Saturday, August 22, 2015

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

#BlackLivesMatter Releases 10 Point Policy Statement For Solving the Problem of Bad Cops

The Back Story @IOTWReport

The 14th Amendment Doesn’t Grant Citizenship to Babies of Illegal Aliens!

by Anna Maria Perez
The 14th Amendment does not grant birthright citizenship to everyone born in the United States. In order to assume that it does, a person has to actually ignore what it says. The Supreme Court set the precedent of birthright citizenship by misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. Poor education about our history and government ensures that We the People never get uppity over this unconstitutional misinterpretation. The purpose of the 14th Amendment was to give citizenship to former slaves who were in the United States through no fault of their own.
The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. If it granted citizenship for no reason other than being born on U.S. soil, you would think that the U.S. would have started granting birthright citizenship in 1868, right? Wrong. They didn’t, because that isn’t what the 14th Amendment says. As a matter of fact, two years prior to its ratification, Senator Jacob Howard explained the actual intent of the 14th Amendment. He said:
“Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.”
The key to inheriting birthright citizenship is being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Foreigners are subject to the jurisdiction of the countries they are citizens of. We deport illegal aliens back to the countries that they are subject to the jurisdiction of. If they were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, then they would have all privileges and rights that go with that jurisdiction including voting, enlisting in our armed forces, and running for public office. Not being part of our jurisdiction, they are ineligible. They can do so in their home countries. The Supreme Court held to this in the 1884 Elk v. Wilkins case. They decided that the children of foreign ministers were not granted birthright citizenship based on the fact that they weren’t subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. 
And American Indian was not granted citizenship, because his parents weren’t completely subject to U.S. jurisdiction, being also subject to an Indian nation. If an American Indian was not granted American Citizenship by birthright after the 14th Amendment was ratified, then we can certainly conclude that birthright citizenship isn’t granted to foreigners by the 14th Amendment. Congress didn’t grant citizenship to American Indians until 1924!
It wasn’t until 1898, 30 years after the ratification of the 14th Amendment, that a case came in front of the Supreme Court that changed things. Keep in mind that the 5th Clause of the 14th Amendment specifically gives congress the power to enforce the 14th Amendment, not the Supreme Court.
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Friday, August 21, 2015

You Can Buy Just About Anything on the Interwebs These Days....

Looking to have a little fun this weekend, I decided to look and see if any genius out there had come up with a Time-machine app for androids yet. You know, to go back in time and have a conversation with Cicero or something. No such luck. But I did find this interesting little app.....

With Hollywood Help, Obama Begins Re-Writing History

by Jonathan S. TobinAccording to the New York Times article 'Obama Plots Life After Presidency', the planning for Barack Obama’s post-presidency started as soon as his second term began. The conversations began with director Steven Spielberg and studio executive Jeffrey Katzenberg impressing upon the president the need to employ cutting edge technology in the presidential library to be built to honor him. 

Their goal, which has apparently been reinforced in many other late night conversations at the White House with a variety of other well-heeled and influential Obama fans, is that the aim of the new institution will be to develop, as the Times tells us, a “narrative” for his post-presidency. The reaction to that from most of the country, including the many who don’t think he’s been a good president (a group that has included a clear majority of Americans for most of his disastrous scandal-ridden second term), is so what? As long as the Obama library isn’t being built on our dime, what do we care what it contains or how it spins his historic yet flawed presidency?  

But with Hollywood honchos already thinking about how they will help brush up Obama’s “narrative,” the main point of the Obama library won’t be so much grandeur as it will be to exalt the legacy of the 44th president. While the tone of Bush’s opening remarks when his library opened was humility (a theme reflected in its exhibit if not in the concept of a half-billion dollar museum), one suspects there will not be much of it in the place built to honor a man who has shown precious little of that quality in his presidency.

Even more troubling is the prospect that Obama will link his pyramid to a new foundation that will be cut from the mold of the Clinton’s efforts. Their family foundation is a toxic mix of influence peddling and a thinly veiled political slush fund. There’s little doubt that Obama could match or even exceed their efforts. And that’s why we should worry about the post-Obama presidency and that of future presidents who will similarly use their positions to create new hybrid institutions that pose as philanthropies while actually performing a very different less exalted non-charitable purpose. As it is difficult to imagine him operating with the humility of either Bush, it’s likely Obama will become a permanent presence in which his library and foundation will be bases from which he will continue to influence our political life for the worst for many years to come.

There is something distinctly unhealthy for democracy in our new tradition of building bigger and bigger museums for each president as if they were pharaohs in ancient Egypt trying to construct bigger pyramids than those erected for their predecessors. Such institutions are a reflection of the inflation of each president into something earlier Americans would think of as a monarch rather than the elected leader of a republic. The harnessing of Hollywood and Silicon Valley high-tech to Obama’s ego in a billion-dollar pyramid ought to trouble us a bit even if it is only his admirers who will pay for it.

Plans to build Obama a mausoleum that will dwarf the ones built for his predecessors and to re-write history to burnish his reputation provide us with new proof of the moral vacuum at the heart of his administration.

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Governor Moonbeam Just called You a Genetically Inferior Troglodyte

The debate over global warming and climate change got uglier recently after California Gov. Jerry Brown of "no vaccine choice" fame insulted the intelligence – and genetic makeup – of everyone who disagrees with his premise that these phenomena are real.

Like all global warming alarmists, Brown – who was attending a "climate change summit" in Canada – made the same old tired, dire predictions of doom and gloom if the world continues to burn fossil fuels. But he also had a special descriptor for those who dare to call a hoax a hoax.

