Saturday, April 15, 2017

North Korea Test Newest Secret Weapon

MFNS - Pyongyang- Amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the North Korean Military has just announce a successful test of it's newest and most secret weapon yet.  The "Ground Burst Defense Missile".

General Fong So Duh leader of the DPRK Defense Forces told MFNS the weapon tested today, launched from an undisclosed base near the city of Sinpo was part of the DPRK celebration of the 105th birth anniversary of its founding leader Kim Il-sung.

The General told us the "FUKYU 102" Missile is for close ground troop support and designed to explode immediately after launch, effectively showering the immediate area with falling sheet metal.  The launch area test subjects, three captured South Korean gofers, believed by the DPRK to be spies, and a mountain wildcat who wandered onto the site all died in the test. General Duh again reiterated to western media that the test shows the overwhelming technical superiority of the DPRK's scientific knowledge and military prowess.

Identity Politics, Progressive Hobbyhorses and Marginalized Terrorist - ‘The March for Science’

"March For Science" - Earth Day - Washington DC, April 22, 2017
"Ah, science. If you're even loosely engaged in the wild and dark art that is politics these days, you know by now that 'science,' as a word, has taken on an almost mystical meaning. 'Science,' in many of its modern incantations, now serves as a form of code, as vague and fuzzy as a Wiccan chant. For a growing number of political activists, the meaning is simple: Science, you see, is a lively mix of standard progressive hobbyhorses, tossed wild-eyed and cranky into one cantankerous bag."
"Witness the upcoming March for Science, scheduled for Saturday, April 22. This also happens to be Earth Day, which is nice enough -- and hey, who could object to a good old-fashioned rah-rah session for science? I, for one, always welcome a refresher on that long, troubling episode in our planet's history when a few impertinent continents apparently traipsed all the way over to the other side of the globe and no one was there to panic about it."
"Alas, this March for Science does not appear to be largely about science, or about people who know a great deal about science, or even about people who want to know a great deal about science. (It would be kind of fun, in fact, to quiz earnest potential attendees on whether Johannes Kepler should finally win that well-deserved Oscar.) Keeping up with today's hottest trends, the March for Science has wrapped itself in identity politics, cranked up the oven to 'scorch,' and potentially set things on track to unceremoniously collapse into one giant intersectional souffle." - Heather Wilhelm, National Review
The “March for Science” is being organized by activist scientists and radical environmentalists opposed to Donald Trump's policies and proposed cuts to federal agencies. The organization behind the “March for Science” tweeted the Trump administration's bombing Islamic ISIS fighters in Afghanistan is “an example of how science is weaponized against marginalized people.

The march’s Twitter account also sent out a ridiculous re-tweet lamenting the bombing by radical activist Zellie Imani of the Black Liberation Collective,  a group of students dedicated "to bringing about freedom and liberation for all Black people"   It has since been deleted. March organizers have been racked by infighting over how much the event should emphasize diversity and gender issues. (??)  Some march leaders have resigned over disagreements.

The “March for Science” gained attention earlier the year, garnering hundreds of thousands of likes on Facebook. The usual suspects Major activist groups have backed the march, but Earth Day marches are planned in other cities.  Looks like just another Goofy Leftist Sideshow for the Media's consumption.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater: The Taxman Cometh

"Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all..."

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY: Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Maybe This Will Help Convince the Hollywood Crowd Their Defense of the "Religion of Peace" is a Farce

While the Hollywood elite turn a blind eye to the throwing of gays off of buildings, genital mutilations, rape of children, blood lust, slavery, the oppression of women and the destruction of many ancient culturally historical sites, all while saying "The Religion of Peace" poses no threat to America, the Islamic State has thrown a gut punch into the belly of sacred Hollywood produced American Culture. They have attacked the Western Cultural Icons, Mickey Mouse and Tom & Jerry!

image © AP
PJ Media- "Islamic State fighters have defaced anything they deem to be religious idolatry as they barnstormed their way across Iraq and Syria, forging the caliphate bit by bit. Iraqi soldiers have found murals of the Last Supper with the faces of Jesus and the apostles scratched off, beheaded statues and more as they liberate Christian areas. ISIS also tries to destroy anything deemed to be un-Islamic. Like Evil Cartoon Characters....."
"So when the terror group occupied Mosul and stumbled upon a school with a colorful cast of popular cartoon characters painted on its outer wall, they evidently had to take action. The reason? ISIS said cartoon characters -- or at least their faces -- imposed western influence on children."
Ironically, the head of Egypt's State Islamic Information Service, Salah Abdel Sadek, last year blamed Tom and Jerry for stoking the rise of Islamic extremism. Abdel-Sadek told a Cairo University conference that seeing the cat and mouse rivalry "portrays the violence in a funny manner and sends the message that, yes, I can hit him… and I can blow him up with explosives. It becomes set in the viewer’s mind that this is natural."

