Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Muslim Call to Prayer to Sound at Duke University

 Why Are Our Christian Founded Institutions
Of Higher Leaning Promoting Islam??

Duke University President Richard H. Brodhead
Durham, N.C.- A weekly call to prayer for Muslims will be heard at Duke University starting Friday, school officials said.
Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, known as adhan or azan, from the Duke Chapel bell tower each Friday at 1 p.m. The call to prayer will last about three minutes and be “moderately amplified,” officials said in a statement Tuesday.
“The adhan is the call to prayer that brings Muslims back to their purpose in life, which is to worship God, and serves as a reminder to serve our brothers and sisters in humanity,” said Imam Adeel Zeb, Muslim chaplain at Duke. “The collective Muslim community is truly grateful and excited about Duke’s intentionality toward religious and cultural diversity.”
In majority Muslim countries across the globe, the adhan is broadcast from mosques and on television and radio stations five times a day to correspond with prayer times. On Fridays, the day of worship in Islam, sermons are also broadcast.
In the United States, amplified adhan exists in a handful of communities.
 Read More

“How Can Any Man With Good Sense” Overlook the Koran’s Violence?

by Raymond Ibrahim
Bruce Thornton writes another great article titled Western Sleepwalkers and the Paris Massacre.” He points out the utter lack of common sense in Western responses to repeated jihadi attacks, which are repeatedly portrayed as aberrations by Western media and leaders. Towards the end he writes, “Our ancestors for centuries acknowledged the true nature of Islam, a simple fact proven by 1000 years of Muslim aggression.” He then quotes Alexis de Tocqueville, “one of our most brilliant political philosophers,” who wrote the following in 1838:
"Jihad, Holy war, is an obligation for all believers. … The state of war is the natural state with regard to infidels … [T]hese doctrines of which the practical outcome is obvious are found on every page and in almost every word of the Koran … The violent tendencies of the Koran are so striking that I cannot understand how any man with good sense could miss them" (emphasis added).
Even Egypt’s Muslim president recently said that the Islamic “corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries” are terrorizing the entire world.
The fact is, centuries before the current excuses used to rationalize away Islamic violence ever even existed — colonialism, Israel, cartoons, “Orientalism” — Islam was behaving violently toward the “infidel.” Concludes Thornton:
"Our leaders today have slipped into delusional dreams, in which people like Tocqueville or Winston Churchill––who in 1897 said, “Civilization is face to face with militant Mohammedanism”––are dismissed as ignorant bigots and racists who lack our superior knowledge and morality. Meanwhile, the bodies of jihadism’s victims continue to pile up, and Iran’s genocidal theocracy closes in on a nuclear weapon. And many in the West continue to sleepwalk through it all."
Read the complete artical HERE 

Maybe He Did Have A Good Reason Not To Go To Paris

World leaders and dignitaries at unity rally in Paris Sunday

Barack spends Sunday working on the White House cockroach problem 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

See, Everything is Great...

It was recently said we are approaching what many economists call “full employment.” That is the point at which the people who are unemployed really are “just between jobs.” There is little long term unemployment. Jobs are plentiful. There is upward pressure on wages. In short, general prosperity.

Can’t you feel it?

It is possible that the economy has slogged its way through all the central planning and manipulation in the wake of 2008 and the real economy is emerging a bit despite the central planners. I figure that’s part of the equation. But an unemployment rate of 5.6% would indicate a nearly rip roaring economy, anybody see much of that?

I do see something which somewhat resembles “not horrible” but it’s not like happy days are here. Add that Europe and Asia are slowing again (from already pretty darn slow), and that lower oil prices – though probably pushed down by the Saudis for geopolitical reasons – probably reflect this slowing world economy. Add that there seems to be no upward pressure on wages. And that housing has taken yet another dip. I can’t celebrate, and we should be celebrating an unemployment rate of 5.6%.  Of course the unemployment rate is not really 5.6%. In reality its at least 9 to 10 % if one accounts for the workers (especially older workers) who have just fallen off of the unemployment rolls after years on them. And don’t forget the vast sea of underemployed people.

