Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Six Years Wasted

Americans are amazingly patient with their presidents, but Obama has pushed them beyond scandal fatigue. The “final straw” appears to be the illegal alien invasion masterminded by Obama.
The cliché is that “the fish stinks from the head” and it is clear now that the Obama administration reflects the corruption and incompetence of Barack Obama, a Chicago politician who leapt to power despite not even having served a full term as a U.S. Senator. He was elected to be the first black President of the United States and it is no small irony that even African-Americans know he has done little or nothing to address their needs and concerns.
He will not be impeached as he should be, but he will increasingly lack any power other than executive orders. The constitutional system will work, but it will take decades to repair the damage."

Monday, July 21, 2014

Looks Like Hamas is Using Gaza Tunnels for More Than Just Terrorism.........

Meet The Angry, Violent Face Of Leftist America

The Lovely and Vivacious Ms. Cecily McMillan  
Cecily McMillan is the face of leftist America.
Angry, violent and narcissistic, the New York “activist” was arrested again for making death threats against two NYPD officers trying to apprehend turnstile jumpers. After being taken into custody, the New York Post reports McMillan hissed: “You don’t know who I am! Wait until you figure it out! You probably don’t have kids or a wife, but if you do, I’ll kill them!
She had already been convicted in 2012 for punching an officer and spent two months in Rikers Island. After her release, she’s become a cause célèbre for liberals who find it necessary to make a name for themselves.
After being held in custody for a few hours, she complained that she was wearing a “botanist dress” (whatever that is) and demanded a change of clothing.
“This is a cocktail dress to be worn only standing up maximum four hours! I had three to four people that helped me get into this dress. The NYPD, you must supply me with clothing!”
 During the recent scuffle, she told the turnstile-jumpers: “You don’t have to talk to them. Don’t pay any attention to them. They did not identify themselves. I know the law. I’m a lawyer. Don’t cooperate with them.
Cecily McMillan is not a lawyer.
A “New School” Graduate, McMillan also participated in the anti-Gov. Scott Walker protests in Wisconsin and is a proud member of the Democratic Socialists of America."
Isn’t she a sweetheart? Guys: I hear she’s single!

Not Told the Truth About Who's Coming Over The Border

"New data shows the White House has painted a false picture of the Central American migration by hiding a huge spike in 'family units' who are illegally crossing the Texas border. The much-faster growth in 'family units' has been hidden by White House and agency officials, who have tried to portray the influx as a wave of children fleeing abuse and violence."
The data, which was dumped by the U.S. border patrol late Friday afternoon, shows that inflow of youths and children traveling without parents has doubled since 2013.
But the number of migrants who cross the border in so-called 'family units' has spiked five-fold to 55,420, according to the border patrol’s data, which came out amid a storm of news about the shoot-down of a Malaysian aircraft in Ukraine, delays in failed U.S. nuke talks with Iran, and on Hamas’ continued war against Israel. - Neil Munro, The Daily Caller 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Middle Finger Theater Presents........

Kim Jong-un's New Music Video
with special guest - B. H. Obama

Friday, July 18, 2014

Hillary's New Pal

Loyalist Time Magazine is Calling Obama a Coward

Why stop at "coward?" What about traitor, liar, embarrassment.... 

Besides being wrong about everything, the biggest slam on Obama is he essentially does nothing. He’ll make a few speeches blaming Republicans for his failings, then whisk off for golf, vacations, and fundraising. Conservatives have noticed this behavior since the beginning of his first term, but now with his inaction on the border crisis, the liberals are waking up to it, and they’re just as pissed off as the rest of us.
Surprisingly, Time Magazine has issued a kick to Obama’s groin with a piece called The Border And Obama. In it, author Joe Klein calls Obama a coward and begs him to do something, anything, presidential. And those are some of the nicer things he says about our Procrastinator-In-Chief.
I almost couldn’t make it to the juicy stuff because this article starts out as a very pro-illegal alien piece that advances the bogus theory that the hoard of Central American children are fleeing war torn lands. But as Klein gets into the fact that religious organizations are taking an active roll in the crisis, he takes Obama to task for doing absolutely nothing.
Barack Obama should see the Catholic Charities mission in McAllen. His job, after all, is to rise above the rancor and, well, lead. You don’t do this by making a speech to a favored audience. You do it by taking action, setting a personal example. The President has gone to the scene of other human tragedies. He has acknowledged the suffering personally in the past. But not now, and you have to wonder why.
Klein thinks he knows why Obama refuses to address the border crisis: