Monday, July 20, 2015

Lost in the News of the Day.....

As the blogs rehash Fridays news and repost the same stuff we read all weekend:  of the celebration of men who think they're women, of a traitorous administration's deal with the devil,  of the lives of the most violent people in society are the only lives who matter, and of a generation of journalist and politicians that years ago were calling military men like him baby killers now come to his defense as a war hero....    As society continues it's slow decent into chaos lead by progressive intent on dragging us into an Orwellian high tech version of the 8th century, very little is said on the 46th anniversary of what was once believed the impossible and only dreamed of; America's greatest achievement and the pinnacle of human civilization. 

In the early morning hours of July 20, 1969, the entire world looked up from their mundane lives and watched as Americans first stepped foot on the moon.  

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Backstage With Hillary

by Campaign Reporter Earl of Taint 
In my role as the Semi-Professional Journalist At Large for the MFNS Worldwide Media Empire I attended a recent Dem fundraiser and managed to sneak myself backstage and into Hillary’s dressing room. I could only upload one shot before her security droids activated, forcing me to run for my life.
Luckily, for all of us, she was already dressed.

Earl has also managed to recently sneak into Donald Trump's Dressing Room

Friday, July 17, 2015

Barack Gets Schooled by an American Hero

Former Carter Staffer: “SHOOT REPUBLICANS”

Roland Vincent is a self proclaimed atheist, vegan, attorney, historian, Socialist, former Los Angeles City Commissioner, political strategist and former Jimmy Carter campaign staffer, as well as member of Alabama Governor George Wallace’s staff.....and  Dodgers fan. This all equals up to a nutty leftest animal rights activist and anti-second amendment advocate who wants to shoot people. I swear, the left gets nuttier by the day......

Progtards Today
“Republicans and conservatives are the enemy. They are expendable. They will be targets in the Revolution when it comes” writes Roland Windsor Vincent, in a recent post on his blog, Armory Of The Revolution.
The entry, entitled “Protect Animals And The Environment. Shoot Republicans, centers around animal rights and how “active Republican and conservatives voters are enabling the Animal Holocaust” and “If we were to start shooting Republicans, we would likely not harm a single friend of animals or the environment.”
His article ends with: 
I mention Republicans and conservatives, but the enemy is all in the human race who do not care. In my view, the animals need a massive depopulation of the human race. It may come in revolution, in climate disasters, in pandemics. But it must come."
Mr. Roland Vincent is also a contributor to the Granville Post. In a recent article he wrote on that site, he calls for repealing the 2nd Amendment, while also claiming that he enjoys skeet shooting.
"At the time, muskets were all the governments had to use against the people, and the people having muskets also seemed like a good idea at the time.  So the Second Amendment has outlived its purpose.
The Second Amendment is nothing more than a myth.
A fund-raising tool for the Right.
An excuse for gun manufacturers to profit from the killing of people and animals.
A talking point for Conservatives.
 And a safe harbor for criminals, psychopaths, and the delusional rednecks who pretend they are soldiers on the weekends.
It’s time to repeal the Second Amendment."
How he plans on “shooting Republicans” without guns is beyond me, or maybe he just wants the law-abiding disarmed, so his fellow marxist revolutionaries can take them out with illegally acquired firearms. 
The Crazy Train whistle echoes in the still of the night.......

(Progs Today) 

