Sunday, March 12, 2017

Even In Bernie Sanders Backyard They're Saying "Oh Hell No!"

Looks like even in a bastion of American Socialism like Vermont, people are wakening up. In the sleepy town of Rutland Vt.,  Mayor Christopher Louras lost to City Councilor David Allaire.  A Six term Mayor,  Louras last spring announced his plan to bring up to 100 refugees annually from Syria and Iraq to the city of about 16,500 residents. The citizen's response: I don't Think So!

Councilor Allaire had criticized the way Louras rolled out the program, announcing it last April without getting input from the public and city officials. When he announced his candidacy, Allaire said the main issue was with the secrecy of the program. 

The city of Rutland was chosen as the site to place refugees by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), one of the nine major federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors or voluntary agencies.  According to Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch, once a site is chosen for resettlement, the agency submits an annual resettlement plan to the State Department in order to receive federal funding of nearly $2,000 per refugee sponsored in addition to federal grants of up to $2,200 per refugee sponsored.

Refugee resettlement has become a billion dollar industry, according to investigative journalist James Simpson, a former economist and budget examiner for the White House Office of Management and Budget.  The VRRP had not openly disclosed its proposed resettlement abstract to Rutland.  Such abstracts list the targeted town’s available facilities and amenities, such as subsidized housing, mental health facilities, and public schooling, for the refugees. Exposing the contents of the abstract prior to resettling or “seeding” refugees (a term coined by a resettlement agency) was a cause of great concern for the agency, as it would shake some sense into the citizens of Rutland and most likely prevent refugee resettlement.

One month after arrival, refugees are provided with taxpayer-funded services such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Insurance, public housing assistance, child care, food stamps, and much more, costing billions of dollars a year.  However, after a couple of months, government funding runs out, and it becomes incumbent upon the community to take over and provide.  Given the rising number of Rutland’s low-income citizens in desperate need of assistance, city officials should be leading efforts to develop ways to take care of their own first, including war veterans, seniors, drug addicts, and the homeless.

Many refugees in the U.S. today are supported by lifetime cash assistance programs, while Americans are being pushed off time-limited welfare programs. According to Corcoran, refugees are treated as U.S. citizens in that they qualify for all federal, state, and local welfare programs after one month. This raises the refugee resettlement costs to billions of dollars a year.

[The]                           Thank You MJA for the Linkage!
[American Thinker]

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos required *
Please have Tickets Ready For Boarding WayBack Machine

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY- Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

The Press Destroyed Alberto Gonzales, Why Not Try With Jeff Sessions?

This may be the most absurdly over-reported news of the week, courtesy of the anti-Republican Associated Press:  "Attorney general seeks resignations of 46 US attorneys." This was a breaking news story on newspaper sites across the country, and the talking heads on cable news came close to peeing themselves.  

Of course the administration is asking the prior administration's U.S. Attorneys to resign. U.S Attorneys are political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the president, just like the Secretary of State or the head of the EPA. Every president installs his own U.S. attorneys, who will carry out policy in line with the priorities of his Attorney General. Why do you think Attorney General Sessions is only calling for the resignation of 46? Because the other 47 have already quit. Presidents sometimes keep U.S. Attorneys appointed by a predecessor in place. But in every administration, the large majority are replaced. 

This is not a news story of any significance. But it is exactly how the Associated Press and other news outlets destroyed Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General under George Bush. Gonzales replaced eight U.S. Attorneys–all of them Bush appointees–and Chuck Schumer incited the press to carry on as though it were some kind of scandal. The whole thing was absurd, but hysteria brought on by a united front of liberal news media destroyed Gonzales’s career.

So the AP figures, why not try again? It's article acknowledges that U.S. Attorneys are political appointees whose resignation is routine, and yet gives the last word to a Democratic Party operative: 
“I think it’s very unprofessional and I’m very disappointed. What happened today on Friday, March 10, that was so important that all Obama appointees who are US attorneys need to be gone? I gotta write that (resignation) letter. It’s going to be a one-liner." 
An absurd finish to a silly news article. Nothing happened “today, on March 10.” Something happened last November 8, when Donald Trump was elected president. Like prior presidents, he is installing his own nominees as U.S. Attorneys. The AP reporter understands this, but deliberately tries to mislead readers of his story, which will appeared in hundreds of newspapers.  

When forced resignations are involved within The State or Justice Departments, today it's just called "Draining The Swamp."

Friday, March 10, 2017

I Was Totally Unaware That Halloween Masks Were Already On Sale........

Not Quite Sure........Demented Serial Killer Mask Maybe?

Notoriously Out-of-touch Crazy Person Refers to Slaves as Immigrants ........No, Not Ben Carson.

"By now, you've probably heard about Ben Carson's racism. The world-renowned brain surgeon is once again being portrayed as an out-of-touch idiot.  This time, it's because he had the shameful audacity to compare slaves to immigrants."

H/T Robert Laurie

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Not Fake News: A Liberal Tells the Truth!

