Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act Defeated - Jindal Issues Executive Order Enacting It

Bobby Jindal enacted an executive order that would enforce the intent behind State Rep. Mike Johnson’s (R-Bossier City) Marriage and Conscience Act - Bill  HB 707  that was defeated in the House Civil Law Committee earlier today.

Here’s the statement from Governor Jindal’s office:
“We are disappointed by the committee’s action to return the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act to the calendar. We will be issuing an Executive Order shortly that will accomplish the intent of HB 707 to prevent the state from discriminating against persons or entities with deeply held religious beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman.
“This Executive Order will prohibit the state from denying or revoking a tax exemption, tax deduction, contract, cooperative agreement, loan, professional license, certification, accreditation, or employment on the basis the person acts in accordance with a religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
Now before anyone says "Good for You Bobby Jindal" you must understand on thing about our esteemed Governor Booby.

Outside of writing an op-ed in The New York Times that was more for national consumption than to sway votes in Louisiana, not a whole lot. He intentionally avoided the firestorm that erupted in other states over similar issues. He did very little to advance the messaging on the bill and clearly didn’t put pressure on Speaker Chuck Kleckley, who he appointed, to move the bill. In today’s hearing, no one from his administration testified in support of the bill.  
"Since Jindal did virtually nothing to help pass Johnson’s bill, who is the target audience for this executive order? 
If you guessed social conservatives in Iowa, you're absolutely right. It coincides with a new ad Jindal is running in that state in order to jump start his soon to be presidential campaign.
All throughout Jindal’s two terms, but especially in his second term, he has been more concerned with his national image than actual results here in Louisiana. Since the passing of education reform at the beginning of his second term, Jindal has done nothing to make Louisiana politics more friendly for conservatives than he found it. 
It seems the end of Jindal’s reign as Governor finds him serving as the tax collector for the Huey Long, Edwin Edwards welfare state." 
Quote source: The Hayride

Next Time I'm in Town, I Think I'll Go By and Visit

      I Just Love a Good Bookstore with Proper Product Placement.

Click For Bigification

Monday, May 18, 2015

It Shouldn't Have Been There in the First Place You Morons

Marquette University Removes Mural of Escaped
Cop Killer Assata Shakur

Second only to Che Guevara in terms of trendy icon t-shirt apparel for the douchebag weekend revolutionary on today's campuses of higher learning is the dread lock adorned former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army member, and the only women ever to make the Most Wanted Terrorists list,  Joanne Chesimard  (aka Assata Shakur). She was found guilty of an execution style killing of a New Jersey state trooper in 1973, and fled to the communist paradise of cuba. 

"Suspended Marquette University professor John McAdams broke the story about the mural, which was located at the Marquette Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. McAdams explained that he found out about the mural after the center “bragged about it” on Facebook.
“I didn’t do any brilliant investigative journalism, I just read the Facebook page.”
 McAdams acknowledged that top administrators claim they didn’t know about the mural, but he said the director and staffers at the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center had to know about it."
 Marquette University released this statement last night:

Shakur is on the same Most Wanted List as members of Al-Qaida, ISIS and Boko Haram for her activities some 40 years ago. The FBI stated in 2013 that Shakur lives openly and freely in Cuba and she continues to maintain and promote her terrorist ideology. She provides anti-U.S. government speeches espousing the Black Liberation Army message of revolution and terrorism. Joanne Chesimard is a home grown black domestic terrorist.

The Doomsday Monument

The Georgia Guidestones are one of America’s strangest monuments. Located on the highest hilltop in Elbert County, Georgia it consist of four massive slabs of polished granite arranged in the N-S and E-W direction around a central column and topped by a capstone. Each slab is 19 feet tall and weighs 20 tons. Written on the four slabs are ten commandments left by the monument's anonymous sponsors, who refer to themselves only as "a small group of Americans who seek the age of reason". 

The monument was erected on March 1980 and built by the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, but nobody knows exactly who commissioned it. The only clues to its origin is another stone tablet, set in the ground a short distance from the structure, that provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

The message engraved on the slabs consist of a set of ten guidelines or principles, written in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. These languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

The guidelines are:

Well, Well, Look Who's Bailing Out #BlackLivesMatter Protesters

Progs Today - Hip Hop mogul Jay Z has reportedly been sending thousands of dollars to bail out the SJW protesters in Baltimore and other cities who have been arrested.

Complex Magazine discovered and screen capped a series of tweets from someone named “dream hampton”  (intentional lower case), who has worked with Jay Z in the past and has been a social just organizer and documentarian. Hampton stated “When we needed money for bail for Baltimore protesters, I asked hit Jay Z up, as I had for Ferguson, wired tens of thousands in mins.”