K.C. Kansas Mayor Brags of City's White Population Plummet

Thanks La Raza (The Race) For Their Help
Mayor Mark Holland of Kansas City, Kansas, in an address to the radical socialist organization National Council of La Raza, bragged that his city is no longer majority white and the city’s schools now have students who speak 62 different languages. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Kansas City, Kansas, was 52 percent white.
But in a speech before the La Raza National Affiliates Luncheon earlier this week in Kansas City, Mayor Mark Holland boasted that only five years later his city’s white population has been reduced to 40 percent. He seemed to suggest that La Raza was at least partly responsible for the progress. But he also cited the refugee resettlement work of the United Nations and U.S. State Department for the city’s transformation into a gleaming example of multicultural diversity.
Kansas City, he said, “is very proud of the work of National Council of La Raza.”
“Kansas City, Kansas, is a city with no ethnic majority. Kansas City, Kansas, is 40 percent white, 28 percent Latino, and 26 percent African-American. Our school district speaks 62 different languages by the children every single day. And Kansas City, Kansas, has a proud heritage of welcoming all people into the community, people who are not welcome in other places.” 
In recent years, the city has welcomed more refugees from other parts of the world, including Muslim Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, Hindus from Bhutan and Buddhists and Muslims from Burma. Kansas City has also thrown open its arms to the LGBT community, Holland said, even though most of the state of Kansas leans Republican.
Holland, an ordained Methodist minister, then went on the attack against any Christians who don’t share his liberal theological views on same-sex marriage.
"We cannot let our guard down. This religious freedom component, I believe is the Confederate Flag of religious bigotry, being flown long after the fact. As an ordained United Methodist pastor myself, I’m offended to note, when they say Christians are offended by the ruling. In fact, many of us Christians celebrate the ruling and the continued welcome and recognition of all people. 
But I want to close by saying we just couldn’t be more proud that La Raza is here in Kansas City and it’s an honor to be able to greet you.”

And who said Barack Obama isn't a successful President? 

(Source - WND)

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tweet of the Week: and it's only Thursday!

As opposed to saving lives as Planned Parenthood clinics do?

We Must not Make the Emperor Angry and Other Acts of Obama Worship

The way I look at it, Major Garrett was the only one in the room doing his job!

by Aaron Goldstein
After President Obama told CBS reporter Major Garrett at yesterday afternoon’s White House press conference that ”he should know better” for questioning him about the four Americans currently held in captivity in Iran, I made the case that it was Obama who should know better for seeing fit to negotiate a nuclear agreement with a country holding Americans in captivity in the first place.
Not surprisingly, the mainstream media is more upset with Garrett than they are with the American hostages in Iran particularly over at CNN. Dana Bash bashed Garrett stating:
Obama Lapdog: CNN's Dana Bash

“There’s a fine line between asking a tough question and maybe crossing that line a little bit and being disrespectful, and I think that happened here.” Her CNN colleagues Don Lemon and Gloria Borger also took aim at Garrett. Lemon said, “Wait a minute, that was a little out of school,” while Borger chided Garrett for making Obama “angry and upset.”
Obama’s petulant attitude towards Garrett and CNN’s eagerness to defend Obama is emblematic of how spoiled Obama has been by the media from the moment he hit the national stage at the 2004 DNC. No doubt Bash, Borger & Lemon prefer the approach taken recently by their colleague Jim Acosta who said to President Obama, “I wanted to ask you about what some people are calling your best week ever.” The “some people” Acosta was referring to was CNN anchor John King who said, “This may well be the best week of his second term,” last month following the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Obamacare and congressional approval of TPA for the TPP. During this time, CNN offered headlines such as, “Best week in Washington: Barack Obama’s legacy,” and my personal favorite, “Barack Obama gets his groove back”.
I remember when David Axelrod said that Fox News was not a legitimate news organization. Well, CNN bears a greater resemblance to an adjunct of the Obama White House than they do an actual news organization. I also remember when former Time reporter Nina Burleigh said she would be happy to give Bill Clinton oral sex for keeping abortion legal. Well, quite frankly CNN and much of the mainstream media have been giving Obama the Burleigh treatment for the past 6½ years. It’s high time we had reporters like Major Garrett who stood up to Obama rather than dropped to their knees.
So Major Garrett made President Obama “angry and upset.”Well, too damn bad. The families of the American hostages have far most just cause to be angry and upset than Obama does. Now that he has his precious little nuclear agreement with Iran, Obama needs to man up and get our four American hostages freed.
(Spectacle Blog)