As for the "climate deniers," whom reporters present took to primarily mean Republicans (Brown is a Democrat), he added: "We have a lot of troglodytes south of the border."

There are descriptors for self-important blowhards who have made their living from taxpayers their entire adult careers (like Brown), but an exchange of name-calling is a pointless endeavor. Better to educate the masses with truth because after all, the truth will set us free. The troglodyte reference by Brown is interesting for its context; Brown apparently feels that anyone who disagrees with him regarding the future of the planet does not have the genetic brain power to debate him, much less prove him wrong. But then, most Yale Law School grads might think that, for a healthy dose of arrogance no doubt accompanies the diploma.

But having an Ivy League mouth doesn't give one license to presume the rest of the lesser-educated and unwashed masses are ignorant mutant fools with nothing useful to contribute to the debate. Yet this is precisely what the California governor and serial consumer of taxpayer funds believes.

How to convert the non-believer? Maybe eugenics?

After all, the "noble" state of California once led the nation in forced sterilizations, and while some 32 states had similar programs, "California was in a league of its own," CNN reported in 2013. The program in the Golden State was so successful that, in the mid-1930s, Nazi officials consulted California eugenicists before establishing their own program in Germany.

(Natural News)

53% Of Democrats Want Joe to Go For it!

CNN Poll: Majority Of Democrats Want Joe Biden To Run. 

And We Find Ourselves in Full Agreement. Go For It Joe!

Earl Done This
CNN - Most Democrats say they do want Biden to make a go of it: 53% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters say they think Biden should run, 45% that he should stay out. Even among those who currently support Clinton, 50% say they think Biden should run. Democratic voters aren't necessarily convinced a Biden presidency would be better than a Clinton one, though: 35% say Biden would do a worse job as president than Clinton, 27% a better one and 38% say there wouldn't be any difference between the two.
A crooked grandmother with a bad memory, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a wing-nut wild haired socialist misfit nephew of Colonel Sanders’  and a legendary gaff machine with foot-in-mouth disease, all grabbing for the same golden ring. Really, what more could we ask for?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Federal Judge Awards Half A Million To Illegal Alien

FPP - Jesus Castro Romo is half a million US dollars richer thanks to an Obama appointed federal judge for the U.S. District Court of Arizona.

Jesus Will Come Again 
Castro was part of a group of illegal aliens that was stopped by Border Patrol agents and who had run away from the group in an effort to escape. He was chased down by Border Agent Abel Canales (on horseback) and eventually wound up being shot.  The judge says the stories of the two men are very much alike except for the part when Castro was shot. Canales says Castro picked up a rock and attempted to throw it at the agent and that he (Canales) perceived that action as a threat.  

Judge James Soto, appointed to the bench by President Obama in December of 2013, ruled that because Agent Canales was later convicted of accepting a bribe from drug smugglers at a border crossing his testimony was “less credible” than that of a man who entered the United States illegally.

What's Wrong With America
“Being convicted of any crime for which dishonesty is a factor tends to undermine the reliability of a witness,” the judge wrote. “In this case, however, the conviction involved Canales’ work for the Border Patrol. Specifically, Canales had accepted a bribe from drug smugglers in exchange for allowing them to come through his inspection lane at a border patrol checkpoint.”

Perhaps I’m mistaken but doesn’t all crime, including entering into the country illegally, involve dishonesty? Which crimes are honest?

The judge also made it clear he didn’t think a rock was much of a threat compared to a gun. And in a normal circumstance, if you were facing each other on the street, I would tend to agree. (I wonder if he watched those videos of the protesters in Ferguson throwing 4 and 5 pound chunks of concrete at police officers?) But on horseback you would be very much vulnerable to a rock attack, and so would the horse.

Judge Soto awarded Castro $553,270.46 in economic and punative damages. He then determined that Castro was 10% responsible for what happened because he was in the country illegally so he took 10% of the award back. Really? Ten percent? It seems to me if Castro hadn’t been here the incident never would have happened. Doesn’t that put far more responsibility on him than a mere 10%?

Either way, Castro recovered from his injuries. And I’m guessing that $497,943.41 in U.S. dollars will help him recover his dignity. It will likely make his illegal entry back into the country easier as well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hillary Obviously Forgot Her Mother's Advice.......

Same Group That Sees the Word “American” as Problematic Urges Schools to Ban ‘Boy’ and ‘Girl’

 And Why Should We Change Anything for a Handful of Freaks?

Prison Planet

The biggest gay rights lobby group in the United States has called on schools to eliminate “gender stereotypes” by training staff to avoid using the words “boy” and “girl” in class.

A new back to school guide published by the Human Rights Campaign designed to make classrooms “gender inclusive” urges teachers to “avoid using gender to divide and address students” so as to prevent any transgender students from becoming upset.

“Instead of addressing your class using “boys” and “girls,” try something new. Words like “friends,” “students” or “scholars” allow all students to feel included, expand student vocabulary and model inclusive language and behavior for other students and teachers,” states the guide.

Asking students to identify as male or female on paperwork is also vehemently discouraged, with the guide encouraging schools to, “consider adding a third write-in option for those who have non-binary gender identities.”

A link to another resource shows a ‘gender inclusive registration form’ which gives children the option to pick their own “gender preferred pronoun.” The guide also urges schools not to include the words “mother” or “father” on any forms in case someone is offended.

Teachers are also encouraged to take advantage of “teachable moments” where they can explain to children why a student may have “two moms” or two dads, and how not just a man and a woman are capable of having a baby. The guide also advises teachers not to restrict certain activities to one gender, for example by encouraging boys to take part in girls’ dance lessons.