Mr. Z has a net worth of approximately $520 Million, and has been involved with such mega corporations as Budweiser and multi national bank Barclays. He is a part owner of the Brooklyn Nets, owns a record label and a clothing company, Rocawear, which imports clothing made is southeast Asia countries. He also owns a Bombardier private jet.

Jay Z is definitely down with the struggle, and has so much in common with the ordinary, everyday protesters. No 1% activity going on here.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Educational Crash Course # 812

Another Installment of Diogenes'
Public Service Educational Series:

" Gourmet Cooking  101"

 "Crowd Funding for Fun and Profit"
A Seminar with Bill and Hillary Clinton


Down Here We Call It a Saturday Drive in the Country

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ma Clinton Says She’ll Only Appoint Supremes Who Will Overturn Citizens United Decision

But in the Meantime, She'll Take the Big Money

At a meeting with financial supporters last week, Hillary Clinton revealed she will only  nominate those to the Supreme Court committed to overturning the 2010 Citizens United ruling.  Clinton’s decision to make the Citizens United ruling a litmus test for the High Court nominees is her answer to reigning in the power of billionaires and multi-millionaires who wield unprecedented power over the American political process. You know, the very people who padded her campaign chest to over flowing before her street cred started south here of late.

I've always found it a beautiful irony when the very tactics so useful to democrats get use against them, and they start their stompy-footin' and hollerin' it's unfair!

Now any American with a political pulse knows there is to much money and lobbying influence in politics. But it wasn't until 2008 that independent political contributions, before the  Citizens United decision, skyrocketed in the 2008 presidential campaign. And it was not rich Republican Billionaires that put Barack Obama in office. 

But Ma Clinton and the democrats didn't seem to have a problem with big money before the Citizen United decision. Every wonder why?

Let's take a look shall we..... 

  Top Ten Contributors to 2008 Election Cycle Before CU:

   And Now the Top Ten from 2012 After CU:

It's easy to see by the blue (D's) and red (R's) lines to the left of the graphs who was racking in big money contributions in 2008. Of the top ten contributors to dems, 5 where labor unions, organization who extort millions from members who don't always vote Dem.  No outrage from the left there. But after CU the playing field began to level, and the results in part are now a Republican congress and a potential (thanks Barack) of retaking the White House in 2016. 

In 2012, the Super Pac's of  Thomas  Steyer of San Francisco and Mayor  Michael  Blommberg of New York together gave over 84 Million dollars, and those evil Koch Bros. (liberal gasp) that live rent free in the minds of many on the left, and have driven Harry Reid to the edge of insanity, gave combined contributions of 7 Million.  But the left speaks not a word of George Soros, who personal peeled off a cool 3.3 Million from his pocket outside his  super pac and millions he fronts numerous left wing causes to influence LoFo voters.

Granted, the argument for and against CU are complicated, but the SCOTUS decision boiled down to this:

From the ruling:
"Barring independent political spending amounts to squelching free speech protected by the First Amendment.
"The First Amendment protects not just a person’s right to speak, but the act of speech itself, regardless of the  speaker."
And from the dissenting opinion:
"The First Amendment protects only individual speech, not speech by associations of individuals."
"Government may prevent corruption, and campaign spending can be corrupt when it buys influence over legislators. Therefore government may impose spending limits on corporations and unions."
Simply put:  As long as big Labor Union contributions are consider free speech, but corporate and personal money is not, freedom is infringed.

Mrs. Clinton is showing by her statements on Citizens United and her litmus test for Supreme court nominees just what another Clinton Presidency will look like. More federal control through the courts, and democrat subversion of freedom and the original intent of the constitution.

And my point is this:  (1- We do disparately need Campaign finance reform. Fair reform. That is doubtful to come soon. And (2 -Three sitting Justices are approaching 80 years old, one is 82. Three other sitting Justices are in their 60's. 

The next president may have to appoint as many as 3, and possibly more justices in their first term in office. With the constitutional issues facing American today, Mrs. Clinton, or any Democrat elected to the nations Highest office in 2016 would be disastrous for America.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fishnet Friday - Late Night Edition

Little Georgie Stephanopoulos Actually Did Us a Favor

Minority Report
"The embarrassing revelation that he gave a cool 75K to the Clinton Foundation, and then went on to do an “impartial interview” with that entity’s most famous critic  just proves what we have all known about the objectivity of mainstream media journalists. The revolving door that connects them and Democratic politicians, and all the biased reporting that ensues, constitutes a screaming conflict of interest, a steaming turd that the networks deposit in our living rooms every evening.
He proved with crystal clarity every criticism conservatives have hurled the media’s way for decades. We are a compassionate lot, however, so here is some compassionate conservative advice. George, when the urge to give beckons, try the Red Cross."

Time to Give Hillary a Break......