Marquette University Removes Mural of Escaped
Cop Killer Assata Shakur
Cop Killer Assata Shakur
Second only to Che Guevara in terms of trendy icon t-shirt apparel for the douchebag weekend revolutionary on today's campuses of higher learning is the dread lock adorned former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army member, and the only women ever to make the Most Wanted Terrorists list, Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur). She was found guilty of an execution style killing of a New Jersey state trooper in 1973, and fled to the communist paradise of cuba.
"Suspended Marquette University professor John McAdams broke the story about the mural, which was located at the Marquette Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. McAdams explained that he found out about the mural after the center “bragged about it” on Facebook.
“I didn’t do any brilliant investigative journalism, I just read the Facebook page.”
McAdams acknowledged that top administrators claim they didn’t know about the mural, but he said the director and staffers at the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center had to know about it."Marquette University released this statement last night:
Shakur is on the same Most Wanted List as members of Al-Qaida, ISIS and Boko Haram for her activities some 40 years ago. The FBI stated in 2013 that Shakur lives openly and freely in Cuba and she continues to maintain and promote her terrorist ideology. She provides anti-U.S. government speeches espousing the Black Liberation Army message of revolution and terrorism. Joanne Chesimard is a home grown black domestic terrorist.