Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Message to Senator Reid....

Wendy Davis Praises Brilliance of Campaign Managers

"Make No Mistake About It...My Policies Are on the Ballot."


On Tuesday We Issue the Eviction Notice
For the Rancid Democrat Party
via Doug Ross

A registered Democrat, Michael Goodwin, just penned a stunning and powerful rebuke of the Obama Democrats that should be mandatory reading for every American.
"We are witnessing the total collapse of a bad idea. Obamaism, a quasi-socialist commitment to a more powerful government at home and an abdication of American leadership around the world, is being exposed as a historic calamity. It is fueling domestic fear and global disorder and may well lead to a world war.
If there is a smidgen of a silver lining, it is that the unraveling, complete with Obama’s shameless attempts to duck responsibility, is playing out on the eve of the midterm elections. Fortunately, voters seem ready to respond by giving Republicans control of both houses of Congress.
I second that emotion, and not just because Obama is a failure. For all his narcissism, he didn’t make this mess alone.
He was aided and abetted by every Democrat in Congress. They marched in lockstep with his cockamamie policies, from ObamaCare to open borders. They protected corrupt leaders in numerous federal agencies, from the IRS to the Genera Services Administration. They stymied efforts to find the truth about Benghazi and the Fast and Furious gunrunning debacle.
They ceded their constitutional obligations and allowed Obama to crash the system of checks and balances. The vast majority stood silent while he gutted the military and abandoned our allies, including Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and courted Iran, the most menacing nation on Earth.
With painfully few exceptions, Democrats put their loyalty to him above their duty to America.
And now they must be punished. All of them.
Normally, I am not a partisan advocate. I am a registered Democrat, though I vote as an independent.
Not this year. This is a national emergency and the only responsible action is to vote Republican for every federal office." 

On Tuesday, all Americans concerned with the future of this country should put a ballot boot in every Democrat's keister.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Congressional Democrats and the Mid-Term Elections:

"If there were any doubts the Obama Democrats cannot be trusted, look at their scurrilous campaigns. From coast to coast, their message is uniformly odious: Republicans are waging a 'war on women' and they are racists.
That's it. They can't defend the legislation they passed, the economy they produced or the foreign policy they supported. Most don't want to be seen with Obama, yet they take the money he raises and follow his lead in exploiting race and gender fault lines.
Scraping the bottom of the rancid barrel, they prove they will do anything to hold on to power. They cannot be allowed to succeed.
It is time for them to go." — Michael Goodwin, New York Post

Nine Facts Democrats Don't Want You to Hear Before You Vote Tomorrow

Cain TV

As we all get ready to head to the polls tomorrow, Democrats want you focused on the Koch brothers (that evil fang-toothed fictionalized version, not the real ones who are excellent and highly successful businessmen) and their “war on women” crapola.

What they do not want you focused on is the data that shows what failures they have been leading this nation. Many people do not even know the facts I’m about to share, because the mainstream media do not report them. So read them and share them with nine friends who are going to vote tomorrow. It just might help decide whether Harry Reid remains in control of the Senate or is sent to the back bench where he belongs. (Actually that’s not where he belongs, but I’ll not get into that now.)

Nine facts Democrats do not want to talk about:

1. Sluggish economic growth. Yes, we’ve had a couple of strong quarters, but annualized growth throughout the Obama presidency has been less than 2 percent. That is horrendous.
 2. Medium income is down $3,000 per household since Obama took office. Astonishing.
 3. The labor participation rate is down from 67 percent to 62 percent, which makes the published unemployment rate look much better than it really is. The U6 rate, which includes those who have given up looking for work, remains over 10 percent.
 4. More part-time jobs have been created than full-time jobs in last six years.
 5. The home ownership rate is down from 67 percent to 64 percent.
 6. Taxes went up when the Bush tax cuts were allowed to expire. Liberals will say that’s fine because they only went up on the rich. I say the government did what it too often does and chose to target producers and opportunity creators.
7. ObamaCare is a failure! More people are losing their insurance than are becoming newly insured, and 51 percent of those enrolled in the exchanges say they will not re-up given the opportunity the next time around. Then there are the 29ers (people being limited to 29 hours a week because of ObamaCare mandates) and the 49ers (not the San Francisco ones . . . the businesses intentionally staying under 50 employees to avoid the coverage mandate). There are also thousands of doctors refusing patients with ObamaCare coverage because they can’t cover their costs on the reimbursements, while thousands more doctors are retiring early.
8. The national debt has exceeded $17 trillion for the first time in U.S. history. Remember when Obama declared as a senator that running up debt was unpatriotic? Um. Yeah.
9. From the Middle East to Eastern Europe to Russia to Britain to the Falkland Islands to Latin America to Mexico to the Far East, our foreign policy is a muddled mess. Shockingly to Obama the rest of the world did not conform to his global ideals just because he gave speeches saying they should.
These are facts. Tell everyone!

