Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Everyone knows about the “Ready for Hillary” Democrats — the rapidly proliferating parade of elected officials and activists getting behind Hillary Clinton’s increasingly likely 2016 presidential campaign.

But there’s also
a smaller but increasingly vocal group making its presence felt lately — call these Democrats the “Wary of Hillary” Democrats. They’re not outwardly opposing a Clinton candidacy. But they are anxious about the spectacle of a Clinton juggernaut , after seeing what happened when she ran a campaign of inevitability last time.
Some feel a competitive primary, regardless of the outcome, is good for the party. Others say Clinton, who’s been out of electoral politics for five years, needs to be tested. And some Democrats are merely concerned that the party won’t have an open airing of views on economic policy. The reservations, expressed mostly in private company, have been given voice in recent days by some of the party’s most prominent governors.

The public commentary about the risks of Clinton as fait accompli seems less a harbinger of a messy primary fight than an effort to nudge Clinton to the left. There’s no apparent candidate with the political skill to catch Clinton by surprise this time. But the Democratic base doesn’t want Clinton to get a free pass, lest she give short shrift to the progressive agenda and tack to the center before the primary campaign is even fully underway


Monday, May 26, 2014

Educational Crash Course # 601

Another Installment of Diogenes'
Public Service Educational Series:

Womens Studies 101
(or 5 words ever man should understand)

Next in the series:
Social Studies 

'Living with the Village Idiot'
Lecture by Michelle Obama

  .......Class Dismissed!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

North Korea's Plan For Rap Music Dominance

DRPK Bureau of MFNS

For Immediate Release: 
North Korean Military Headquarters Pyongyang,   
"After the swift and convincing defeat in a recent international standoff at the hands of The People's Republic of Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jung un of the weenie imperialist running dog, Hussein Obama of the United States, the Leader of the DPRK today released details of previously secret plans to take over the US dominated world of Rap Music. " 
"In the eye's of our Dear Leader, the quality of Rap Music coming from the imperialist ghettos and government re-education camps is no longer world class. Kim Jung-un's knowledge of the music industry, composition and lyrical genius will once again prove the dominance of North Korean superiority."
The secret weapon in the stable of artist of the new self appointed "King of Rap Music Producers" is Los Angeles Rapper "4.25" (aka Little Pee Pee).  4.25 has sold hundreds of CD's in Pyongyang an now sits at #1 on the DPRK's top 20 music poll.

Dear Leader discusses lyric delivery with protégé 4.25 aka Little Pee Pee

Dear Leader, adding to his impressive list of titles, will be from this day forward also be known in the music world as entrepreneur and  music producer "MC Stud-Muffin Kim". 

MC Stud-Muffin mobbed by adoring music fans at a recent 'We Love Dear Leader Rally'

Leftists Flip Out As University Replaces Gender Studies With Founding Documents Center

Students, faculty, and alumni of the University of South Carolina are outraged and spitting mad over the university's decision to drop a gender studies center that teaches, among other things, how to become a lesbian in 10 days, in favor of an American Founding Documents Study Center.

Leftists are not only claiming it's  un-American to change the center, but the founding documents are not really relevant in the real world. However, somehow learning to become a lesbian in under two weeks apparently is.

FrontPage Mag
"The Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (CWGS) at the University of South Carolina Upstate (USCU) will close on July 1 and the funding, previously allocated for CWGS, will be used to teach the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Federalist Papers....."
"The Morning News editorialized that this was “A chilling act of retribution” and “Required reading programs serve several purposes. Most importantly, though, the programs are intended to prepare students for the expectations of college-level discourse and open them up for the diversity they’ll find both on campus and in the real world...." 
"The move puts South Carolina colleges back in compliance with a 90-year-old state law which requires colleges to teach students a year’s worth of courses on the nation’s founding documents." 
Just so you understand, the Morning News’ official editorial is insisting that knowing the Bill of Rights is irrelevant to “college level discourse” and the real world. 

A circulating petition signatures against the move sound even crazier:
Thomas Davies WOODRUFF, SC
"As an alumni, a non-traditional student, and a straight, white, older man, I can’t say enough about how my participation in WGS courses and the Center, changed my life for the better. Because enlightenment comes slowly to some outside academia, students, faculty, and staff need this resource. We cannot let an american Taliban rule our institutions of learning."

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Are We Being Distracted from the Grooming of Obama 2.0

Is This the Real Reason for Obama's Urgent Immigration Reform?
We all assume Hillary Clinton will run in 2016, while Julian Castro is being hand groomed for something. I wouldn't put it past the Democrats to pull a fast one like that. It would definitely put us on our heels.

Julian and Joaquin 
Oh, and he has a twin brother. That could be very useful......

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What Does Your States Most Popular Googley Moogley Reveal about You and Your Neighbors?

 According the The Daily Mail, property firm Estately used Google's Trends to determine which words, terms, and questions each state was searching for more than any other. It claims the results give an insight into each state's minds."

It seems New Yorkers are interested in the fine art of glue sniffing (that may explain the NYT editorial page). There's no results for DC, my guess these days it would be for Lawyer referrals.

But let's do a little research of our own shall we? Compared the map above with the electoral map of the election of Barack Obama in 2008 below...... 

Quite telling, isn't it?
Oh, and Pennsylvanians, you might want to contact the First Ladies Office about the Back Shaving thing. They might have some tips to offer you......

He Has a Strange Habit of Acting Like Somebody Else Has Been President These Past Years.

The New Obama Narrative: Epic Incompetence

"We’ve learned the hard way that Mr. Obama’s skill sets are far more oriented toward community organizing than they are to governing. On every front, he is overmatched by events. It’s painful to watch a man who is so obviously in over his head."

by Peter Wehner

"The last eight months have battered the Obama administration. From the botched rollout of the health-care website to the VA scandal, events are now cementing certain impressions about Mr. Obama. Among the most damaging is this: He is unusually, even epically, incompetent. That is not news to some of us, but it seems to be a conclusion more and more people are drawing.

The emerging narrative of Barack Obama, the one that actually comports to reality, is that he is a rare political talent but a disaster when it comes to actually governing. The list of his failures is nothing short of staggering, from shovel-ready jobs that weren’t so shovel ready to the failures of healthcare.gov to the VA debacle. But it also includes the president’s failure to tame the debt, lower poverty, decrease income inequality, and increase job creation. He promised to close Guantanamo Bay and didn’t. His administration promised to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before a civilian jury in New York but they were forced to retreat because of outrage in his own party. Early on in his administration Mr. Obama put his prestige on the line to secure the Olympics for Chicago in 2016 and he failed.

Overseas the range of Obama’s failures include the Russian “reset” and Syrian “red lines” to Iran’s Green Revolution, the Egyptian overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, and Libya post-Gaddafi. The first American ambassador since the 1970s was murdered after requests for greater security for the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi were denied. (For a comprehensive overview of President Obama’s failures in the Middle East, see this outstanding essay by Abe Greenwald.) The president has strained relations with nations extending from Canada to Germany, from Israel to Afghanistan to Poland and the Czech Republic to many others. All from a man who promised to heal the planet and slow the rise of the oceans.

But that’s not all. The White House response to everything from the VA and IRS scandals to the seizure of AP phone records by the Department of Justice is that it learned about them from press reports. More and more Mr. Obama speaks as if he’s a passive actor, a bystander in his own administration, an MSNBC commentator speaking about events he has no real control over. We saw that earlier today, when the president, in trying to address the public’s growing outrage at what’s happening at the VA, insisted he “will not stand for it” and “will not tolerate” what he has stood for and tolerated for almost six years. His anger at what’s happening to our veterans seems to have coincided with the political damage it is now causing him."

(Commentary Magazine)