Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Double Dose of Debbie

Debbie Wasserman Schitts To Stay On For Second Term As DNC Chief

"Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida will reportedly stay on as Democratic National Committee chief for another two-year term. That decision might be a little strange, since it was thought Wasserman Schultz was a weak surrogate for Barack Obama during the presidential campaign. “Internal polling rates her the least effective of all Obama campaign surrogates,” Politico reported during the campaign." - The Weekly Standard


Well, I for one welcome the continuing wealth of material such as she gave us these past few years! ;)

Dear Dem voters: Now you will know.....

Sense of Events

The United States will now undergo a four-year stress test of American liberalism, as Obama will get his tax hike and ObamaCare will be implemented. Those who think Obama cared about people like them will now experience the full extent of his caring. They should soberly consider what this means:
* A permanent decline in your standard of living and especially that of your children,
* A permanently-growing federal government, consuming growing proportions of America's wealth,
* And expanding government control or outright ownership of the country's financial activity,
* Per-capita shrinkage of economic activity,
* An expansive federal bureaucracy, with exponentially exploding regulatory authority over the way you live your daily lives in ways you cannot even imagine yet,
* And therefore greater and greater restrictions on your freedoms to say what you want, do what you want, possess what you want, except you will have federally-funded sex lives without restriction, because Democrats think that you will acquiesce to being stripped of all your freedoms without protest as long as they pay for your sex. And they are right. You are already gladly exchanging your liberty for censure-less rolls in the hay. 
* Crony capitalism? You ain't seen nothing yet. Increasingly, government contracts and stimulus money (by whatever name) will be funneled to the ideologically pure. You, the ordinary Democrat voter, will be frozen out of this largess. You are of neither use nor concern to the Party except on election day. You are a mere prole. Get used to it.
* Diminishment of your health and shorter life spans because Obamacare is absolutely designed for the benefit of government and its licensed financial allies, not you,
* Expanding federal debt almost without end, meaning that even as your own personal income falls, you will pay an ever-higher proportion of it in taxes of one kind or another (but don't worry, you will blindly drink the Kool-Aid that only "the rich" are paying more taxes),
* "Almost without end," because the end will come to the gravy train, and it will be truly apocalyptic when it does. "Chaos" does not even begin to describe it; in fact, chaos will be the best outcome you can expect. Oh, when this happens (when, not if) you will lose absolutely everything you own. Ev. Ry. Thing. Because there is no one to bail America out.
But remember: you asked for it on Nov. 6, 2012.

During the campaign the Dem voters I talked with almost never could enunciate why they wanted Obama to win except in the most general of terms, such as liking Obamacare or raising taxes in the rich, but they could not explain in even the most general terms how they personally would be better off. And Dem voters, when your employer lays you off or cuts your hours to part time or rejects your job application because you would be worker number 50, remember: that's what you voted for.

Monday, November 26, 2012

First Lady to Return to Humiliating Nations Youth

Middle Finger News Service

Michelle Obama said she'll get back to humiliating the fat kids of the nation after they've "stuffed their chubby little faces with candy and goodies during the holidays." The First Lady vows to continue to her campaign to stamp out obesity after the school holiday break even if it starves and pisses off an entire generation. "These are kids who stuff there faces with Mickey-D's French fries and aren't even healthy enough to run away from a Republican pervert." The First Lady vows to continue to her campaign to stamp out
The task is a daunting one after The First Lady found herself the subject of a round of booing while she served Thanksgiving dinner at the White House to family and guests in the White House Dinning Room.

Eyewitness reports had difficulty identifying the origination of the booing, which by many accounts appeared to be scattered throughout the dining room. Secret Service agents believed they had pinpointed the source of the booing to the kids' table, where Vice President Joe Biden was also seated, but further investigation revealed a possible second booer situated behind the coffee cart.

According to reports from other staff members and invited guests, events that transpired prior to dinner being served may also have contributed to the booing incident. One guest who arrived early managed to capture cell phone video of a frantic Michelle asking daughters Sasha and Malia to "stay out of the sweet potatoes and to go find that big eared daddy of theirs!"

"I mean, I, uhh, wasn't planning on booing her, but I heard the kids and you know how you just kinda get caught up in that stuff," said a grinning President Obama.

