pen and did you a great favor.....

BRISTOL, VA (WJHL) -  Applications for state jobs in Virginia will no longer will include questions regarding a person's criminal history.  Governor Virginia  Terry McAuliffe  signed an executive order removing criminal history questions from state employment applications Friday. Under the order, employment decisions won't be based on an applicant's criminal history unless it's specifically related to the job they are being considered for.
While it only applies to state employment applications, the order also encourages similar hiring practices for private employers throughout the Commonwealth.  Some business owners we spoke to in Bristol, Virginia are not on board with the idea.
"It could effect us, I do think its very important, as I said, if we are going to ask about their education and other types of history, why can we not know about their background," said April Barnes. 
"I think any business owner should ask about criminal background, I don't want a crook working for me," said Hugh Testerman.  
Governor McAuliffe, however, said he believes the executive order will eliminate obstacles for Virginians who deserve a second chance.  
I suspect as a one of his last acts as President and a final FU America, and to throw a bone to the folks in the hood,  Barack Obama will issue a blanket pardon to citizens convicted and jailed for simple marijuana possession and low level dealing now that it's legal in many states, all under the guise of "reuniting families and children with their fathers, or some phony nonsense like that..... 

Judge Upholds Injunction Against Obama Amnesty

"A federal judge denied the federal government's request to lift a hold on President Obama's controversial immigration actions in an opinion released Tuesday night.
Judge Andrew Hanen wrote that the government misled the court by revealing last month it had granted expanded work permit renewals to 100,000 illegal immigrants before the court blocked the administration from implementing its new policies.  He added a new hearing in March only 'reinforced' his February decision to issue a 'stay' to block those new policies, meant to delay deportations for millions of undocumented immigrants and provide them with the opportunity to apply for work permits. 
'It is obvious that there is no pressing, emergent need for this program,' he wrote as part of the rationale for not allowing the administration to immediately implement its new policies."  — Ben Kaisar, The Hill

It Happened One Night......

MIDLAND TX 1952. She was a young mother out for a few drinks with the girls at the country club.
He was a virile and shirtless busboy out behind the clubhouse, washing his tubs.
She’d gone there to throw up.   He held her hair…...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Free People are Entitled to Free and Diverse Thoughts


No. 03—1693




[June 27, 2005]
    Justice O’Connor, concurring.

I join in the Court’s opinion. The First Amendment expresses our Nation’s fundamental commitment to religious liberty by means of two provisions–one protecting the free exercise of religion, the other barring establishment of religion. They were written by the descendents of people who had come to this land precisely so that they could practice their religion freely. Together with the other First Amendment guarantees–of free speech, a free press, and the rights to assemble and petition–the Religion Clauses were designed to safeguard the freedom of conscience and belief that those immigrants had sought.

They embody an idea that was once considered radical: Free people are entitled to free and diverse thoughts, which government ought neither to constrain nor to direct.

Reasonable minds can disagree about how to apply the Religion Clauses in a given case. But the goal of the Clauses is clear: to carry out the Founders’ plan of preserving religious liberty to the fullest extent possible in a pluralistic society.  By enforcing the Clauses, we have kept religion a matter for the individual conscience, not for the prosecutor or bureaucrat. At a time when we see around the world the violent consequences of the assumption of religious authority by government, Americans may count themselves fortunate: Our regard for constitutional boundaries has protected us from similar travails, while allowing private religious exercise to flourish....."

Among Wealthy Nations U.S. Stands Alone in its Embrace of Religion. Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: Why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly? 

While these words were culled from a Supreme Court Decision barring the posting of the 10 Commandments in public schools, these same words are relevant to the present dispute over the RFRA  and the Indiana Law. " Free people are entitled to free and diverse thoughts"......  "Religion a is matter for the individual conscience, not for the prosecutor or bureaucrat."

I suspect somewhere in the darkened bowels of Anti-Christian groups like the ACLU, People For the American Way, Freedom From Religion Foundation and numerous gay rights front groups plans are now, or will be soon, being drawn  to challenge in the courts the individual state's RFRA legislation.