Friday, May 18, 2012

Obama's Famous Kenyan Spaghetti Maker

The Looking
Check it Out!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Third Annual Biden Clown Bash for the Press

NBC biggie Tom Brokaw’s criticism of press schmoozing with the president and his team hasn’t put the kabosh on one of the most exclusive annual newsie-administration love-ins: Vice President Joe and Jill Biden’s Beach Boardwalk Bash.

Reporters who’ve received the invitation to the third annual shindig say it occurs Saturday June 9 from 1-3:30 p.m at their Naval Observatory home. The event in the past has been focused on kids and complete with clowns, plates of chicken nuggets, pizza, waterslides and super soaker guns.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One and Half Men

Adaptation of a photo found on facebook

Fuzzy's Top 5 Lies Leftists Believe About Conservatives: Number 3

From Fuzzy Slippers

So we’ve seen the Number 5 (Conservatives are fascists) and Number 4 (Conservatives are anti-science Neanderthals) lies that Leftists believe about conservatives, so let’s explore Number 3:


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ringling Brothers Circus Sues Obama Administration

Contemplates Suing Democrat Party

Middle Finger News Service - Ringling Brothers Circus is suing the White House for infringements on the copyright claim of  ‘The Biggest Circus In The World ’. The Ringling Brothers, for a century the largest traveling circus on the circuit, is now upset that the White House and Democrat party are now stepping on their trademark and cutting into their business.

Our clowns are at least professional!” stated Ringling Manager Pepe Roni , a midget trapezes artist with the circus.  “When we get laughs it is because we intend to. And we don't wear no three piece suits trying to look normal.  Believe me, the world is not a happy place when the clowns are pissed off!"
“It’s disgusting.” said Sue Flay, the Amazon strong-woman. “I put on a quality act wrestling boa constrictors and throwing cannon balls through stone walls, things that take real nerve and talent, and here's that crazy ass Debbie Wasserman Shitts going on stage acting a fool, talking out her ass and gets big buck contributions from all the lard butted businessmen who really just want to get in her pants. It is so unfair!”
“They are all cutting into our territory.” said Craven Moorehead, the chief clown and part time manure raker for the the circus. “We all spend years in clown school to perfect our craft, spending hours cramming into small cars, learning more about makeup application than Revlon will ever know and we get sidelined by this First Lady who obviously pays an ex-clown to dress her an give fashion tips. An those patent black leather shoe conformists like Nancy Pelosi who stand totally still on stage ranting like bad lunatic comedian about this amendment or that and they get all the air time in the world. And who the hell does her makeup, Stevie Wonder? They never have to endanger themselves with a prat fall or get shot out of a cannon. No! The worse thing they ever sprain is their jaw from so much blabbering."
Tess Steckle, the gate cashier and most normal person we could find to interview had this to say; “It is just disgusting. In all my years at the circus I have seen our people endangering life and limb to entertain people and these amateur clowns get more camera time than we have gotten since the fucking tent burned down in Pittsburgh back in 68'. They get Ma and Pa Small Town U.S.A. to come to their rallies and the media to cover them every time they fart . How are we to compete with that?”
Clown Car driver Jim Shorts ask us  “Why is it that America looks now to Joe Biden, mush-mouth Barney Frank and a sorry Bozo like Jay Carney and all these others for their comic relief? We're the ones out here trying to put on a professional show! These others are all rank amateurs. We're thinking of changing over to wearing suits to compete. I never thought I would see the day we'd have to stoop to being straight, but it appears to be the only way we can keep up with these guys. It is so humiliating!”
The Washington Law Firm of  Soo,Yu & Lovett have been retained to represent Ringling Brother. The White House legal team refuse comment from their weekly Ping Pong tournament at the time of this writing. 