Liberal Fear Mongers In Alabama

To Some It Will Always Be 1964
by Robert Janicki

Not content with addressing the political issues of the failures of the Obama administration, an Alabama liberal non profit activist group has taken to fear mongering and race baiting in their last minute political propaganda mailer.

Clicky to Biggify

Alabama liberal Democrats are despicably and desperately trying to scare black voters in Democrat strongholds to get them out to vote on Tuesday.  Losing the black vote in Alabama, or a significant portion of the usually reliable black vote, could spell disaster for Alabama Democrats going forward.

What should be an embarrassment to Democrats across the nation, has turned to ignoring this gross attempt at race baiting, while trying to change the subject.

Not to be outdone by Alabama Democrats, a North Carolina Democrat ad paid for by Harry Reid's Senate PAC came up with this smear of Republican Senate candidate Thom Tillis.

"In North Carolina, Republicans were outraged when the Senate Majority PAC began airing a radio ad last week linking Senate candidate Thom Tillis to the 2012 shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida.
“Tillis even led the effort to pass the type of Stand Your Ground laws that caused the shooting death of Trayvon Martin,” said the ad, which PolitiFact rated as “false.” Florida’s Stand Your Ground law was never brought up at George Zimmerman’s trial......." Read More
The bottom line is that liberal Democrats will do and say absolutely anything in the closing days of any political campaign in order to win.  It's easy when you have no ethical boundaries to get in the way.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Are We Facing a Pending Viking Invasion?

Secretary of Defense Chucky Hagel

I doubt anyone reading these words has any problem believing we are indeed presently being led by a small group of Numbskulls with very little knowledge of world affairs, affairs of state or national governing, am I right on this?

So it should comes as no surprise that a supposedly intelligent person who managed to convince people to vote him into office,  who is then picked from the basket and put in charge of one of the most important positions concerning our national defense could come up with a very unusual, if not ridiculous idea. These are the times in which we live.....

Traditional Right
"Alice, in the form of the American taxpayer, is wandering ever deeper into the Wonderland that is the Pentagon. An article from the October 15 Army Times is titled, “Hagel devises new mission for Army: Coastal defense force.”
In the real world, the first question facing any proposal for “defense” is, what is it supposed to defend us against? 
Before an enemy could land in strength on our shores, it would have to defeat the U.S. Navy. Exactly who is in a position to do that is not clear. Neither Russia or China qualify. The Royal Navy just isn’t what it used to be. The French are dastardly enough to try anything, but how much threat is posed by landing the French Army is not clear.
 How on earth could a seemingly sane Secretary of Defense suggest such a thing? 
Somewhere in the Pentagon is a wall locker where Secretary Hagel, upon taking office, checked his brain, his backbone, and his balls. It is one of many lockers containing the same body parts from previous senior civilian defense appointees. Can we ever put someone in the Secretary's position who refuses the operation?"
Are we not being told of a pending Viking raid, or maybe the mighty Cuban Army is on the move? 

With our land borders wide open to invaders from who knows where, and our military being played as pawns in political maneuvering at home, only an administration like we are witnessing could come up with ridiculous ideas like this.

After the appointment of a former first lady with no experience, save flying around on government aircraft, as secretary of state, followed into the office by a failed narcissistic  presidential candidate the world pays no attention to, I thought just about anything was possible with choosing of important positions of leadership in the country. I was correct.   

Saturday, November 1, 2014

He Can't Handle the Simple Task of Walking the Dog Either....

