Sunday, March 19, 2017

Is It Even Possible To Please The Left?

"It’s sad to see so many Americans turn into losers, pathetically demanding to be treated as victims, all so the emotional vampires on the Left can feel better about themselves for helping such pathetic sad sacks. Liberals LOVE for people to think of themselves as victims. They love for people to go through life furious, upset over things most people wouldn’t even notice. 

They need you alienated and angry so they can control you and turn you out at the polls, so they can get their sick little self-esteem boost for helping a poor little mediocrity like you.

If you’re black or Hispanic and think white people hate you, if you’re gay and think the Christians want to wipe you out, or if you’re a woman who believes the patriarchy is keeping you down, you’re going to have an unhappy life. It doesn’t matter if things are going well or you have success; you’re going to be angry. You’re going to feel mistreated. You’re going to walk around chalking up every normal event in the world to bias that primarily exists in your head. You’re going to nurse grievances. You’re going to be unhappy.

As consolation, you can half-ass your way through life and chalk up your failures to “white racism,” “those hypocritical Christians,” or “the patriarchy.” You can live with the illusion that, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, you’re fighting for women’s rights, or, like Martin Luther King, you’re trying to reform a society teeming with racism -- but that only makes you sound like a joke. Stanton was fighting for women’s right to vote. Today, feminists whine about having to pay for their birth control. Martin Luther King was fighting for equal rights, and today liberal “black leaders” spend their time bitching about whether hoop earrings are cultural appropriation. There are legions of liberal Don Quixotes jousting with windmills and pretending that the trivia they obsess over gives meaning to their victimhood-centered lives.

There are women, gays, and minorities around the world dying to get into the United States. The ones that get the opportunity to do so legally spend thousands of dollars and put up with years of paperwork to come here. You think that’s because it’s such a racist, sexist, oppressive country?" - John Hawkins
