Friday, October 27, 2017

Washington Free Beacon Claims They Were The ‘Republican’ Who First Hired Fusion GPS

"Since its launch in February of 2012, the Washington Free Beacon has retained third party firms to conduct research on many individuals and institutions of interest to us and our readers. In that capacity, during the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton. All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.

Representatives of the Free Beacon approached the House Intelligence Committee today and offered to answer what questions we can in their ongoing probe of Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier. But to be clear: We stand by our reporting, and we do not apologize for our methods. We consider it our duty to report verifiable information, not falsehoods or slander, and we believe that commitment has been well demonstrated by the quality of the journalism that we produce. The First Amendment guarantees our right to engage in news-gathering as we see fit, and we intend to continue doing just that as we have since the day we launched this project."

Matthew Continetti Editor in Chief - WFB

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Happy Birthday You Annoying Old Witch

The woman has been lying and covering it up all her life, and I’m sure she believes there’s no one better than she at creating a path strewn with so much confusion and ambiguity that it’s impossible to nail her for what she obviously did. But maybe she’s not as good as she thought she was. Strictly in terms of public knowledge, it’s now looks like to everyone paying attention that Hillary was trying to buy dirt on Trump without a paper trail to show she was doing it. (The fact that Christopher Steele’s sources were from the Kremlin puts a whole new spin on the “collusion with Russia” thing, and that’s another post all its own.)

Is Hillary going to escape legal culpability for lying on her FEC report like she escaped it for her e-mail felonies? She doesn’t have Loretta Lynch and James Comey around to protect her anymore, and no one has to worry about the precedent they’d set by coming down legally on a current presidential nominee. And the statute is not ambiguous. If Hillary for America didn’t disclose that they were paying Perkins Coie to hire Fusion GPS, then they lied and they’re in noncompliance with the statute. And then there's the whole "Uranium Thing." Almost anything that happens to Hillary is too lenient, but I’m not fussy.

The woman has been on a 40-year crime spree and escaped any penalty by wielding influence with the people who could hold her to account but are unwilling to do so. Anything that makes it official Hillary broke the law works for me. - Read More


The moment that a story starts hurting the Democrats the media loses interest. This explains the media’s ho-hum coverage of the confirmation that Hillary Clinton paid for the notorious “pee tape” dossier.  Even the Washington Post seemed embarrassed by its own scoop, nonchalantly reporting the FBI’s role in this sick farce in a few bland paragraphs deep in the story. The Post’s commentators and editorialists quickly moved into action, dismissing the story as insignificant.

The same pundits who pretended to tremble at dark forces outside the country trying to “tip the election” now say it is perfectly normal and even commendable that Hillary paid a foreign source to smear her opponent.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Welcome Home Hillary

The mudslinging and scandal-mongering section of the Trump Psychopathic Derangement Ward has been scraping deeper and less fruitfully into their barrel lately. The weekly festival of hysteria has sputtered down to a pathetic squeak last week with the claim by the race-baiter of the day that the president mishandled a call of condolence to the widow of a black soldier.

But as Ma Clinton returns home from her overseas Madam "Should-Have-Been" President book tour to a country that is finally beginning to look seriously at what the Clinton Foundation, former president Clinton, and then-Secretary of State Clinton did in the Uranium One affair.  The combination of gifts and pledges to the Clinton Foundation by interested parties of somewhere between  $131 million and $145 million, and the approval by the secretary of state and Attorney General Eric Holder, as is required under national-security legislation, of the sale of substantial American uranium resources to Russia in 2010, are a good deal worthier of official scrutiny than is the phantasmagorical charade of Trump-Russian collusion. And a bird is getting ready to start singing.

Had there been even a hint Donald Trump had any part in such a sequence of transactions, the press and Resistance character-assassination squads would darken the air with their insentient salvos of calls of treason, and all the hot-air-balloon-brained film stars in Weinsteinwood and Late-Night pseudo-comedians would be screaming like banshees.

And now it looks like, just as I have said here many times, there's gonna be a lot of egg on peoples faces before all this political nonsense over.  As the Democratic National Committee is imploding and in shambles, we now hear Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC violated federal campaign finance law by hiding their payments for the infamous Donald Trump Dossier, as another bomb goes off in the Democrat's dugout. 

Welcome Home Hillary........

You Suck. Go Away......and Take That Annoying Little Man John McCain With You!

"The anti-Trump media has been treating RINO Senator Jeff Flake as if he is some sort of heroic figure after he announced that he would not be running for reelection next year. The Arizonan made a big deal out of showboating on the Senate floor and delivering a denunciation of Trump’s “McCarthyism” that had the press gushing as if it were the sequel to Jimmy Stewart’s “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”. The truth was far simpler than the meme that Flake is a martyr saving America from Trump." - Donn Marten

Image Borrowed Swiped from A Nod To The Gods.

Jeff Flake is spearheading an amnesty bill as his last hurrah. Think about how ridiculous that is. This would be the same Sen. Jeff Flake who cited his immigration views as one reason he doesn’t have a home in the GOP anymore. So of course, let’s put a guy who readily admits he doesn’t represent the GOP on immigration in charge of negotiating a “Dreamer Bill,” being crafted as a response to President Trump’s rescinding of Obama’s (illegal) DACA order.