The Liberal Disappointment in Obama

Diogenes -Tuesday, May 15
If you trace liberals disappointment with Barak Obama to its origins, to try to pinpoint the moment when his zealous supporters realized that this was "Not Change They Could Believe In", the souring probably began  in December, 2008, when Obama announced that conservative Evangelical pastor Rick Warren would speak at his inauguration.  MSNBC's Ricky Maddow rode the story almost nightly: “I think the problem is getting larger for Barack Obama.” Negative 34 days into the start of the Obama presidency, the honeymoon was over. 
Since then, the left's gloom has only deepened, as Obama compromise alternated with Obama failure. Liberals speak of Obama in unceasingly despairing terms. “I’m exhausted from defending you,” one supporter confessed to Obama at a town-hall meeting last year.
Justin Ruben, executive director, told the Washington Post, "We are all incredibly frustrated and  disappointed in Obama". The assessments appear equally judgmental among the most left-wing and the most moderate of Obama’s supporters  In early 2004, Democrats, by a 25-point margin, described themselves as “more enthusiastic than usual about voting.” At the beginning of 2008, the margin had shot up to over 60 percentage points. Now as many Democrats say they're less enthusiastic about voting this election.
The cultural enthusiasm sparked by Obama’s candidacy drained away almost immediately after his election. All the passion now lies with the critics, and it is hard to find a liberal willing to muster any stronger support than halfhearted drivel about the tough situation Obama inherited, or vague hope that maybe in a second term he can really start doing things.  Obama has already given up on any hope of running a positive reelection campaign and is girding up for a grim slog of a negative campaign, with the full compliance by some Republican haters in the vintage media. 
Why are lefties so desperately unhappy with the Obama presidency?
Liberals are dissatisfied with Obama because liberals, on the whole, are incapable of feeling satisfied with a Democratic president. They can be happy with the idea of a Democratic president,  dancing-in-the-streets delirious, but not with the real thing. 
For almost all of the past 60 years, liberals have been in a near-constant emotional state of despair, punctuated only by brief moments of euphoria and occasional rage. When they're not in charge, things are so bleak they threaten to move to Canada; it’s almost more excruciating when they do win elections, and their presidents fail in essentially the same ways: He is too accommodating, too timid, preaches to the choir  but unable to inspire the people. (Except for LBJ, who was a bloodthirsty warmonger.)
 Chris Matthews, who famously thrilled to Obama’s inspirational rhetoric, now complains, “Word is out that Obama is a ‘transactional’ politician.” Jon Stewart put it in even more anguished terms, expressing his disappointment that politics itself did not change under Obama: “He ran on this idea that the system and the methodology are corrupt. It felt like the country was upset enough that he had the momentum needed to reevaluate how business is done. Instead, when he got elected, he acted as though the system is so entrenched that it has to be managed.”
The unhappy moderate liberals seem to be the most irritated component of Obama’s let-down supporters. Enraged left-wing bloggers may harbor unrealistic notions of what Democrats could achieve, but they are at least correct that Obama does share their goals. I believe liberal melancholy hangs not so much on substantive objections but on something more emotional:
A general feeling that Obama turned out not to be Their Ronald Reagan.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Good Monday Morning


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Bad Week in O' Town

Anytime an incumbent is below 45% in approval ratings, that incumbent should hire a real estate agent because his time is up.

This polling should trouble Axelrod, Obama and Plouffe:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 42% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided. This is terrible news for President Obama. It’s one thing to be trailing at this point. It’s another thing when 60% of likely voters are rejecting President Obama’s message and his ‘accomplishments’."
We haven’t seen numbers this bad since George H.W. Bush ran for re-election. We know what happened that year, don’t we?
This polling is tied directly to Obama’s unpopular policies decisions and ‘accomplishments’. Obama knows that he can’t win if the conversation is about O’Care, the stimulus, the failed economy and the regulatory overreach by the NLRB and the EPA.
If that’s what we’re talking about this September and October, Michelle Obama will be thinking about where she, President Obama, Sasha and Malia will live the rest of their lives.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Giving Up on Conservatism

Euripides Throws in the Towel.....Kinda
By Euripides@Self Evident Truths

I give up. I'm tired of defending conservatism, so I've decided to give it up in favor of becoming a liberal.

Let's face it, being a modern liberal is a lot easier than defending the Constitution, social institutions, religion, or capitalism. It's also a lot easier to give in to an ideology where I no longer have to be responsible for my actions or my decisions, since, if they agree with liberalism, that is all that really matters. It's much easier to believe what I'm told to believe and to do what I'm told to do. Personal responsibility is so freeing. Plus, there are many benefits to becoming a liberal:

1) No matter how dumb I may sound, other liberals, and especially the media will never question my intelligence.

2) I can now claim group status with any oppressed group I want to, and gain government benefits and entitlements just by virtue of my claim. I can also say whatever I want to about my chosen group and be treated as if I were a spokesman, er, spokesperson for all. Anyone who disagrees with my status in the group is a racist.

3) I no longer have to give to charity, saving myself a lot of money in the process, as I can now just tell rich people to pay more taxes to support government programs that will benefit me. Hence, I can feel compassionate and superior without really having to do anything myself.

 4) I can now take the moral high ground on every issue by telling anyone who disagrees with me that he or she is a racist......."
Keep Reading..........

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Funny Pics from the Obama 2012 Campaign Site.

The following photos are taken directly from the official, authorized Obama for America reelection campaign website and Facebook pages. These are some of the pictures that team Obama hand-picked.
Whoa there big fella, it's called a G.E.D!

“Obama 2012: A pink flamingo in every pot.”

Remind me not to visit the Castro Street Foot Locker.


Chicago Jesus Rules

I’m sure this Mr. Chang, whoever he is, is a hell of a guy. 
But let's stay on topic here.

If this poor dog could shoot lasers out of its eyes, 
this woman would be a briquette.

When you’re gay and lesbian and bisexual and trans-gendered, apparently all at the same time, it’s so hard finding a candidate who can address your concerns and reflect your values.

There’s an old showbiz adage about exiting on a laugh, but I think I’ll do the opposite, and exit on something that’s not even remotely funny. Obama for America chose to feature this picture on its official Ohio Facebook page, championing a symbol of the oppression of women throughout the Muslim world. Oh, but explain to me again how it’s the Republicans who are waging a “war against women.”

Thank You IOTW - Doug Ross - Ann Barnhardt
- Marathon Pundit  - Randy's Roundtable
and The Blaze for the Linkage