So you see Hollywood, you can not win with these people. On one hand, moderate islam says your portrayal of violence between Mice and Cats encourages Extremism. This is the same moderate Islam that is on the forefront of trying to bully our freedoms in this country right now. While on the other hand Extreme Islam, who strap suicide belts on children say your cartoons portrayals are an evil western cultural influence. They all ready want your head.

SO STOP defending this foreign unforgiving ideology with it's medieval desert "Religion of Peace' and backward oppressive culture. They hate your color, they hate your ideas and they hate your freedom! 
Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Even Some Longtime Media Watchers Now Crying Foul

Media Have Struck a Deal to Go After Trump 
"There is a common expression in the media that there are “some facts too good to check.” It is used in jest to reflect how you sometimes hate to give up a great story for the real facts. That tension was well on display as media seemed to tie itself into knots to avoid admitting that there are legitimate questions raised by the “unmasking” allegations surrounding the actions of Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice." 
"Reporters are now so committed to refuting Trump that they are refuting actual stories. The loss of objectivity in the response to the Rice story reflects a broader problem of the press focusing so hard on Trump that it has loss sight of its own bearings." - Jonathan Turley

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Doesn't Look Like Bathtub Boy's Anger Management Treatments are Working Out Too Well....

From His Crepe Paper Decorated Padded Room In An Asylum Somewhere in New Jersey, 
Keith Olbermann Critiques The Trump Presidency So Far:

Trump's Magic: Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Crazy Nazis and The Flat Earth

We here at DMF pride ourselves in our effort of bringing you something other than what you see on fifty other websites everyday.  Sometimes we even go so far as to put on our industrial strength hip-waders and crawl down into the ditches along the interwebz and do recon on left-wing sites where rodents run free, just to make fun of them. But sometimes just a simple one or two word Google search can put you on a path to snarky gold.

We all know it's pretty much a given that kooks are everywhere. And there's evidence that people who believe in one conspiracy theory are also more likely to believe in several, a phenomenon come to be known as "Crank Magnetism."  If a secret cabal of very powerful globalists brought down the World Trade Center, faked the Sandy Hook massacre, and almost put Hillary Clinton in the White house, it only makes sense that they're also hiding the truth about the moon landings, homeopathy, vaccines, and the indisputable fact that global warming is a hoax. 

So it should come as no surprise that when a Pointy Headed Aryan in charge at the white supremacy website 'Daily Stormer' posted a video making fun of flat-earth "theorists", a remarkably large portion of his readers were very, very angry and upset, because after all only an idiot would believe the Jewish/Masonic/Illuminati lie that Earth is a sphere.

Seeing that the Daily Stormer site is a vile hive of scum and villainy where the height of sophisticated humor is taking "JosephGoebbels" as your user name, we know you don't want your browser polluted by the direct link, so we brought you a sampling of their best in stupidity. It's hard to tell whether some comments are dyed-in-the-wool flat-earthers or whether they're just kidding in a Nazi kind of way, like this one from "whitemanshame," who explains:
“Fun fact, all the moon mission astronauts were Satanic Freemasons.”
Other net-Nazis seem quite earnest indeed, like “Excalibur,” who dares other readers to show him the curvature of the Earth:
"Here is a challenge for all the non believers, somebody give me a picture of the earth that is not CGI, just one."
Then there’s "Whiteliberty," who approaches the topic with LOGIC and FACTS:
"Science is the acquisition of knowledge capable of being reproduced. You can’t reproduce Big Bang. It’s not science. With flat earth, there are multiple lines of evidence that point in the same direction. Many globe claims have been power of suggestion, reliance on authority, and black box frauds. As a thesis, flat earth is stronger in 2017 than 2007. You can’t land on a lightning bolt. You can’t land on the “sun” or “stars” or “planets,” if they are electromagnetic plasma formations. We don’t normally deal with plasma, or understand its properties, or understand the connection between plasma and consciousness, in terms of the concept, field. Newton’s Third Law prohibits acceleration in space. You need a medium to move: floor, water, atmosphere. Space is not a medium. This would explain why NASA had to lie and fake a moon mission."
This guy seems to know a lot of science facts, like the Jews, who also run Google and NASA so they can put cloud cover over the North Pole to hide the hole that goes through the crust and the ice to the hollow earth where the aliens live.