As far as many of the establishment economists are concerned these 2 groups no longer really count “officially.” So hey, why even consider them? Better to do everything possible to conjure the “animal spirits.” Create the illusion of prosperity to create actual prosperity.

The permanently unemployed and the underemployed are such a buzz kill.

EXCLUSIVE: North Korea Launches Newest Secret Weapon

Mohammad Image of the Day

Mohammed solves a dispute over lifting the black stone into position at the Kaaba. The legends tell how, when Mohammed was still a young man, the Kaaba was being rebuilt and a dispute arose between the various clans in Mecca over who had the right rededicate the black stone.
Persia, 1307 A.D. Now in the collection of the Edinburgh University Library, Scotland.

Muslims to Hold "Stand with the Prophet Mo Rally" in Texas

Free Beacon
Muslim leaders from across America will gather in Texas this weekend to hold the annual Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect conference, a weekend forum that is being billed as a “movement to defend Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message,” according to event information.
The Saturday event, which seeks to combat “Islamophobes in America” who have turned the Islamic Prophet Muhammad “into an object of hate,” according to organizers, comes just a week after radicalized Islamists in France killed 17 people.  Organizers of the event place the blame for Islam’s bad reputation on the media and so-called American Islamophobes who have “invested at least $160 million dollars to attack our Prophet and Islam,” according to the conference web page.

The Quran contains over 100 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.  

Muhammad laid siege to towns, massacring the men, raping their women, enslaving their children, and taking the property of others as his own.  On several occasions he rejected offers of surrender from the besieged inhabitants and even butchered captives. He actually inspired his followers to battle when they did not feel it was right to fight, promising them slaves and booty if they did and threatening them with Hell if they did not. Muhammad allowed his men to rape traumatized women captured in battle, usually on the very day their husbands and family members were slaughtered. 

The "Religion of Peace" was spread by the sword and has come full circle to intimidation and death to non-belivers. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Secret Service Foils Plot to Kidnap President

MFNS - A spokesman for the Secret Service Monday revealed a foiled plot believed to have been hatch by members of a yet unidentified foreign terrorist group. 

The plot, to kidnap President Barack Obama by using a trap-like device located on the grounds of the White House, was uncovered by a grounds keeper early Saturday morning near the exit the president uses when leaving the White house by Marine One.  It is believed the clever trapping device was set to be used when the President left for Paris and the Unity Rally, which he did not attend.

Photos of the trapping device were released showing the top-secret apparatus primed and ready to close upon the unsuspecting victim.  The trap, obviously of middle-east origin, had printing on it translated into English as "Acme Traps"

A grounds-keeper discovered the booby trapped device during his morning rounds picking up cigarette butts from the sidewalk outside the exit.  The trap was quickly disarmed and removed by an experienced EOD team brought in from nearby Quantico Marine Base. At no time was the President in any danger.

White House officials had ‘no comment’ when reporters asked who they believed set the trap.  

ISIS issued a statement denying any involvement in the plot, saying "It is ludicrous to believe we would waste Allah's time and our energy to kidnap someone the American people would not be willing to pay ransom for his return". He also added "we would be afraid we would have to pay America to take him back".

After being throughly checked for safety, the ‘bait’ was later chilled and consumed during the First Lady's luncheon held in the west wing dinning room.  

The Planetarium Gift Shop Manager is Back

Mohammad Image of the Day

Mohammad along with Gabriel, the giver of the Koran, visit Hell and see a demon punishing "shameless women" who had exposed their hair to strangers. For this crime of inciting lust in men, the women are strung up by their hair and burned for eternity. Persian Art, 15th century.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Politics Make for Some of the Strangest Decisions in D.C.

