Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reasons Why The Left Is Losing - And Deserves To Lose

America has changed since the fateful Inauguration of the 45th president. Unemployment has dropped to unprecedented & historic lows, the stock market is up by one third and for the first time on a long time, a majority of the public appear to have a positive view about their future. Meanwhile, in the past 6 months the democrat’s have seen their 15+ point lead in the generic ballot dwindle down to the margin of error, a measly +3.  The much vaunted Blue Wave appears be to look more like a Tidy Bowl Commercial than a revolution,  a giant sucking sound of their dreams of regaining Congress flushing down the toilet. Hopefully nothing but disappointment will greet Democrats in November rather than the sweet joy of Resistance revenge. Bless their hearts, the poor dears have survived by howling at the sky and counting the days until Mueller personally impeaches Trump, and still grappling with the existence of the Electoral College they don't understand. The left has become a caricature of a nursery school full of crying children run by drunken samurai.

Here are three reasons off the top of my head why I believe the left are losing, and most deservingly to keep losing.

First, the left’s pathological disdain for American values. In the 18 months of  Donald Trump's presidency, the American people have been told on a daily basis he’s a fascist, a Hitler in progress, not to mention racist, mentally unstable and of course a stupid liar, too. And yet his America First agenda has seen a resurgence of past US foreign policy moral clarity, strong and persistent economic growth that has notably benefited blacks, Hispanics (that's POC to the 'Woke') and women.

Between the daily Chicken Little warnings not coming true and the Democrats and their media lackeys chronic glass-is-half-empty response to every positive development, Trump’s polls have gone up as theirs have fallen. It’s a mystery that even Joe Biden should be able to solve; America is a center-right nation at heart and while we may have been hoodwinked by Hope and Change in 2008, we have no love for a party who won’t cheer for good news. There isn’t a single thing the Democrats and the left supports that’s objectively good for America. To the contrary, they are clearly on the wrong side of history, the rule of law, and even constitutional rights.

Second, America celebrates merit and achievement and believes everyone should have equal opportunity while the left clings to hoary feminist myths of gender pay gaps and glass ceilings. Instead of celebrating cabinet-level appointments of powerhouse women like UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, democrats dismiss or denigrate the First Lady and First Daughter at every opportunity. The left cherishes the narrative that they and they alone are the champions of Civil Rights.  Barky Obama’s incessant identity politics and the maxing out of the race card in the past decade has set back race relations decades, at least. What this is starting to show America is that the left does not, in fact, care about women or minorities, they only care about power. The Trump election seems to have ripped the mask right off and all the virtue signaling they can muster won’t cover the ugly inconvenient truth up again.

Thirdthe personal is now political and the political is personal.  The left got their wish. Decades of thinking globally and acting locally has had intended results that most Americans didn’t know were part of the plan all along. Like The Paris Accord, a disgraceful boondoggle and sell out of the American taxpayer to global elites who profit from the Climate Change hoax industry and a massive transfer of wealth to developing countries that Obama willed upon the American economy.

Hollywood and media celebrity have a platform to berate Trump and over 60 million voters who supported him. Yet, acting like a disturbed teenager who cuts themselves, their T.V. shows, movies, songs, and even SNL skits rub their own wounds of the 2016 election with salt as they pretend to laugh.  And the peaceful residents of places like Berkeley, Cal. have to endure repeated ‘days of action’ with masked Antifa thugs smashing, harassing and burning and beating. If you listen to the media or Democrat leaders, these masked fascists are heroes. It doesn’t help that SJW fascists have turned college campuses into indoctrination camps complete with kangaroo courts that leave young men to be guilty by accusation. These are the same SJW lunatics who attack anything that triggers their fascist fetish. Nothing is safe. Not movies, music, video games, or private citizens.

But the Twitter mob has overstayed its welcome, and you can look back to the disgusting reaction to Barbara Bush’s passing as one of the countless incidents that exposed the left as enemies of decency. You deserve to continue losing ground in the war for the soul of America, and to lose every election from now on. We’ve seen California, and we don’t like what you’ve done to a beautiful state that gave America and the world so much.

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater: Saturday Blues Matinee

* No Tuxedos Required *

Educational Crash Course # 831

Another Installment of Diogenes'
  Public Service Educational Series:

"Wisdom of the Founders 101"

Next in Series:

LectureFuc Sleeping Your Way To Sucess in Journalism
With NYT's Reporterette Ali Watkins


Educational Crash Course Series Archive

* Thank You MJA for the Linkage! *

Friday, June 8, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required - Dancing Is Encouraged *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

“No One Is Above The Law"........ Well Except Us.

Just when you thought the media couldn’t get anymore ridiculous, they rip their shirts off, and say “hold my beer.” As you've heard, last night a former Senate staffer named James A. Wolfe was arrested for lying to the FBI (a crime we’ve been assured is most serious when it involves Robert Mueller’s team).
"A federal grand jury indicted the staffer, James A. Wolfe, 58, on three counts of making false statements in December about contacts with reporters, including providing sensitive information related to the work of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which he served as security director for 29 years."
The indication here is that Wolfe was leaking classified info from Senate investigations to a reporterette from the New York Times he was boinking name Ali Watkins. Now if you were wondering where so many of the 2017 leaks about the Senate investigation were coming from, well we may have just got the answer. Watkins was essentially caught red-handed because it is shown that her revealing of Carter Page’s name in early 2017 was a direct result of information given to her by Mr. Wolfe.

