Sunday, March 19, 2017

Is It Even Possible To Please The Left?

"It’s sad to see so many Americans turn into losers, pathetically demanding to be treated as victims, all so the emotional vampires on the Left can feel better about themselves for helping such pathetic sad sacks. Liberals LOVE for people to think of themselves as victims. They love for people to go through life furious, upset over things most people wouldn’t even notice. 

They need you alienated and angry so they can control you and turn you out at the polls, so they can get their sick little self-esteem boost for helping a poor little mediocrity like you.

If you’re black or Hispanic and think white people hate you, if you’re gay and think the Christians want to wipe you out, or if you’re a woman who believes the patriarchy is keeping you down, you’re going to have an unhappy life. It doesn’t matter if things are going well or you have success; you’re going to be angry. You’re going to feel mistreated. You’re going to walk around chalking up every normal event in the world to bias that primarily exists in your head. You’re going to nurse grievances. You’re going to be unhappy.

As consolation, you can half-ass your way through life and chalk up your failures to “white racism,” “those hypocritical Christians,” or “the patriarchy.” You can live with the illusion that, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, you’re fighting for women’s rights, or, like Martin Luther King, you’re trying to reform a society teeming with racism -- but that only makes you sound like a joke. Stanton was fighting for women’s right to vote. Today, feminists whine about having to pay for their birth control. Martin Luther King was fighting for equal rights, and today liberal “black leaders” spend their time bitching about whether hoop earrings are cultural appropriation. There are legions of liberal Don Quixotes jousting with windmills and pretending that the trivia they obsess over gives meaning to their victimhood-centered lives.

There are women, gays, and minorities around the world dying to get into the United States. The ones that get the opportunity to do so legally spend thousands of dollars and put up with years of paperwork to come here. You think that’s because it’s such a racist, sexist, oppressive country?" - John Hawkins


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Here She Comes, Ready or Not.

"I'm Ready To Come Out of the Woods" 
Ma Clinton, formerly your repudiated democratic presidential candidate turned flaxen-haired Queen of upstate New York sasquatch, after a long hibernation in wilderness of Chappaqu has announced her intention to return to that which she loves most, 'Attention.'

Asked if she would run for Mayor of NYC, Clinton responded:

"I’m not running for mayor of NYC because I can’t afford losing to a double-parked car in queens."  
But after Donald Trump disappointed much of America by not prosecuting the Clinton Crime Organization, and given time to shut down the Clinton Globull Initiative and destroy all the incriminating evidence, Ma may be looking to lend credence to an at present batshit crazy, disorganized and headless resistance movement, and become a public thorn in Trump's paw for the next few years.  And nothing says 'Resistance' like a shrill, 70 year old Grandmother and her pet monkey, Huma.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required*

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY - Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Mary Poppins Deplores Trump's Budget Cutting of Funding for the Arts

Julie Andrews, known mostly for her roles as Maria in the 'Sound of Music' and as the beloved 'Merry Poppins', along with her daughter wrote an Op-ed column for the network posing as news, CNN, pleading for elected officials to reject Trump's budget cuts for funding the Arts. 
"Decades worth of research attests to the fact that the arts are among the most profoundly important and valuable ways to improve learning and promote success, from early childhood through adulthood . Now, with the shifting priorities of our new presidential administration, artists and arts organizations are at serious risk of losing the support they need to do their invaluable work."
"The arts are fundamental to our common humanity. Every time we attend the theater, a museum or a concert, we are literally feeding our souls, and investing in and preserving our collective future."
Ms. Andrews may be correct about the education. But what she fails to see are what the alternatives to Government funding are. And I think there are a few other things she overlooks.

One, for most of the History of Western Civilization, the arts were funded by the 'Patrons of the Arts'. Leo da Vinci, Mozart, Will Shakespeare, Picasso etc. were not funded by any Government. They were commissioned by Religious Orders and Wealthy Patrons. Yes, Kings and Queens did commission art, but it was not for the benefit of everyone. It was specific to them and a symbol of their status, and unseen by the commoners. Not until the 1960's did the US Federal Government set their hooks into the Arts, creating public broadcasting and issuing grant moneys which they gave over controls to a little watched over and now politicized NEA, run in the past by leftist actor Jane Alexander.

"The Arts" as it is used today is a broad term. The taxpayers help fund everything from Symphony and Opera companies, to goofy and senseless performance art.  From NPR to massive state tax credits for the movie industry. From Ballet to pouring chocolate on ones self and asking for it to be licked off  by those in attendance,  or sitting on a stage and wiping menstrual blood on cloth and handing it to the audience.  

The Arts have become highly politicized and just another propaganda arm of th left. NPR has become over the years just an unlistenable sewer of leftist claptrap. 

Another thing Ms. Andrews (who made only $125,000 for her Academy Award winning Performance in The Sound of Music) fails to see is, hack talent challenged actors now make 10-20 million for crappy Super Hero movies now-a days. Movies that are given large tax credits by taxpayers, and sometime subsidized by foreigner governments like China. If there is that much money floating around Hollywood, let the Hollywood moguls finance there own crap. 

The point is, teach the Arts in schools as part of the curriculum as it has for decades and let the cream rise to the top. And let the vocal wealthy leftist who believe the government nanny has to enrich their world foot the bill for their own propaganda. Then maybe they will be a little more careful where they spread their money around.  Then just maybe we will get more Audrey Hepburns and less AndrĂ©s Serranos.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Happy Birthday You Ol' Buzzard

Associate Justice Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg - aka Notorious RBG - Makes 84

Reporter Who Gave Ricky Maddow Trump’s Tax Return Makes Disgusting Claim About First Lady

YC - Last night, on the broadcast that will be remembered as MSNBC’s Trump Tax Return Debacle, a panelist became another to suggest that there was another entry the First Lady could add to her resume.

Speaking on a panel with fellow moderator and amateur enrolled agent Rachel Maddow and David Cay Johnson, as they scoured over every entry of two pages of Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return, Lawrence O’Donnell noted that showed “wages and salary income, which is unusual for someone in his Trump’s case.” Johnson, the source of this “scoop”, then attempted to explain that that was because Melania Trump was also on the return, and that she did do very sleazy porn.

“It could be hers,” Johnston offered. “His wife was a model.”
“Right,” O’Donnell responded. “She’s on here, but she was never at that league.”
Johnson then continued to say that she did “very sleazy porn” before Maddow interrupted him. Unfortunately, Johnson did not have the opportunity to explain further. As one can see on the video of the exchange published by the Daily Caller, O’Donnell and Maddow did not share my curiosity.

Clearly, the two – who thought Trump paying $38 million in taxes on $150 million in income in 2005 was going to be earth-shattering news – did not find the “revelation” that the FLOTUS did sleazy porn the least bit interesting. In fact, Maddow can be heard giving a warning “hey hey hey” to Johnson to get him to drop the topic.

Why? Let’s not forget that the FLOTUS has lawyers, and she is not afraid to use them.