Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Rice Crispies

Susan Rice is starting to feel the heat, with growing demands that she be subpoenaed and investigated. It is clear from what we've already learned that Rice was abusing this privilege to maintain extensive surveillance of the entire Trump campaign to help Hillary.

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova revealed the extent of Rice's illicit surveillance activities of Trump and his aides when he was running for president:
"What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals."
Affirmative Action Negro Years
Because of such revelations and the obvious fact that details from the calls of those unmasked were promptly leaked to the press, there is a growing chorus of demands to place Rice under official investigation.

Even Cuckservative and "Never Trumper" Lindsey Graham said that Congress should look into Rice's conduct. Now the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the House Intelligence Committee has officially asked Susan Rice to testify under oath.

Yes, the heat is on and Rice is in the oven, getting nice and crispy. But she is only small fry. The big question is how far implicated in this example of "banana republic" politics are the Clintons and Barky Obama? And CNN can keep their heads buried in the sand all they want. But the Heat is On. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Michelle Goes Au naturel - Ghetto Goes Giddy

And More HERE

No Sir! No Aidin' and Abettin' Up in Here!

The wagon-circling campaign to protect Obama administration and intelligence community officials who surveilled Donald Trump and his transition team during his presidential campaign and post-victory transition is moving into hyperdrive. On Monday, CNN's Don Lemon proclaimed that "there is no evidence whatsoever" supporting Donald Trump's claim about having been "spied on illegally" (note the inclusion of the word "illegally," which is crucial), and declared that he would not "aid and abet the people who are trying to misinform you."

Lemon's stridency as he delivered his rant on CNN appeared to betray "he protests too much" behavior, while subsequent events have further undermined his there's-nothing-there position. Try as they might, it seems that Lemon and his establishment press cohorts will have a hard time turning these and likely additional future bitter developments relating to Team Obama's election campaign and Trump transition conduct into lemonade.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Has The Democrat Party Found Its Next Barack Obama.

Dr. Abdul El-Sayed with wife Sarah.

His name is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed, a 32-year-old medical doctor who recently launched his campaign for Governor of Michigan, the election for which is in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor.

He speaks articulately, without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches at seemingly just the right moments, and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Sayed said Michigan voters are having “buyer’s remorse,” and that President Trump’s decisions “are at odds with deeply held American values, and distractions from real issues.” Sayed served as the executive director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the City of Detroit, appointed by Mayor Mike Duggan. At 30 years old, he was at the time of his appointment in 2015 the youngest health director in a major U.S. city.

Dick Manasseri, spokesman for Secure Michigan, a group that educates Michiganders about the threat of Shariah law, predicts that Sayed will at least win the Democratic nomination for governor.  Sayed is highly educated, a Rhodes scholar who attended Oxford University in 2009 and became a practicing epidemiologist.
"It is the exact same thing as Barack Obama in Chicago in the early 2000s. He’s young, attractive, he does not give out a lot of information, he speaks in platitudes about celebrating inclusiveness and diversity."
He’s very well packaged. He’s far more accomplished than Barack Obama. Obama was not this accomplished, they connected him to certain foundations and his candidacy took off. So if this guy rises in the polls, I would predict the Catholic Church will support his candidacy." 
"Just like with Obama, because we gotta make history."
"Elizabeth Warren will be coming to campaign for him, the Democrats in other states will be raising money for him. The DNC number-two man [Keith Ellison] will be raising money for him. Of course this guy is going to be on the Sunday morning talk shows." 
A candidate for governor who is Muslim Brotherhood …if that doesn’t tell you there’s a Shariah swamp in Michigan I don’t know what does.”

Thank You MJA for the Linkage

Wicked Witch of the West Under Investigation

Gloria Allred - Making Greasy Ambulance Chasers Look Respectable

The State Bar of California has opened up an investigation into possible misconduct by high profile California attorney Gloria Allred. Allred is a renowned civil rights attorney attention grabbing feminist shakedown artist who is known for getting involved in controversial celebrity cases.

According a letter from the State Bar of California viewed by, her case has been forwarded to the State Bar’s Enforcement Unit for further investigation and possible prosecution.