by Robert Janicki
In what could be the strangest political turnaround in recent times, comes this news in the face of the recent bungling by House conservatives in mismanaging a revolt against Speaker John Boehner.
As soon as the voting for the Speakership was over, Boehner announced some new changes in committee assignments and chairmanships.  Most thought that the bloodletting had begun, with Boehner apparently bludgeoning the conservative upstarts for their audacity in challenging his leadership.  Moves were made by Boehner and hard core conservative bloggers became enraged.
Now comes some quiet changes that very could bode well for the influence of House conservatives in the 114th Congressional Term.
Rather than punish and isolate those who opposed him as leader, Boehner surprised many on Friday by embracing an immigration plan that's tougher than lawmakers had expected. It would block President Barack Obama's recent limits on deportations and undo protections for immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.
As the rebellious hard-liners celebrated, mainstream Republicans said Boehner's decision probably portends firmly conservative approaches to other issues. That would complicate life for some of the more moderate Senate Republicans and ensure fierce battles with the Democratic president.
Now, I don't want to throw cold water on what could become something positive for all House Republicans, but I have to admit that I am holding off any celebration until I actually see some consistent movement in the Republican House caucus toward a more conservative stance.  
The key point here is to see a consistent and measured movement to the right in the House.  A one time bone thrown to House conservatives will do nothing to assuage their concern for the same old practices of the Republican establishment leadership in the House.  
Boehner had better be prepared to make this move to the right a regular practice, or else things may only get worse for all House Republicans, thus giving Democrats a wedge to derail a Republican House agenda going forward.
Conservatives have to understand that despite Republicans having a substantial majority in the House, they still have an uphill battle with more moderate Republican Senators, who have their own battles to pass legislation in the Senate.  Some of what comes out of Congress, will undoubtedly find a presidential veto waiting to be exercised by Barrack Obama.  That may not always be a bad thing, since, if exercised regularly by Obama, it will firmly characterize Obama and Democrats as the "party of NO!", a label Democrats enjoyed hanging on Republicans and caused them problems at the ballot box.
Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Mohammad Image of the Day

Illustration showing Mohammed (on the right) preaching his final sermon to his earliest converts, on Mount Ararat near Mecca; taken from a medieval-era manuscript of the astronomical treatise The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries by the Persian scholar al-Biruni; currently housed in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris (Manuscrits Arabe 1489 fol. 5v). This scene was popular among medieval Islamic artists, and several nearly identical versions of this drawing   were made in the Middle Ages.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Satire Extremists Erase Head of Terrorist Cartoon


MFNS - An unidentified group of satirists has leaked a terrifying video depicting the brutal decartooning of an unknown terrorist’s head. The video, shot in what appears to be a drawing studio, starts with a proclamation that the cartoon was sentenced to death for various crimes and continues with the gruesome, methodical erasure of the head of what appears to be a drawing of an Islamic fundamentalist.

“It was horrifying. They took a Staedler eraser and started wiping the head off without an iota of empathy for the unfortunate cartoon,” stated an anonymous source who claimed to be a witness  to the massacre. “I will never forget how the paper was shaking and twisting under the eraser.”

The video ends with an eerie promise that more ink will be spilled and that the world’s terror networks will be “brought to their knees” during an event referred to only as “The Night of the Quill.”

Mohammad Image of the Day

In 1999, Islamic art expert Wijdan Ali wrote a scholarly overview of the Muslim tradition of depicting Mohammad.  In that essay, Ali demonstrates that the prohibition against depicting Mohammad did not start to arise until as late as the 16th or 17th century, despite the media's continuing false claims that it has always been forbidden for Muslims to draw Mohammad.  Until comparatively recently in Islamic history, depictions of Mohammad (especially in Shi'ite areas) continued to be produced. 

Mohammed receiving his first revelation from the angel Gabriel (or as I believe a fallen angel). Miniature illustration on vellum from the book Jami' al-Tawarikh (literally "Compendium of Chronicles" but often referred to as The Universal History or History of the World), by Rashid al-Din, published in Tabriz, Persia, 1307 A.D. Now in the collection of the Edinburgh University Library, Scotland
(images via Mohammed Image Archive)

Islam swept the Arabian Peninsula, and later most of the ancient world with the blade of the sword.  With it's founder's prophetic words and instructions, it's history filled with forced conversion and violence unlike any religion know to man. Present world events show us the legacy of the boy who suffered seizures, fell under the influence of supposed angelic (?) visions and took children as wives, has once again raised it's twisted bloodthirsty ideology to scourge civilized man .