Trump’s Fake Conservatism

Saying that Donald Trump isn’t a constitutional conservative is understatement. Calling Trump a man who’s only interested in himself is totally justifiable, especially in light of this video:
DONALD TRUMP: In life, you have a thing called condemnation and cities have a right to condemn for the good of the city, whether it’s New York, whether it’s Los Angeles, whether it’s any other place. Atlantic City is one of those places and it’s got the right to condemn.
DANA BERLINER: In the 1990s, Donald Trump was behind an outrageous case of eminent domain abuse. Vera Coking was an elderly widow who lived in her home alongside Atlantic City’s Boardwalk. She bought that home and Donald Trump wanted Vera’s home so he could build parking for his casino across the street.
TRUMP: Everyone coming into Atlantic City sees that property and it’s not fair to Atlantic City and the people. They’re staring at this terrible house instead of staring at beautiful fountains and beautiful other things that would be good.
JOHN STOSSEL: You’re bullying these people out…
TRUMP: Excuse me. That’s wrong. For you to use the word bully is very unfair. This is a government case. This is not a Donald Trump…
STOSSEL: Yes, it’s Donald Trump. It’s you and your cronies in government working together.
TRUMP: For you to call these people cronies is very unfair. You’re calling good public servants cronies.
BERLINER: An unaccountable state agency tried to condemn Vera Coking’s property and transfer it to Donald Trump. He convinced the government officials to use their eminent domain power to take Vera’s home. This was public power but it was used for private gain.
Eventually, a case like this made its way to the Supreme Court. We know it as Kelo v. New London. The Rehnquist Court sided with the developers. An entire neighborhood was demolished, supposedly to build a shopping mall. After the ruling, though, the development never happened. An entire neighborhood was destroyed for nothing. Here’s more to the Trump-Stossel fight:
STOSSEL: Basic to freedom is that if you own something, it’s yours. The government doesn’t just come and take it away…
TRUMP: Do you want to live in a city where you can’t build schools? Do you want to live in a city where you can’t build roads or highways or have access to hospitals? Condemnation is a necessary evil.
STOSSEL: But you’re not talking about a hospital. You’re talking about a building that a rich guy finds ugly.
This is proof that Trump is no more a constitutional conservative than Hillary Clinton.

What’s disgusting is the fact that otherwise level-headed Republicans are actually buying Trump’s schtick. They’re saying that he’s a fighter. They’re partially right. Trump can always be counted on to fight for the things that interest Trump. Trump’s hardline statements against illegal immigration are part of a charade that’s soon to be exposed. Trump is, putting it charitably, a temporary border hawk. That’ll become apparent when the opposition research on Trump shows how his properties were built with illegal immigrants.

Donald Trump is no more a conservative than Hillary is. In fact, Trump has contributed to her campaigns in the past. He’s also contributed to the Clinton Foundation.

Latest Pluto Hi-Res Photo

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Obama to be Greeted By 5,000 Naked Kenyans

After first being warned not to bring his Gay Homo Agenda with him when he pays his second visit to Kenya since becoming President, All Africa reports he will be greeted by a rally of 5000 naked Kenyans protesting to show Obama the differences between a man and a woman.

Barry visiting the folks as a youth
"The procession shall be carried out by approximately 5,000 totally naked men and women to protest over Obama's open and aggressive support for homosexuality," Kidala said in a letter to the county commander on Monday.
"In fact our party has a network of prostitutes in Nairobi, Nakuru and other counties. This is where we shall get all these people whose number we expect to increase," he told the Star on phone.
He said the prostitutes agreed to participate free of charge since they will lose customers if homosexuality is legalised. This comes after the White House downplayed demands by a section of Kenyan leaders for Obama to avoid gay talk during his visit.
The President is not expected to shy off any topic, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, in response to a question on the matter, during a press briefing last Tuesday. Obama has used previous trips to Africa to urge governments to decriminalize homosexuality, but heads led by Deputy President William Ruto have warned him not to talk about it."
I believe the Kenyan tactics will have little affect on the president. After all, he has seen much more unimaginable and disgusting things then 5000 naked protesting Africans......Michelle Obama without makeup......and naked!  

h/t WZ