Wednesday on CNN’s “The Messy Truth,” host Van Jones said President Donald Trump was “driving liberals insane,” to the point he does not want “y’all to be in charge either.
Breitbart - Jones said, “One thing I want to share, progressives tend to focus, when we critique him, on politeness and proper protocols okay? There’s a proper way to deal with reporters or intelligence agencies or judges. And when Trump breaks the rules, we start fanning ourselves and fainting and freaking out and handing out all of these protocol violations. And for his supporters, his appeal has nothing to do with protocol. It has everything to do, though, with pride and prosperity.”
“He’s saying, I want you to be proud of the country and have a job. So liberals seem to only see, like the crazy tweets. And we act like that’s all he’s doing. But his supporters actually ignore those tweets. You want to know the tweets they cherish? The one where he’s taking credit for the stock market that’s rising and their 401(k)s doing better and the jobs he so-called saved. If progressives want to understand Trump supporters, those are the tweets we need to be paying attention to.”
He added, “I think he’s driving liberals insane. I mean that. I think he is. I think he is. And I’m seeing more — I’m seeing liberals and progressives now so mad and distracted and depressed, I’m like, I don’t really want y’all to be in charge either. So it’s — Am I wrong?”

Thank You MJA for the Linkage! 

Someone Made a Trump Mosaic Out of Crying Liberals!

This is Fresh! 
Author Unknown

Well, He Did Say He'd Bring Back Jobs

Trump Giving Print Media New Vigor To Beat Their Establishment Drums

Attacks on Journalism are Fueling a Renaissance in 
Newsrooms Across the Country

Until very recently, the world of institutional journalism seemed so bleak that its future existence was beginning to be questioned. Newsrooms across the country have been forced to lay off journalists as advertisers and readers have flocked to the internet for their daily dose of news. The fate of print media has been so dire in the last decade that there is even a website called which, true to its name, chronicles the decline of the nation’s newspapers.

The Spectator
“Across the country – though unevenly reported – we see new newsroom job losses likely counting into the high hundreds,” Politico reported in late November. “Newsroom employment at the nation’s 1,375 dailies could fall below 28,000, less than half of its high point in 1990.”
That has changed, however, with Donald Trump’s attacks on certain media outlets like the New York Times and CNN.
According to Grant Glickson, president of the News Guild, Local 31003—a union with 40% of its membership employed by the New York Times—“subscriptions are soaring as news organizations pour resources into political and investigative reporting.”
In a post to his members entitled “Fake News” Attacks Backfire as Journalists Dig for the Truth, Glickson wrote:
"Far from discouraging or silencing journalists, the attacks are fueling a renaissance in newsrooms across the country. Morale is going up; talk of job cuts is going down. Many of our members are among journalists getting national attention for their Trump coverage. They are doing us proud. Not only is their work exceptional, they are unfailingly civil and professional in the face of attacks on their character. They are not taking the bait."
By Glickson’s logic, the election of Donald Trump as President could not come at a better time. Like other unions, Glickson’s local union has lost a third of its membership in the last 15 years.
“Trump is the best thing to happen to the Times’ subscription strategy” New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet CNN’s Reliable Sources last month. “Every time he tweets it drives subscriptions wildly.”
Clearly, as much as institutional journalists may despise the Trump presidency, he appears to be giving them a better sense of job security than they’ve had in years.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Clintons Spend "Day Without Women" Dropping Acid in Chappaqua and Grooving With Nature

💩 💩 💩 💩

Thank You MJA  and Springer for the Linkage!

The Claim that Russia “hacked the election” has Essentially Been Totally Discredited

From the latest dump by Wikileaks:
"The CIA’s hand crafted hacking techniques pose a problem for the agency. Each technique it has created forms a “fingerprint” that can be used by forensic investigators to attribute multiple different attacks to the same entity. 
This is analogous to finding the same distinctive knife wound on multiple separate murder victims. The unique wounding style creates suspicion that a single murderer is responsible. As soon one murder in the set is solved then the other murders also find likely attribution.
The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation. With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.  UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.”
And now, back to you Wolf Blitzer..... 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

TV Shows Reach "PEAK GAY" as Viewers Turn Off

Big media has steadily been pushing the gay agenda for decades, something the public have reluctantly put up with, because it has been in relatively small doses. But now it looks like the TV companies have gone too far, after they rolled out a number of big budget, gay-themed TV shows that flopped disastrously with viewers.

ABC's "When We Rise," an eight-hour drama miniseries depicting the "struggles" of LGBT activists in the "bad old days" when people actually had moral standards, was blatant in its characterization of gay activists as heroic idealists and the public as low-browed homophobes. Well, it seems like Joe Public didn't like being insulted, with the result that the show, screened on four consecutive nights, tanked and created a massive hole in ABC's ratings, despite saturation ad coverage during Oscar week, ahead of its premiere last week. 

Part one flopped on Monday, leading ABC to reschedule its popular "Modern Family" show (8-10 million viewers) to run just before the second installment of gay propaganda in order to boost ratings. Guess what? That didn't work either, and the show lost another million viewers, down to 2 million—on prime time Wednesday!!! 

The Left is now trying to claim that the show was "just not done right" rather than admit that the vast majority of people are just sick and tired of having the gay agenda constantly pushed at them by Hollywood and the Big Media. This argument is like Leftists who claim "Communism never failed" because "true Communism" has never really been tried. 

The fact is any gay-themed TV series is now poison for viewers. "When We Rise" is just one of several notable failures. USA's gay murder mystery "Eyewitness" was canceled due to lack of interest, while CBS’s "Doubt"—with an actual transsexual playing the transsexual lead role—fell like a lead balloon and was scratched after just two shows. This is starting to look like a pattern of "peak collapse," where a sharp rise in something—overtly gay TV programming in this case—leads to its sudden collapse. 

The big secret that gays should realize is that tolerance for their, ahem, "lifestyle" is pretty much conditional on not having it shoved in the public's face all the time. 

[Variety]                              Thank You William Teach @ Pirate's Cove for the Linkage!