Reports that Michelle gave everyone the finger when she realized she was being booed remain unfounded, but those in attendance generally agree she did shoot a series of symbolic icy stares at the president that indicated he will be spending nights on the sofa in the hallway outside the family residence for the foreseeable future.

Mrs. Obama said she enjoyed dinnertime with her family and was looking forward to a modest helping of dessert followed by her leading a brisk walk around the white House grounds for all in attendance to offset the extra caloric intake. 


Good Monday Morning


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Obama Issues Executive Order 69 - Appoints Golf Czar

The White House today released a statement  on the latest Presidential decree and pending appointment of the newest Czar in the stable of the Obama Administration. 

President Obama issued Executive Order 69.323 laying down new rules and regulations for all future games of golf played inside the continental United States, territories and protectorates. A planned Czar of Sports and Gaming in conjunction with the Equal Opportunity Administration and future regulatory agencies shall oversee. Direct enforcement will fall to the new Golf Czar- To be announced Monday - and local and state law enforcement.  Major rule changes in the game of golf will become effective January 1, 2013.

from The Feral Irishman:
This is only a preview as the complete rule book (expect 2716 pages) is being rewritten as we speak. 
Here are a few of the changes:
Golfers with handicaps:
- Below 10 will have their green fees increased by 35%.
- Between 11 and 18 will see no increase in green fees.
 - Above 18 will get a $20 check each time they play.
The term "gimmie" will be changed to "entitlement" and will be used as follows:
- Handicaps below 10, no entitlements.
- Handicaps from 11 to 17, entitlements for putter length putts.
 - Handicaps above 18, if your ball is on the green, no need to putt, just pick it up.
These entitlements are intended to bring about fairness and, most importantly, equality in scoring.  In addition, a Player will be limited to a maximum of one birdie or six pars in any given 18-hole round. 
Any excess must be given to those fellow players who have not yet scored a birdie or par. Only after all players have received a birdie or par from the player actually making the birdie or par, can that player begin to count his pars and birdies again .
The current USGA handicap system will be used for the above purposes, but the term "net score" will be available only for scoring those players with handicaps of 18 and above.  This is intended to "re-distribute" the success of winning by making sure that in all competitions every Player above an 18 handicap will post only "net score" against every other player's "gross score". 
These new Rules are intended to CHANGE the game of golf.
Golf must be about Fairness. It should have nothing to do with ability, hard work, practice, and responsibility.
This is the "Right thing to do."
So, please remember; if you shot a round of golf under par, you didn't shoot it yourself. Someone else built that course, and someone else cut the grass so that you could play on it. Someone else built the clubs and the cart.
h/t to The Irishman

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wake Me Up When It's Over......

Hold the Laughter: MSNBC President Claims Network Has Never Been The Voice Of Obama.

Yeah, Right.....

In an interview with the Huffington Post, MSNBC president Phil Griffin tries to push back against the notion that his channel has become a mouth-piece for President Barack Obama.
“This channel has never been the voice of Obama. Ever,” Griffin tells Michael Calderone of the Huffington Post. But, Calderone writes, “Griffin acknowledges that his hosts are more likely to agree with Obama on policy matters than with Republicans, but rejects comparisons to Fox News.” Griffin does, however, acknowledge to the left-leaningHuffington Post that many folks working at MSNBC have a “progressive sensibility.”

h/t WZ

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama May be Forced into Becoming a Politician Yet


President Obama is engaged in forcing a change in the foreign policy agenda of the U.S. with his pivot toward Asia. He is currently in the middle of a historic trip to Southeast Asia this despite the ongoing turmoil back home with his embroiled former CIA Director David Petraeus. Historic due to the first visit to Burma ever by a U.S. President. Controversial because he has yet to visit Israel. This speaks volumes about where the priorities of this President truly lie.

While he may have thought his second term would present an opportunity to double down on enacting his agenda, the events around the globe may quickly derail his plans. The dynamic situation in the Middle East will likely force him to become a politician more than he had planned. Not the type of development one would like when they are focused on legacy building instead.

An unexpected announcement from a top Iraqi diplomat isn’t helping. From
 Fox News.

