Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Keith Olbermann Crawls Out from Under Rock, Completely Abandons Sanity

Offers to Lead 'resistance' to Save America

No matter how calm they may appear, know this: Democrats, socialists, and progressives are absolutely freaking out. Oh sure, they can sometimes hold it together in public. Occasionally, they make it through a dinner, a light lunch, or even a three-minute TV segment without losing control of their fear and paranoia. For brief spells, they may even seem like sane, high-functioning adults. Rest assured, though. The minute they slam the door of their lonely-but-upscale New York apartments, America's liberal brain trust melts down into sobbing fits of abject self-pity and loss.

Then, they get angry. You made them feel this way. YOU. You and your insipid refusal to acknowledge their inherent intellectual superiority. Their hatred swells until they reach the boiling point and they lash out in a serious of rambling, barely-coherent tantrums.

Case in point is Keith Olbermann.

Keith, you'll recall, used to host a variety of different TV shows. He was pretty sure he was very important. Unfortunately, he wasn’t. He lost it all because he's nothing more than a mean, self-aggrandizing blowhard - a man reviled by his co-workers and viewed as little more than a loose-cannon and liability by his superiors. Olbermann repeatedly found himself out of work.

Now, he's re-appeared as the host of a series of GQ YouTube videos he calls "The Resistance." Judging by the production value, they're filmed in a closet somewhere and are crafted with all the care normally reserved for those ladies who open toy eggs for children.

Oh, and did we mention he's ramped up the crazy? Because he has. Where once he would be categorized as "unjustifiably angry" or "slightly unhinged," Keith now appears to have completely lost his mind and entered a rage-induced mental fugue.

Pass the Popcorn.....  
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Obama Confirms He will Remain a Prick

With Ma Clinton rebuked and put away wet and the far left superstars Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren circling Political Jupiter somewhere, it looks like Barky will try and set himself up as the reasoned voice of the Democrats. When asked if he will be like former President George W. Bush and pledge to stay out of politics and not criticize decisions made by his successor his answer was no surprise for the guy who believed he was always the smartest in the room.

At a press conference Sunday the president said he does not believe he will be the last Democratic president, for a while, and made no promise to not speak up if he feels it to be "helpful" and "necessary" for him to comment on President-elect Trump's proposals. 
"Look, I said before, President Bush could not have been more gracious to me when I came in and my intention is to certainly for the next two months. As an American citizen who cares deeply about our country, if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal but go to core questions about our values and our ideals, and if I think that it is necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals, I'll examine it when it comes."
And you can believe that after Barky and Mooch decided to stay in DC after he leaves office, the man who has divided the country as no other in modern times will continue to do so as the voice of the opposition in interviews on Sunday Talk shows. And his adoring lap-dog anti-Trump media will have his phone number and email just waiting with baited breath his every word and prognostication. 

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Chucky Schumer's Stupidity is Showing

LFR-In his first interview with FNC’s Chris Wallace since being elected Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer sounds like he’s prepared to help Senate Democrats commit political suicide. During Schumer’s interview with Chris Wallace, he said “ObamaCare, he won’t be able to do it.”

Let’s hope Sen. Schumer is that stupid. If he’s willing to obstruct legislation that would fix Obamacare, then Democrats will deserve the beating they’ll take during the 2018 midterm election. These aren’t people that are mildly upset. They’re people who are pissed at Democrats for creating this disaster. If Schumer filibusters an Obamacare repair bill, he should expect President Trump visiting Democratic senators in September and October, 2018. Specifically, Sen. Schumer should expect colleagues like Joe Donnelly, Jon Tester, Claire McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, Bill Nelson, Sherrod Brown and Tim Kaine to face difficult re-election fights. Tammy Baldwin’s seat is rated as a ‘safe Democratic’ seat even though she won with only 51% of the vote in 2012. If Republicans field an appealing candidate (Sean Duffy comes to mind), that seat is anything but safe after President-Elect Trump’s victory there.

Further, a Trump administration could highlight the Democrats’ obstructionism by granting waivers for all states who want to experiment with something different. The beautiful part about that is the fact that there’s a provision in the ACA that allows the Secretary of HHS to grant such waivers. The ads virtually write themselves. The ads would say something like ‘Sen. Heitkamp voted to create Obamacare. Now it’s costing North Dakota residents millions in higher insurance premiums. You’d think that Sen. Heitkamp would vote to fix this crisis but she won’t. If she won’t fix the mess she created, voters should replace her with someone who will fix this crisis.’

It’s one thing to fight against repealing a popular bill. It’s quite another to fight to save a bill that’s wildly unpopular. Fighting against fixing Obamacare is the political equivalent of making a quick movement towards a cobra.

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

R.I.P. Leon

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, November 18, 2016

Albert the Gator Meets Thunder and Lightning

Image by SEC Sister Curmudgeon 
Much has been said about the non meeting in the Swamp at Gainesville between the Florida Roosters Gators and the LSU Tigers on October 8th. In hindsight I'm sure the Gators are wishing they had taken the chance and played the unproven 3-2 Tigers rather then the battle hardened 6-3 team they face this Saturday.

Since then things have become heated between the two teams. Florida's gambit to avoid a loss and keep their ranking high has come back to bite them in the ass.

Now they will have to face a hungry Tiger team in their final game this season in Baton Rouge, and with a Sugar Bowl appearance in their sight. The Tigers have lost only 2 games in Death Valley since the loss to Alabama in Nov. 2014 and are 5-0 at home this year and going for a perfect home-stand season.

The much vaunted Gator defense will have to control the line of scrummage else Thunder and Lightning (#7 &#5) may gas them big time. And I don't really see a problem with the Tiger defense controlling an often toothless Gator offense. I suspect Austin Appleby may be spending a bit of time picking himself up off the ground this week. 

And You guys in Knoxville can thank us later. ;)

I say Tigers by 12+  ✖  (expletive deleted)

Auburn over Alabama A&M by 10 ✔
Tennessee over Missouri by 14  
West Virginia over Oklahoma by 6 ✖
Nebraska over Maryland by 12  

After going 3-1 in week 8 , a loss to Alabama in Week 9, coupled with 3-3 last week, Diogenes is 20-9 on the year. 

Two Turds in a Punch Bowl

Not Surprising Since Both Have Worked So hard to F**k Up Western Civilization

What do you get with a girl raised under brainwashed East German domination and a Community Organizer with deep seeded dislike of white culture and all it stands for?  Two Turds in a punch bowl.  Both have damaged the security of the west with their Utopian fantasies by opening up the gates to the third world destruction of European civilization. 

For Obama, Merkel is something of a political soul mate. No other world leader so closely matches Obama’s ideology of tireless diplomacy with an emphasis on human rights, tolerance and equality. (as if human rights, tolerance and equality are share values of muslims they allow to flood the west).  Sharing similar temperaments, Merkel and Obama forged a friendship that helped broker several major agreements — including a deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program (or better said, got rolled like a drunk in an alley) and sanctions against Russia for its annexation of Crimea and intervention in eastern Ukraine (that laughing you hear is coming from the Kremlin). 

When asked while in Germany to weigh in on U.S. protesters turning out in cities across the nation, Obama said, 
“I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.” 
This we should expect from someone who sowed so much division and hatefulness of America and for all it has stood for, his attempt at a federal power grab with his pen and his destructive browning of America. Rebuked, he'll be remembered as another Useful Idiot, a foolish footnote in American history. The other remembered as the architect of the beginning of the end of a once great civilization, regulated to the trash heap of European history.    

Fishnet Friday