Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gullible is not a Strong Enough Word.

It was announced that the US and Russia had reached an agreement on eliminating Syria’s WMD stockpile. According to this post, Syria’s WMD stockpile must be eliminated by the middle of 2014:
GENEVA — The United States and Russia have reached an agreement that calls for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by the middle of 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday. Under a “framework” agreement, international inspectors must be on the ground in Syria by November, Mr. Kerry said, speaking at a news conference with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey V. Lavrov. 
An immediate test of the viability of the accord will come within a week when the Syrian government is to provide a “comprehensive listing” of its chemical stockpile.
Anyone that thinks Russia will operate in good faith to eliminate Syria’s WMDs is delusional or simply lying to the American people. The chances that the Russians will live up to their agreement are about the same as President Obama living up to enforcing every provision in the PPACA or meeting its implementation deadlines.

It’s getting tiresome watching this administration getting treated like prison bitches by other nations. Kerry’s flippant remark in London opened the door for the Russians. The minute he said that, Putin and Lavrov jumped at the opportunity to use Kerry’s statement to keep Assad in power.

At the time Libya offered to get rid of its WMDs, they weren’t at war. It’s taken 8 years to get Libya’s WMD stockpiles under control. They’re still finding stockpiles of it. By comparison, Syria is in the midst of a bloody civil war. Further, they’re doing everything to shift their WMDs to new locations.  Sryia is insisting that the US take military strikes off the table before letting the weapon inspectors into their country.

The odds that Syria’s WMDs will be gone by July, 2014 are about as high as me getting hit with lightning while holding 2 winning lottery tickets. It’s a fiction, just like the community of nations, the Easter Bunny and unicorns are fiction.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What Really Happened to John Kerry's Face....

Later that night....


Defending the President with a Straight Face.

"the American people appreciate a president who doesn't celebrate
decisiveness for decisiveness’ sake."

The White House Carney
Roll Call:
"President Barack Obama’s Syria strategy may not have been particularly decisive, but that’s not a bad thing, according to the White House. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney defended his boss Thursday after a blistering few weeks of criticism in Congress and elsewhere over his handling of the Syria crisis." 
"Carney said the American people “appreciate a president who doesn’t celebrate decisiveness for decisiveness’ sake.” He also said Americans like that Obama is open to “new information” and adjusts his course accordingly. Carney said that in the end, the president will deserve credit if the diplomatic initiative with Russia to get Syria to give up its chemical weapons arsenal succeeds...." 
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I swear his ears get bigger every time he lies....

Threats of Jail Hang Over Tech Companys

Yahoo CEO: We faced jail if we revealed
NSA surveillance secrets...  

Yahoo Chief Exec. Marissa Mayer
Many tech companies have come under fire since Edward Snowden’s leaks revealed that firms like Yahoo, Facebook, and Microsoft often “voluntarily” hand over mass amounts of data to the NSA without notifying their customers. Well, as it turns out, that relationship wasn’t quite as “voluntary” as it at first seemed. Today, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said that she and her counterparts at Facebook and Google “faced jail” if they revealed the NSA’s spying programs.

The Guardian:
"Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook struck back on Wednesday at critics who have charged tech companies with doing too little to fight off NSA surveillance...." 
"During an interview at the Techcrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco, Mayer was asked why tech companies had not simply decided to tell the public more about what the US surveillance industry was up to. "Releasing classified information is treason and you are incarcerated," she said...."
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Network Accidentally Airs Footage of Syrian Air Strikes

Middle Finger News Service

The White House and Pentagon officials are furious with CNN today after the network accidentally aired Defense Department pre-packaged footage of a successful Navy cruise missile strike from the second week of the upcoming attack on Syria.

The news network immediately apologized for showing the grainy, 10-second clip of a cruise missile bearing down on an chemical weapons depot outside of Damascus. It came on screen just as anchor Wolf Blitzer was heading into a commercial break, and took him by surprise.

“When we come back,” Blitzer said, “amazing video from Operation T.B.D. of U.S. air strikes on an Syrian  military facility that the Navy says completely destroyed… hold on. I don’t think we’re supposed to use this yet … Are we? … No. So our viewers should… to our viewers, that’s… just ignore that.”

The Pentagon provided substantial footage of the upcoming air strikes, currently labeled ‘Operation To Be Determined’ pending focus group results, to all major news networks last week, asking it not be shown until the conflict starts, most likely in early November. Such embargoes are common, notably in business journalism, where reporters are given advance notice of a news stories or announcements but are asked to delay publication until the source is ready to announce.

At MSNBC, editor Kelly Parsons said the network never considered blowing the whistle on U.S. war plans, concluding it would damage what little creditability the president has left.

“If we expose the war now, we jeopardize literally weeks of hard work by our staff,” she said. “We’ve got the escalation of war segments, the last minute diplomatic attempts, a two-hour ‘On the Brink’ special slated for November, and the big U.N. vote, not to mention all the highly practiced feigned hyperbole of Chris Mathews and Special Ed Schultz.   

“Clearly the existence of this false footage proves America intends to bomb Syria, said Gen. Walid Kaboom of the Syrian Army.  "But when they do, we will be ready. We have already prepared footage of that same strike, but in ours the missile actually hits a Hookah factory and kills 9000 innocent civilians. Syrian anti aircraft batteries also shoot down six American planes and capture a dozen pilots, all of whom confess to something. We haven't decided what."

Follow Alinsky: Call Obama’s bluff

By Neil W. McCabe
"In his famous primer, “Rules for Radicals,” Saul Alinsky made two points that help illuminate how President Barack Obama has chosen to lead America. The first point is that Alinsky instructed his acolytes to manufacture a crisis—any crisis—and to then use that any crisis to polarize the community for and against the community organizer."

"For the last five years, this has been how Obama has led the nation, crisis-to-crisis, and always leaving the middle ground for compromise like the no man’s land between the trenches.
Syria is the most recent example, but as the White House has matured in power, it has learned to layer crisis atop scandal atop cliff, creating the chaos and tumult that gives the president leverage as the eye of each storm.
The point of Alinsky’s that applies to the Obama White House is to always call the opponent’s bluff. By calling the opponent’s bluff, Alinsky said the opponent is more often than not forced to carry out an emotional threat he is not actually set up to execute or that is practical.
Obama betrayed his Alinsky training in the 2011 budget fight, when he blurted out to House Majority Leader Eric I. Cantor (R.-Va.): “Eric, don’t call my bluff.”
This, of course was a bluff, and the subsequent Republican cave in gave us the Budget Control Act, and sequester—a device the president insisted on, apparently so he could blame it on Republicans.
Syria is the crisis and bluff event before us now......"
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by DiploMad 2.0