Would you risk your life to inspire resistance against the veils of Donald Trump? The Greenpeace protesters who are known for goofy, disruptive but ineffective results just scaled a giant crane located near the White House to hang a giant “RESIST” banner sure would. Golly gee, look at those crazy little boogers of social justice and self appointed defenders of mother earth starring into the cold steel nose hairs of fascism!
Beyond a perceived morale boost for Trump opponents, performing such daring, dangerous acts as this will show Trump et al. that they're willing to risk everything, up to and including our lives, to resist them. A person who will risk their life to fight against you is a dangerous opponent.
A police statement on Twitter was more blunt: “While we respect everyone’s right to protest, today’s actions are extremely dangerous and unlawful.”
But I for one encourage them, the gene pool could use a little self cleansing.
One little-discussed yet potent power of the Women’s Marches, and indeed all mass demonstrations, is their kinetic potential. In simpler terms, if 500,000 people wanted to physically invade and occupy the White House and Congress, they could do it. It would be a dangerous act. People would likely die. But no force on earth could stop them in the end.
Secretaries Mattis and Kelly, please pickup on the White courtesy phones.
It seems increasingly likely that civil disobedience is going to be a major part of resisting Donald Trump and his Congress. And no one but protesters themselves will be responsible for what happens to their self- righteous ass if they get busted doing something dangerous and unlawful in service of their cause. There is a wide line between anarchy and peaceful civil disobedience.
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!