Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Guide to Winning the Goriest Campaign in 184 Years

The White House Dossier
"When I look at the campaign, I wonder, really, whether there has ever been an event quite like it in presidential politics before.
The Obama campaign is offering up a narrative that has so little connection to reality, but seems to be working so well, that I am pondering if it is possible for Romney to wage anything resembling a normal campaign at all.
Obama and his operatives smear Romney, accuse Republicans of racist intent, claim that George W. Bush is responsible for the current economy, declare Romney unqualified to be president – when Obama himself had not a single qualification to be president – I simply cannot believe the things I’m hearing and seeing.
I’ve come the conclusion that there is no way to avoid an unmitigated mud fight. This is going to have to be the most vicious campaign since 1828, when Andrew Jackson’s wife was accused of committing adultery with him and John Quincy Adams was said to have pimped out a servant girl to the Russian Czar.
Recognizing reality, I offer my advice to each of the campaigns on how to conduct themselves, or rather, misconduct themselves.
You think this is tongue in cheek? It might be, but I’m not so sure....."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Diogenes' Man on the Street

Middle Finger News Asks:
Will Hillary Replace Joe Biden for the 2012 Election?

"Absolutely. I do think Obama should replace Biden with Clinton. It can only help his re-election. And if Joe Biden is looking for work, I have use for a guy who can disparage half the population in a single sentence".
Brad Nittwith - Internal Revenue Service

 "No, I don't think Biden should be replaced! Preezy Obama and Joe Biden have done a great job with the economy. Hell, back in 2007 even a King didn't have the luxury of a Vodka and Red Bull mix."
Belinda Twittel - Wal-mart Cashier

"Yes! It's about time we have a woman of Hillary's caliber in high power in this country. After all, she's single handedly brought peace to the Middle East! Suck on that Condie Rice!" 
Shelia Lovett Bigg - Public School Educator

"Means nothing to Faruk! All America is but imperialist infidel running dog jackals that will ultimately feel the sting of Allah's wrath .....Praise Be to Allah!"
Faruk Al Squworme - Taxi Driver

"You axing  Laquita? I don't know how to vote.... but if I did I'd sure nuff vote for Barack cause all the free sh*t  he gets me and my babies wiff my EBT card!.... know what I'm sayin....free cell phones and rolling papers for Dontrell.  Barack gets my 16 year old free sh*t for her two babies too!"
 Laquita Jones - Homemaker

"Get off my sidewalk you #%*+&@+ hate filled ringwing nut!"
Holota Wadsworth - Women's Reproductive Health Center Director

"Yeah. Hillary is a great Idea. Biden is the ultimate Washington insider. Obama should have picked somebody who knows absolutely nothing about politics. It might be good for Obama seeing that the people voting in the next election are going to be angry, intolerant white people. You would have to be a fool to miss a chance to vote for a beautiful smart lady like Hillary?"
Pat - Famous  Daily Kos Basement Blogger  

"Hillary for Biden? I think it's a great idea! And I really like the idea of a do-over election thing because I totally blew my first vote on Stephen Colbert last time.  I've purposely avoided upward mobility and social progress so I can benefit from all the free money I get from my trust fund."
Lance Farnsworth III - Occupy Wall Street Organizer

"Get out of my way you little worm..... 
 I said get out of my face!"
Some Angry White Guy


Another Wealth Lib Dodges Their Taxes

Nonsensible Shoes

When Wealthy Liberals Abandon America
Denise Rich, the wealthy socialite, former wife of pardoned billionaire trader Marc Rich and big buck contributor/fund-raiser  for the Democrat party has given up her U.S. citizenship - and, with it, much of her U.S. tax bill. She's leaving her citizenship behind in order to escape taxes, hot on the heels of Eduardo Saverin, Facebook billionaire, doing the same thing.
Rich, 68, a Grammy-nominated songwriter and glossy figure in Democratic and European royalty circles, renounced her American passport in November, according to her lawyer.
Her maiden name, Denise Eisenberg, appeared in the Federal Register on April 30 in a quarterly list of Americans who renounced their U.S. citizenship and permanent residents who handed in their green cards.
By dumping her U.S. passport, Rich likely will save tens of millions of dollars or more in U.S. taxes over the long haul, tax lawyers say. 
Her husband,  the Belgian-born Mark Rich, who became a multimillionaire commodities trader in the 1960s, fled the United States in 1983 after he was indicted on charges of tax evasion related to his oil-trading business, as well as violating the US ban on trade with Iran. Bill Clinton ultimately pardoned Marc Rich in the last days of his presidency. 
An interesting side note, the Deputy Attorney General at the time for Clinton, was one Eric Holder. It came up as an issue during the Holder confirmation hearings. Even the New York Times in 2008 questioned the merits of the pardon and Eric Holder's role in it.
Meanwhile president Obama continues to excoriate Mitt Romney for supposedly offshoring jobs while his party and his policies, are offshoring wealth, and wealthy citizens.
It amazes me that Democrats continue to get away with painting a picture that Republicans don't care about the middle class and Democrats are the protectors of the middle class. Clearly the Democrats have disdain for the middle class. They only care about protecting what they themselves have. They are the party of the wealthy, unscrupulous elite, and they have duped half the country into seeing things completely backwards.
Read More on the Eric Holder Implication Here

Saturday, July 14, 2012

No Doubt......