“Iraq will invite (Arab) ministers to use the weapon of oil, with the aim of asserting real pressure on the United States and whoever stands with Israel,” Qais al-Azzawy told reporters in Cairo on Friday.
The story goes on with these statements.
Then there was this statement from the Turkish PM.
Those who associate Islam with terrorism close their eyes in the face of mass killing of Muslims, turn their heads from the massacre of children in Gaza,” Erdogan said, according to Reuters. “For this reason, I say that Israel is a terrorist state, and its acts are terrorist acts.” 
These statements may come as a surprise to the casual observer. After all, it was the U.S. that liberated Iraq from its ruthless dictator Sadaam Hussein. Iraq’s position doesn’t seem to be one of gratitude toward the United States. You also may recall that the first person Obama called after his election in 2008 was the Turkish PM.

As we like to say here in America, ‘elections have consequences’. In the case of Iraq, as well as several other Arab Spring countries, so does our policy of regime change abroad. Iraq is now primarily influenced by the Shiites of Iran. Nobody mentions that in the ‘we liberated Iraq’ brochures. Egypt is now under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. Rulers have also been forced from power in Tunisia, where the Arab Spring began, Libya and Yemen. Bashad of Syria is the next to fall. Lebanon and Jordan, which is the last Israeli friendly country in the region, will likely follow suit.

Here is where is gets sticky for President Obama. He has to balance his outward appearance of being a Christian as well as representing the interests of the United States with his true inner beliefs supporting Islam. They are not at all compatible. We’ll soon find out just how good a politician he really is if he can continue to keep both sides at bay.

These are some very inconvenient truths for many Americans. Some will refuse to believe that we can have a sitting President who supports Islam, believes in the destruction of Israel, and portrays himself as a Christian. His actions and policies betray him. You may not have a problem with some of his positions, particularly on social issues domestically. It would be far preferable for him just to own up to his core beliefs and then gauge what level of support Americans have toward him. But he can’t. He must hold the office to futher his beliefs and that requires the deception.

We’ve all heard the occasional soundbites of him professing his Muslim upbringing. He slips up now and then when off-prompter but the media is quick to cover for him. The simple fact is you cannot profess true Christianity with his support of abortion and gay rights. I’ll not even touch on the many conspiratorial angles to his true Islamic beliefs. It simple isn’t necessary. His statements and actions make it so.

It’s no coincidence that he hasn’t visited Israel. It’s no coincidence that he has publicly supported the Arab Spring. It’s no coincidence that he has increased aid to Palestine. It’s no coincidence that he’s pushing his pivot toward Asia policy to reduce our Middle East presence.

One must keep in mind what Obama’s Islamist beliefs allow. Deception in the name of Allah is permitted and encouraged. He cannot be the President of the United States proclaiming his true beliefs. Anti-colonialism doesn’t really sell all that well when you’re the President.

Benghazi further illustrates how far he’ll go. The media focus is all about the cover-up. He couldn’t allow the Al-Qaeda resurgence to derail his re-election campaign. But the true tragedy is what led up to Benghazi.The covert operation to supply arms and fighters to the insurgents. Not just in Syria either. Munitions have also been funneled to Hamas and have ended up being used against Israel. We have 4 dead Americans but there are many thousands dead throughout the Middle East. How many are the direct result of U.S. intervention, we’ll never know.

Do you know what Obama was doing during the Benghazi attack? He was on the phone with Israeli PM Netanyahu. Coincidence? Hardly. Not when our Ambassador was allowed to die after Israel became aware of our arms shipments making their way to Hamas. Israel may have tolerated arms to Syria despite being fully aware the Free Syrian Army is merely the next variation of the Muslim Brotherhood lying in wait to assume control in Syria. But not to Hamas. Why did 4 Americans die? It’s likely that Obama threw Stevens under the bus as having gone rogue on the Hamas connection to appease Israel. When he became aware of the impending attack, he let it happen to gain cover from Israel when it was almost certainly the Obama policy all along to ship arms to Hamas.

As I said previously, the true intentions of Obama are very hard for some to stomach. But his track record exposes him. If you aren’t on board yet, we’ll see how you feel after 4 more years. That’s 8 years too late. 