“If it appears that the attorney may be a repeat offender or have committed a violation where there is a serious likelihood of discipline being imposed, an investigator and a Bar prosecutor from the Enforcement Unit take over the investigation,” the California Bar’s website states. According to records, Allred has no disciplinary history with the State Bar of California, but experts say the fact the complaint was “taken up the chain” could be significant.

Allred issued a statement saying "someone has attempted to shake me down by threatening to report me to the State Bar unless I paid him a large sum of money. I have refused to pay this individual any amount of money. I will not be threatened or bullied by false accusations."

Looks like Glorie Hole may be getting a little bit of her own medicine.....

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to You By BLUESJUNKY - Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, March 31, 2017

Looks Like Another Bum Ride for Alec Baldwin

New York based actor and lefty progtard Alec Baldwin, most notable for being the former husband of Kim Basinger, beating up photographers along with a string of utter failures in Hollywood, as a radio and MSNBC political talk show host, as well as an embarrassing bloated sitcom actor, has found his Donald Trump impersonation going nowhere also. Baldwin says he may retire his over the top impersonation of the President at the end of this SNL season.

According to the Daily Mail:
"Baldwin said he is considering quitting the role because he believed people would no longer be 'in the mood to laugh' about Mr Trump in the coming months. Asked how much longer he intended to play the US president, Baldwin told the Press Association: "Not much longer. He may be satire resistant. If everything stays the same in this country as it is now, I don't think people will be in the mood to laugh about it come September." 
"We'll be around the corner to the one-year anniversary of the election this fall. I think people will be in a completely different frame of mind. Baldwin acknowledged his impression was not the most accurate version but said he performs a 'caricature of a more malicious Trump...."

Face it Alec, it's not that Trump is satire proof, it's that you suck. Only bubble headed millennials actually think SNL is funny. The faggish NY stage theater crowd may love you, but other than your voice-overs, Hollywood won't touch you with a ten foot pole. Face it, your riding another bum steer......

Baldwin recently joined the prestigious ranks of Television Game Show host as MC of The Match Game. *snork*
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

The Faces of Ricky Maddow

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The BEST REASON YET to Disband the Department of Education

When President Jimmy Carter created the DOE in the late 1970's America had one of the best early education systems in the world. Those days have passed  Taking over the system by the Federal Government as a sidebar to equality in education under the guise of civil rights, gave undue power of indoctrination. Courts began upholding a misinterpreted "Separation of Church and State" and ACLU lawyers stormed school house doors with orders to stop anything (like evil Christmas plays) even remotely Christian in nature. 
Where are they now while children are being indoctrinated in Islam?

Department of Education Indoctrinates Students Into Islam

Christian Action Network (CAN) has sent a “Letter of Demand” to the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) mandating that it cease its Islamic education program for the nation’s public schools. The DOE Islamic education program is currently being presented to the nation’s schools and teachers through the Federal Funded PBS LearningMedia website.

If the conditions of its “Letter of Demand” are not met within 60 days, CAN says it will bring a federal lawsuit against the DOE challenging the constitutionality of the federally funded program. CAN is also issuing a “Letter of Demand” to the Public Broadcasting Service demanding that it also remove all Islamic educational material from its PBS LearningMedia that violates the U.S. Constitution. 
"It doesn’t appear that the either DOE or PBS LearningMedia offer similar instructional material on Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or Hinduism through the PBS LearningMedia website...."
"The DOE Islamic education program is not only a certain violation of the U.S. Constitution but a brazen and underhanded attempt to indoctrinate children into the religion of Islam. It must be removed immediately."
Among the contentious material being presented through the DOE Islam program are worksheets, questions, activities and media that steep children into the world of Islamic worship. Children are asked, or told, to complete such assignments as:
“…explore and understand the basic beliefs of Islam as well as the Five Pillars that guide Muslims in their daily life; belief, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage.” 
“…focus on learning about the core duties of Muslims…”
“…read about what it means to proclaim faith or belief as a Muslim.”
“…watch the two streaming video segments about prayer preparation and the set of movements for prayer.”
In addition, students are expected to correctly understand and answer such questions as:
“Describe the process that Muslims go through to prepare to pray.” “What do the prayers sound like?”
“What do the movements look like?”
“What are some of the things Muslims say during prayer?”
Activities include having students “create a poster about the Five Pillars of Islam to be displayed in the classroom and around the school.  
“This Islamic educational program fails as an appropriate lesson plan for the public schools. It has little or nothing to do with understanding the history of Islam, its contributions to society or its impact on social norms.”