Mitt and Official Blackdom

Matthew / The Lunatic's Asylum

Matthew's Week End Commentary:

With Your Shield, Or On It...
The writers of antiquity tell us that Spartan Mothers -- the original Obamaesque Julias -- would send their warrior sons into battle with just this admonition ringing in their ears:
Come back from battle with your shield...or on it.
In other words, do your duty and bring victory for your country, or die in the attempt, and never, ever dishonor yourself in any way. So, what does this have to do with Mitt Romney and the NAACP? Hang out a few, and I'll explain it to you.
The Big News of Romney's address to the NAACP is not, as the press has been quick to point out, that he got himself heckled and booed. This is par for the course when any Republican addresses the General Motors of Official Blackdom in America; no, the Big News was that the NAACP has proven itself, again, to be something other than what it claims to be, and in the process, proves for the umpteenth time that while the claim that the "last vestiges of Racism" in America are still felt in many quarters just might be true, it would appear that those last few strongholds are not to be found in so-called "White America" circles.
Now here I must stop and explain a thing or two. When I say "Official Blackdom", I do not mean that to be some sort of racial code; there is, sadly, a division in African-American Land which pits the bulk of African-Americans against a self-selected elite, mostly composed of the Old Guard Civil Rights leaders and organizations spiced with a smattering of individuals who enjoy status as the favored pets of the democratic party, i.e. the Official Blacks. This is a form of self-segregation which is harmful, in the long run, to us all, regardless of race.
 Why? because organizations like the NAACP are trapped in a romantic past. The organization still lives off the notoriety and moral standing it assiduously built up during the struggle for equality, and rightfully so, but there is also an emotional attachment to that past within the "leadership" that...ahem...colors... it's advocacy on just about every other subject under the Sun. It's as if the NAACP leadership, and most of it's rank-and-file, have been living in a bubble: having won the war for equality, they are content to continue fighting the old battles over and over, as if they live in a real-life version of Groundhog Day.
The rhetoric of the NAACP is still the same. One would think listening to the likes of the NAACP leadership that nothing in America has changed since 1954. That people are still being denied basic human rights and subjected to the worst of Jim Crow and poll taxes, segregation and degradation, inequality in hiring, housing, education, and before the law, and this is simply not true. And even in those rare cases where an injustice does occur, the legal system in this country does it's level best to right the wrong.
 No, the NAACP is not about "advancement" because if it was, it would have moved forward with the rest of us. It's all about using the past to beat Whites up with the memories of days gone by, and in doing so, to ensure that there's enough guilt-by-association, enough intimidation, enough sheer whining to ensure that whatever idiocy Official Blackdom advocates today gets a fair hearing -- for better or for worse -- in the corridors of American Power.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nothing better than a Frappuccino at a Funeral

Coffins & Coffee: Starbucks to Open Inside Funeral Home

EASLEY, SC --Those grieving the dearly departed at Robinson Funeral Home in Easley will soon have a little something extra to soothe the pain: a cup of Starbucks' joe.
The fourth-generation funeral home and crematory is adding a new section to its existing facilities which includes business offices, a chapel, and a special wing aptly named "Coffee Corner," where soon a Starbucks will open.
The owner, Chris Robinson, explains how coffee has always been part of the family business, saying his great-grandfather started the funeral home inside a main street general store, where people would gather and drink coffee.
Robinson, who's a bit worried people will get the wrong idea about the coffee shop, says it's simply one more service for people to choose, but one that's certainly not mandatory.
"You walk in the front, and it's off to the side," Robinson said. "It's not like it's right up front."
Robinson has hired staff to run the Starbucks franchise which will be open to the public, not just to those attending services.
Starbucks will install equipment and menus at the end of July, and Robinson expects the shop to open sometime in August.
I wonder if it will come with the usual Starbucks loud annoying music and perverts on their laptops using the free Wi-Fi?? 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood opens new AllahCare clinics

Dr. Ali Ben Twfeek administers Allahcare to Muhammad Mahmoud Shiitt

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

As If You Need Another Reason to Believe Islamic Militants are the Scourge of Humanity

Diogenes - Tuesday 7/11
Muslim Clerics Call for the Destruction
of the Great Pyramids

Anyone who has stood at the foot of the Great Pyramids of Gaza and marveled at the feat of engineering and human accomplishment, unsurpassed until the building of the Cathedrals of Europe and the moon landing, may have a hard time stomaching this story.

It comes on the heels of the destruction of tombs In Timbuktu, 14th Century Tombs On UNESCO World Heritage List…

From Frontpagemag.com
"According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”
"This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity."
"Now, however, as Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sheikhs” observes, and thanks to modern technology, the pyramids can be destroyed. The only question left is whether the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt is “pious” enough—if he is willing to complete the Islamization process that started under the hands of Egypt’s first Islamic conqueror."
Read More

George's Rejection Letter

Middle Finger News Service  -  During the dark days of the Monica Lewinsky Affair President Bill Clinton, fearing democrats losing womens votes in the next election, was rumored to have convinced  one of his senior advisers we will call "Lil' George" to submit a centerfold layout to PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE in an attempt to head off some of the damage from the fiasco.
Come to find out, despite it all Clinton remained popular and Al Gore just turned out to be a turkey. But in the long run the poor adviser Lil' George, wound up getting  the ultimate Middle Finger - a rejection letter.
Middle finger News believes we have uncovered that letter while perusing the dark recesses of the Clinton Presidential library archives.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Hollywood Equine Wisdom