Then there's "3rdRicht," who has been giving all this a lot of thought:
"I only started looking into what Flat Earth theories within the last month. 1 interesting point is at night, it is cooler in the Moonlight than it is in the shade."
Yeah, Makes ya wonder, don't it? Then theres "SouthernFascist", who isn't quite convinced, but he certainly is open-minded about the matter, because if you believe anything THEY tell you, you might be a dupe. How's this for an example of crank magnetism in action?
"They lie about the control their banks have, they shovel race mixing propaganda down our throats, so if any of this flat earth stiff has any merit at all, it wouldn't be a surprise if the jews were lying about that too. In all honesty i do believe the moon landings are fake. I don’t think we can even get to the moon, nasa even admitted we cant get past the van allen belt due to radiation, so i am 100% convinced the moon landings were faked, at least the first one."
So there you go. Some examples of good ol' Nazi LOGIC. But, as “StormCommando” pointed out elsewhere, believing in a flat earth dishonors the Nazi rocket scientists, who surely would have talked about a flat, not a round, planet if there were anything to it. So you Flat Earthers don’t be dissin' the greatest Nazi scientists of all time!

United Airlines New Seating Arrangements

Monday, April 10, 2017

Put Down Your Drink Before Reading This.....

Hillary Clinton Voted 6th Most Beautiful Woman of 2016.


The millennial Entertainment Magazine website Buzznet recently ran a poll to ask "Who Are the Most Beautiful Women in the World of 2016."  7 million people responded.  Coming in at #6 was the Witch of Chappaqua herself, Ma Clinton. 
"The names of the world's “most strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2016 /2017” were “chosen by the people.” 
Now I have to admit, I have no idea who most of these women are, nor do I care. What's interesting is who is on the list that I do recognize. Certainly not who I think most would consider that beautiful or desirable, and in some cases even intelligent. The list should tell most anyone where millennial's heads are these day.

And just who is #1 on the list you ask?

A Hint: She carries a French spelling of her first name, drives expensive Germany Automobiles, wears Paris Fashions, and as her people are fond of calling-out people like me for wearing hoop earrings, is herself one of the biggest so-called "Cultural Appropriators" in America.

Here is their list of "The 30 Most Beautiful Women of 2016." *Cough* 

Oh. and by the way, to save you some suspense.....Mooch came in at #21

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Korean Fat Kid Gets All Spooky and Stuff Again

South Korean radio Sunday reported the North Korean DPRK has resumed its broadcast of mysterious sets of random numbers over state run radio, believed to be coded orders to its spies in the south, and Japan. From Yonhap News Agency - Seoul :
"From now on, we announce tasks of mechanical engineering review for the Unit 21 expedition members of the remote education university." North Korea's state-run Pyongyang Radio said at 12:15 a.m. "Number 69 on page 602, number 79 on page 133, number 18 on page 216." A total of 70 sets of such five-digit numbers were read out twice. 
The North resumed the Cold-War era type broadcast in June of last year amid escalating tensions with the South. Many believe them real clandestine orders.

Others believe because the North Koreans have been isolated from the rest of the world for so long, and their only state approved joke book so old, to save time in the telling them they just refer to them by number. The DPRK had previously suspended such radio broadcasts years earlier when it's believed their vacuum tube burned out. 

A Note to the Loyal and Loving Readers of DMF

Over the weekend we raised the hood on DMF and made a few changes. Some are noticeable, some are not.  Among the changes are the new Domain Address and new and better Analytics for Moi, and we sexed-it-up with a few cosmetic changes and a small tweak that should make the page load faster for yous guys.

Unfortunately, one change seems to have hidden all of your brilliant comments. They still show in my disqus dashboard so they are not lost.  So for the time being, if you happen to be the first to comment on a post and the comment link is not showing, just click on the Post Title to get to the comment box. When the new squirrels get settled in and up to full speed, that should iron itself out. - Mommy Dearest of DMF

If you encounter any problems, please let me know?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to you by BLUESJUNKY - Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Friday, April 7, 2017

Kim Jong Un Reportedly Flees to Open Sea After Informed of Syrian Air Strike

Middle Finger News Service

Kim flees Pyongyang by tugboat under cover of thick morning fog 
to safety aboard DPRK Poo Class Submarine off the coast.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!