This is MUSLIM INDOCTRINATION, pure and simple!

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Maxine Gets a Bit of Her Own Medicine

Dianny did this. She's such a Naughty Girl!

It's always a beautiful thing to see a Moonbat get bitch slapped with their own hypocrisy. In this case Maximum Maxie Waters, who took to the floor of the House to denounce a man who has probably done more for, and has plans to do even more for Blacks in America then she will ever do. Standing up and giving one of her usual progtardish racist rants didn't set to well with one man, a veteran and a proud American....

Freedom Daily
We continually see this moonbat at the helm spewing her anti-Trump rhetoric as she goes on CNN leading the charge for his impeachment, even though she has zero evidence to support her ridiculous nonsense. But when she went to the House floor Monday night to play the race card and then viciously attack Trump supporters by labeling them “un-patriotic,” one veteran heard the nonsense and immediately opened up a huge can of whoop ass that Waters couldn’t contain.
Waters began her 9-minute tirade flat-out telling Americans that she has “no respect” for President Trump, announcing that her sole mission in life is not to support the will of her constituents, but to “destroy Trump.” While we’ve all grown accustomed Waters’ vitriol against the president at this point, she then decided to go on the attack against Trump’s supporters, blasting them for not being as patriotic as she and Democrats are.
"When we fight against this president, and we point out how dangerous he is for this society and for this country, we’re fighting for the democracy. We’re fighting for America. We’re saying to those who say they’re patriotic but they’ve turned a blind eye to the destruction that he’s about to cause this country, ‘You’re not nearly as patriotic as we are."
"Mr. Speaker, my position against this president and his administration is clear. I oppose this president. I do not honor this president. I do not respect this president."
Once she was done putting Trump supporters on blast, she then went onto round #2, where she dropped her famous race card, saying that African-Americans have always “been there for America” by fighting in wars, but that America has never had their back:
"African-Americans have struggled and fought historically, many African-Americans have paid a huge price fighting for justice and equality in this country, have died for it. “…Despite the fact that America has not always been there for us, we’ve always been there for America. We have fought in America’s wars. We have suffered discrimination, we have suffered isolation and undermining. But we stand up for America, often times when others who think they are more patriotic, who say they are more patriotic, do not."
Waters doesn’t speak for every African-American, much less for the countless veterans who have fought, died, and bled for her right to stand in front of Congress and flap her ungrateful and bigoted fat mouth. And when one Vietnam veteran caught wind of the ridiculous nonsense that Waters was spewing, he immediately unleashed a fiery tirade of his own, sending the race-baiting hag straight to the cave that she crawled out of on Monday. Here’s what the Vietnam Veteran Dan Flynn had to say about Waters’ speech, that will make you proud as hell to be an American:
"No, I don’t just say I am patriotic, I am. I was combat infantry in Vietnam, my dad served with Patton in WWII and my great great great grandfather served on the side of the North in the Civil War. His brother died in that war. A lot of my family’s blood has been spilled giving you the right to spout your crap. In fact, a whole lot more white blood has served this country, much of it in the Civil War. No one has ever diminished the cost or sacrifice of African Americans. DO NOT DIMINISH our contribution! The Lord has taught me I shouldn’t hate. But, I can loathe and despise you and everything you stand for. 
You are an ignorant, bureaucrat who has sucked off the public teat for so long it has deprived what little brain you have of the oxygen to even make a coherent argument. You talk of the black caucus. What a joke! How many members of the CBC have had ethics charges levied against them (including you)? How many are currently under indictment, are currently incarcerated or have served jail time? The percentage is way above the Congress as a whole. Stand proud Maxine, you are a moron’s moron."  

While we watch the fanatical nonsense that the left continues to spew about the president, it’s always so refreshing when someone stands up publicly and puts these idiots on full blast.