Sunny Distracts the President as Bo Positions Himself for  an Epic
  Portuguese Water Hound Presidential Golden Shower Moment

"The Year After He's Out People Are Going to Miss Obama"

Yeah, Right....
 More Sycophant Delusions
Ever wonder what a typical cocktail party conversation among liberal elites on the upper East Side sounds like? 
Probably a lot like the conversation Charlie Rose had, on Thursday, with Moneyball author and former New Republic editor Michael Lewis when he offered excuses for Barack Obama’s unpopularity.
When Rose asked the current Bloomberg View columnist why Obama had become “such a liability” to the Democratic Party in this 2014 election cycle, Lewis responded that it was “unfair” and then predicted: “I think history is going to be very kind to him...the year after he’s out people are going to miss him.” Lewis also blamed Obama’s current unpopularity on Americans just looking for a scapegoat for their unhappiness: 
“People, when they’re unhappy, they blame the President. The American people are not sitting where he’s sitting, seeing what he’s seeing. They don’t see the complexity of the decisions he’s gotta make. And I think that a lot of what’s wrong in the world is not, it’s not actually his fault. I feel like I’m happy the country is in his hands. I think his heart’s in the right place. I think he’s really smart.” 
 “He’s got disadvantages for someone in that office and one of them is his temperament. He’s got the temperament of a writer - more than a politician. He’s really not that interested in you. He’s, he’s interested in justice.”
SEE THE VIDEO HERE                                                                                     NewsBusters

Obama’s Extraordinary Damage to His Party

Peter Wehner
"How much damage is Barack Obama doing to the Democratic Party? According to the respected political analyst Stuart Rothenberg, the answer is quite a lot. According to Rothenberg, “President Barack Obama is about to do what no president has done in the past 50 years: Have two horrible, terrible, awful midterm elections in a row.”
Mr. Rothenberg compares Obama to the worst midterm numbers of two-term presidents going back to Harry Truman. He concludes that it’s likely that over the course of two midterm elections, Democrats will lose somewhere in the range of 68-75 House seats range and 11-15 Senate seats.
Those final totals won’t be known for some time to come, given that Louisiana and Georgia may have run-off races that extend into next January. But certainly by Wednesday morning, we’ll have a pretty good sense of just how bad of a night Democrats will have suffered. Most of the polling of late suggests things are breaking for Republicans, though this development should keep the champagne on ice for now. In any event, it’s not too early to consider the fact that Barack Obama may be on the verge of doing unprecedented damage to the party he represents.
The man who thought he was the symbol of the possibility of America returning to its best traditions may become the symbol of the most politically destructive (to his own party) chief executive in modern American history. In light of the awful Obama years, voters are in the process of giving a fresh look to the GOP. The question is whether it will be enough to win the trust of voters who have turned against the president."
(Commentary Mag)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick or Treat at the Oval Office

Enjoy Your Evening.....

Ten Buck Friday - Last Call

The Ten Buck Friday bloggers, have over the last 9 weeks,  appealed to our readers to strongly consider contributing $10 to one or all of the campaigns of the Republican Senate candidates and help defeat Democrats in Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire and North Carolina.

Republicans need just six seats to oust the corrupt, senile moonbat, Harry Reid as Majority Leader.  We want Harry out of the Senate Leader's office for good, and into the
Betty Ford Clinic for treatment of his terrible mind ravaging Koch Addiction.

The recent polls look very encouraging, but it's no time to become  complacent. This election may be our first step (and possibly our last chance) on the road to taking back our government, with eyes of 2016.  
You can do more than just vote. 
"In this, our final posting before Election Day next Tuesday, our message is to ask you to volunteer by making phone calls, talking with friends, family, co-workers and neighbors encouraging them to exercise their right of franchise by casting their ballot. Low turnout leads to bad government. Make sure your vote counts to prevent a theft-proof election. Let’s make this midterm a haunting experience for Harry Reid and his messiah." - Curmudgeon - Political Clown Parade 


You can check the latest updated Real Clear Politics poll Here

And be sure to visit our fellow Ten Buck Friday bloggers:

* Adrienne's Corner * Fishersville Mike * For God, Family and Country *  Laughing  Conservative * Left Coast Rebel  * Mind Numbed Robot * Political Clown Parade *Polination  * Proof Positive  * Theo Spark * Texas Conservative News  * Wyblog