Sunday, May 25, 2014

Leftists Flip Out As University Replaces Gender Studies With Founding Documents Center

Students, faculty, and alumni of the University of South Carolina are outraged and spitting mad over the university's decision to drop a gender studies center that teaches, among other things, how to become a lesbian in 10 days, in favor of an American Founding Documents Study Center.

Leftists are not only claiming it's  un-American to change the center, but the founding documents are not really relevant in the real world. However, somehow learning to become a lesbian in under two weeks apparently is.

FrontPage Mag
"The Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (CWGS) at the University of South Carolina Upstate (USCU) will close on July 1 and the funding, previously allocated for CWGS, will be used to teach the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Federalist Papers....."
"The Morning News editorialized that this was “A chilling act of retribution” and “Required reading programs serve several purposes. Most importantly, though, the programs are intended to prepare students for the expectations of college-level discourse and open them up for the diversity they’ll find both on campus and in the real world...." 
"The move puts South Carolina colleges back in compliance with a 90-year-old state law which requires colleges to teach students a year’s worth of courses on the nation’s founding documents." 
Just so you understand, the Morning News’ official editorial is insisting that knowing the Bill of Rights is irrelevant to “college level discourse” and the real world. 

A circulating petition signatures against the move sound even crazier:
Thomas Davies WOODRUFF, SC
"As an alumni, a non-traditional student, and a straight, white, older man, I can’t say enough about how my participation in WGS courses and the Center, changed my life for the better. Because enlightenment comes slowly to some outside academia, students, faculty, and staff need this resource. We cannot let an american Taliban rule our institutions of learning."


  1. I have felt for some time that the hegemony of the Left was crumbling. They have pushed to excess, as every group that attains power ultimately does. It is time for them to be ousted and a return to rationalism until that too exceeds its boundaries which it, too, inevitably will. Humans never seem able to settle, but must swing like a pendulum from one extreme to another.

  2. Grunt of Monte Cristo, Parker, Colorado:
    "Because it would be disastrous to unleash clearly insane people who are experts in heterocisgenderpatriarchal privilege out on the streets. They might come in contact with children who have not learned how to be crazy yet. At a minimum, we need a transition period where most of them can retain a paycheck for safe activities like writing obscure, indecipherable journal papers that no one reads. Shutting the center down immediately would be like the Hindenburg all over again."
