The following photos are taken directly from the official, authorized Obama for America reelection campaign website and Facebook pages. These are some of the pictures that team Obama hand-picked.
Whoa there big fella, it's called a G.E.D!
“Obama 2012: A pink flamingo in every pot.”
Remind me not to visit the Castro Street Foot Locker.
Chicago Jesus Rules
I’m sure this Mr. Chang, whoever he is, is a hell of a guy.
But let's stay on topic here.
If this poor dog could shoot lasers out of its eyes,
this woman would be a briquette.
When you’re gay and lesbian and bisexual and trans-gendered, apparently all at the same time, it’s so hard finding a candidate who can address your concerns and reflect your values.
There’s an old showbiz adage about exiting on a laugh, but I think I’ll do the opposite, and exit on something that’s not even remotely funny. Obama for America chose to feature this picture on its official Ohio Facebook page, championing a symbol of the oppression of women throughout the Muslim world. Oh, but explain to me again how it’s the Republicans who are waging a “war against women.”
Thank You IOTW - Doug Ross - Ann Barnhardt
- Marathon Pundit - Randy's Roundtable
and The Blaze for the Linkage
- Marathon Pundit - Randy's Roundtable
and The Blaze for the Linkage