Thursday, January 26, 2017

Prosperity and President Trump's Political Fate:

"In truth, we are on the cusp of a great experiment. For decades, conservatives, both traditional and pro-growth supply-siders, have preached that deregulation, reasonable and predictable Federal Reserve interest rates, reduced government, a radically simplified and pruned-back tax code, new incentives for investment, an open energy market, and a can-do psychological landscape that encourages entrepreneurship will make the economy soar at rates of 4 percent GDP and more.
"We shall soon see. If Trump unleashes American know-how and strengthens the economy, then his cultural and domestic agendas, as well as his personal demeanor and language, however radical and jarring, will probably be accepted. In contrast, if he blows up the deficit and sees interest rates spike at Carter levels and the cost of debt service soar, if he allows unemployment to grow -- while never exceeding Obama's dismal economic growth rates -- then the Trump agenda will stall and the media will be liberated to obsess over the tweets, gaffes, and bombast of every nanosecond of his presidency. 
"Economic growth cuts through political orthodoxy; economic stagnation intensifies it. Regrettably or not, prosperity, not character per se, determines a president's political fate." - Victor Davis Hanson

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Boogers of Justice Stare into the Cold Steel Nose Hairs of Fascism

Would you risk your life to inspire resistance against the veils of Donald Trump? The Greenpeace protesters who are known for goofy, disruptive but ineffective results just scaled a giant crane located near the White House to hang a giant “RESIST” banner sure would. Golly gee, look at those crazy little boogers of social justice and self appointed defenders of mother earth starring into the cold steel nose hairs of fascism!

Beyond a perceived morale boost for Trump opponents, performing such daring, dangerous acts as this will show Trump et al. that they're willing to risk everything, up to and including our lives, to resist them. A person who will risk their life to fight against you is a dangerous opponent.

A police statement on Twitter was more blunt: “While we respect everyone’s right to protest, today’s actions are extremely dangerous and unlawful.” 

But I for one encourage them, the gene pool could use a little self cleansing.

One little-discussed yet potent power of the Women’s Marches, and indeed all mass demonstrations, is their kinetic potential. In simpler terms, if 500,000 people wanted to physically invade and occupy the White House and Congress, they could do it. It would be a dangerous act. People would likely die. But no force on earth could stop them in the end.

Secretaries Mattis and Kelly, please pickup on the White courtesy phones.

It seems increasingly likely that civil disobedience is going to be a major part of resisting Donald Trump and his Congress. And no one but protesters themselves will be responsible for what happens to their self- righteous ass if they get busted doing something dangerous and unlawful in service of their cause. There is a wide line between anarchy and peaceful civil disobedience.  

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


America's Second Civil War

Dennis Prager
"It is time for our society to acknowledge a sad truth: America is currently fighting its second Civil War. In fact, with the obvious and enormous exception of attitudes toward slavery, Americans are more divided morally, ideologically and politically today than they were during the Civil War. For that reason, just as the Great War came to be known as World War I once there was World War II, the Civil War will become known as the First Civil War when more Americans come to regard the current battle as the Second Civil War.
This Second Civil War, fortunately, differs in another critically important way: It has thus far been largely nonviolent. But given increasing left-wing violence, such as riots, the taking over of college presidents' offices and the illegal occupation of state capitols, nonviolence is not guaranteed to be a permanent characteristic of the Second Civil War.
There are those on both the left and right who call for American unity. But these calls are either naive or disingenuous. Unity was possible between the right and liberals, but not between the right and the left.
Classic Liberalism -- which was anti-left, pro-American and deeply committed to the Judeo-Christian foundations of America; and which regarded the melting pot as the American ideal, fought for free speech for its opponents, regarded Western civilization as the greatest moral and artistic human achievement and viewed the celebration of racial identity as racism -- is now affirmed almost exclusively on the right and among a handful of people who don't call themselves conservative.
The left, however, is opposed to every one of those core principles of liberalism."
Read More

Thank You MJA for the Linky

Isn’t It Ironic….

image via Nod To The Gods

A Few "CHOICE" Words for Feminist Protesters

When I saw the image above I thought what a sheep, and how ignorant. Ladies, I ask you, who is telling you what you can or can't do with your Vajayjay.  You can give away, you can sell it, you can even put it on display for the entire world to see if you wish.  

But in this day and age, with all that is available to you, if you lay down and get pregnant, you've already made your "CHOICE". Believing the results of your actions (in this case your irresponsibility) and then your "CHOICE" of the most selfish one act a woman can participating in, that of killing your unborn baby, is somehow in any way the responsibility of the other 170,000,000 taxpayers to help fund it is nonsense. 

While the law of the land through a twisted interpretation of rights,  your "CHOICE" isn't entitled to have your action be funded by the government anymore then my right to self defense (firmly ensconced in the Bill of Rights - Google It) means the government help fund my weapon of choice, or to fund my Church or my Free Speech.  You conveniently blind yourself to what Planned Parenthood was organized for in the first place. It had nothing to do with womens health.

I doubt very seriously the Founders could have every envisioned a government they created participating in funding of the selfish slaughter of future generations in the name of womens health , or involvement in supporting private "killing for profit" operations.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required * 

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY - Chair of Music, Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Feigned Outrage

Some women today woke up this morning from a nice 8 hour nap on a comfy bed in a safe, secured home, ate a hearty fresh breakfast, put on nice clean clothes, got in their fancy cars, and then drove to a “march” to protest the “oppression” of women in the America.
Meanwhile, somewhere a woman is getting beaten by her husband or father for showing a half a inch or so too much of their skin............and they remain silent.

Perhaps if you were protesting REAL violence against women instead of a losing candidate for president, an enabler of a proven womanizer and abuser of women and who wanted to increase significantly the number of immigrant males from countries where rape is legal and women are enslaved, then more of America would take you seriously. 
But hey ladies, enjoy you weekend.....