The proposed E-Verify provision is the only way to actually begin to stop illegal immigration. It stops employers from hiring illegals and discourages illegal immigrants from crossing the border in the first place because they know they won’t be able to work without proper permission. It’s a fair, common sense solution everyone should support. Yet, Repubs didn’t even try to keep it in the bill. No fight, no argument, no give and take. They just punted on it immediately. This is basically like walking into a car dealership, telling the salesman you’ll pay full MSRP, but you want him to throw in a few air fresheners.

H/T Konan the Bar Barron

RIP Fats Domino

At least in appearance, Fats was no Elvis Presley. He stood 5-feet-5 and weighed more than 200 pounds with a wide, boyish smile and a haircut as flat as an album cover. But Domino sold more than 110 million records, and 22 million-selling singles.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

CNN Downplays Apple Ad After Conservatives Have Field Day

CNN has been having a rough time since the 2016 election season. They made the decision to completely give up all journalistic standards and launch a coordinated effort to destroy Donald Trump. Fredo Cuomo, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Brian Stelter, Jim Acosta, all names that have become synonymous with lies and deceit.

After the network unveiled there new ad campaign yesterday, conservatives took to the internet and had a field day at their expense. It's hard to really understand what CNN was thinking here. They had to know they'd be mocked and that after #CNNBlackmail, it would backfire. And you know the world is heading full speed toward the apocalypse when CNN is using the hashtag #factsfirst

By today, like many others, Greg Tomlin had issued this response video, devastating the media’s pathetic take on basic facts and matters of science they wish to deny: 

It's Gonna to take a long time for CNN to get their credibility back, if that is even possible. But it won't be by simplistic ad campaigns if it does....

Monday, October 23, 2017

Another of Wealth & Privilege Vying For Crazy Negro Comment of the Week Award

Take Your Meds and Have a Little Nap, Harry. 

DT - Harry Belafonte is most famous for “The Banana Boat Song” which means that unless you are 60 years or older and love calypso music, you probably don’t even know who he is. He is also a black activist who has a problem with any white President of the United States. While he has laid into George W. Bush in the past, it was nothing compared about what he had to say about Donald Trump.

Over the weekend Belafonte made, what he announced as, his last public appearance at Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh. Ever the entertainer, he really went out with a bang. According to The Guardian, he started out by saying the country “made a mistake” in electing Donald Trump and then dropped this:
"I think the next mistake might very well be the gas chamber and what happened to Jews [under] Hitler is not too far from our door."
Many on the left have compared Trump to Hitler, but that’s usually in the context of the President enforcing our immigration laws, protecting us from foreign terrorists, or calling out the fake news liberal media. What Belafonte has done is on a completely different level. He’s accusing the freely-elected President of the United States of preparing to commit genocide against his own citizens. Of taking steps to eliminate an entire race of people.

What is this based on? I have no idea. This is still the US and we still have the Constitution in place that limits the President’s powers, including any sort of genocide plans. Also there is that thing where Trump’s racism is based entirely on liberal lies and leftist hysteria, but they’re not going t admit to that.

The reality is, the leftist Resistance shares more in common with fascists.  They want to disarm the people. They want to silence any ideas they disagree with. They want to force people to conform to their ideology. They are perfectly fine with using violence to get their way and to crush dissent. The biggest comparison between leftists and fascists however is that they are all lemmings who go along with whatever crazy and violent thing their party leaders say.  And no one bats an eye when Belafonte says, “Trump is Hitler and wants to kill all black people.”

Note: Speaking as a good leftist that he is, (inspired by the singer, actor and Communist activist Paul Robeson) on December 9, 2012 in an interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC, Belafonte expressed dismay that many political leaders in the United States opposed the policies of President Obama even after his re-election: "The only thing left for Barack Obama to do is to work like a third-world dictator and just put all of these guys in jail."

It's Like Hitting Themselves in the Face With a Pie

In a stunning new ad campaign unveiled to reiterate to us all who holds the true guarantees of the truth, CNN is lodging an attack at those claiming an apple is a banana. The ad begins with a red apple on a white screen:
“This is an apple. Some people might try to tell you it’s a banana. They might scream, ‘Banana, banana, banana,’ over and over again. They might put banana in all caps. You might even start to believe this is a banana. But it’s not. This is an apple.”
The words “facts first,” then flash on the screen before the CNN logo. The move comes after The New York Times launched an ad campaign of their own calling out false allegations of “fake news” by President Trump and his team of pundits.

Their 30 sec ad features a white screen with black type and a series of sound bites beginning with the words “the truth is.” “The truth is hard. The truth is hard to find", before the CNN logo flashes on the screen.  And They Should Know. 

While CNN’s ad campaign attacks those who call an apple a banana, they also pay Chris "Fredo" Cuomo and Fareed Zakaria, both well known for shouting “banana.”

A Good Monday Morning