As part of the leak investigation that ultimately snagged Wolfe, federal prosecutors seized the text messages of Ms. Watkins in order to show he was lying when interviewed by the FBI in December of 2017. This has got the media losing their minds over the use of her phone records, but before we get to that let’s flashback to earlier this week.

It all started with Rudy Guiliani suggesting in an interview that he probably shouldn't have given in the first place that the (not a) President may have the power to pardon himself (a stupid thing to say given it’s an irrelevant point). Despite there being no reason for the President to do so, the media at large started tearing at their clothes and went insane suggesting the President is placing himself “above the law,” a charge that falls on it’s face given the realities of impeachment, but hey, it’s the media.

Of course, the usual subjects went nuts and the tweeter machine lit up:

A more official statement was given by the Freedom of the Press Foundation, who speak at large for the media.
"All leak investigations — whether they directly target reporters or not — are a grave threat to press freedom. Whistleblowers are the lifeblood of reporting, and the Trump administration is directly attacking journalists’ rights by bringing these cases....."
To start, this guy was not a whistleblower. He was leaking testimony and details about an ongoing federal investigation to a reporter he was bumping nasties with. He wasn’t exposing that investigation’s corruption or any such nonsense. You also don’t receive whistleblower protections unless you actually go through the system setup to protect whistleblowers. That’s a non starter.

Secondly, the fact that the media can righteously lecture the country that no one is above the law on Monday but by the end of the week be vehemently saying that reporters should be above the law (to the point of saying law shouldn’t be enforced at all no less) is an incredible exercise in hypocrisy. 

The same media who cheered non-stop for the over the top raid on the office of the personal lawyer to President of the United States, Michael Cohen, thinks its records should not be subject to criminal investigations. What exactly is all this based on? The U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of the press but it does not guarantee a reporter’s right to assist in breaking the law.

As of now, this reporter is not being pursued for any wrongdoing herself. That rule of tradition (not law) is being honored in this situation by the Trump administration despite the protestations of media members. This is not the same thing as the Obama administration actually going after journalists under the Espionage Act, as it did with James Rosen. Of course, most in the media couldn’t muster up more than a weak rebuke when that happened because a Democrat was in power.

(Freedom of the Press Foundation)
(Red State)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Sharpton: Democrats Needs Them Some ‘Spectacle and Drama’.

Reverend Sharpton Seen Here Modeling His Newest Fascist Resistance Protective Headgear
(Available at the Rainbow Coalition Store for $149.99 - Cash Only) 

By Robert Laurie

When you’re a tax-cheating race-hustler with an ever-diminishing hold on your former glory, you look for ways to stay in the news. You attach yourself to the right causes, organize marches for possibly nonexistent issues, work to gin up racial strife, and do whatever you can to keep your name in the papers. If your relevance has collapsed in your own country, you head across the pond and offer your dubious wisdom to foreign leaders.

And that brings us to Al Sharpton.

After a visit at 10 Downing Street, Rev. Al spoke to British reporters. He offered a sampling of his usual “everyone’s racist but me” schtick, and offered Democrats some terrible advice as they head into the midterms and 2020.

From the Guardian:
"Donald Trump is on course to be re-elected in 2020 because those in the current crop of potential Democratic presidential candidates are “too tame to deal with an untamed opponent,” one of the party’s key power-brokers has said...." 
"Speaking to a group of Guardian journalists following a visit to 10 Downing Street and a session with black MPs, the Rev Al Sharpton warned that the likely challengers to Trump are failing to galvanise opposition to the president. “They’ve lost the ability to dramatise. He [Trump] understands spectacle and drama and they don’t.”
Now, I’ll grant Sharpton this: Trump does know how to play the media. He’s a natural when it comes to manipulating coverage and using liberal outrage to his benefit. However, that’s not why Democrats “can’t deal” with him now.

Prior to Trump’s inauguration, every Democrat on Earth predicted disaster. By now, the stock markets were to have collapsed, we were supposed to be knee-deep in a global thermonuclear holocaust, and the nation would utterly despise its President – to the point where the common man would be storming the White House with pitchforks and torches. Dems even concocted crazy schemes to install Hillary Clinton once the Russia investigation removed Trump from office.

It’s not a lack of ‘drama and spectacle’ that’s hurting Democrats. It’s their policies, their goals, and their grotesque indignance over their 2016 loss. People just aren’t buying what they’re selling. Despite what Sharpton apparently believes, “drama and spectacle” are not going to be enough to turn that around. In fact, if past serves as prologue, it will only make the Dems’ situation worse. People are simply sick of the doomsaying, sick of the identity-politics, and sick of the left-wing games. …and that spells trouble if you’re expecting a blue wave.

And just for shits and giggles - A Bit of Classic Reverend Al: 
The Battle Continues.

Thank You MJA for the Linkage!