Monday, September 21, 2020

Dems Pitch New Circus Tent : SCOTUS Nomination

Joe Biden has reiterated his plan to put Sheneneh on the SCOTUS bench. He has explicitly made it clear that white women and men of all races need not apply for his Supreme Court list. No Sir!  By reducing a Supreme Court nominee to their race and gender might pass for “woke” for some these days.  But even though it’s being done by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, it’s surely not “progressive” in any meaningful sense of the word.  This rigid use of race as a qualification doesn’t help diversity one bit.  In fact, it would hurt whatever African American woman Biden ended up selected. She would no doubt be qualified in her own right but would be forever viewed as diversity pick.

By Biden's word, she would go down in history not as a trailblazer but as the token black woman Biden picked after disqualifying most of the candidate pool through identity politics. This would be an undeserved insult to the potential nominee, who may well have been selected anyway on her own merits in an open process. Even worse, she'd be forever known as connected with Joe Biden.  

A Good Monday Morning


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Hillary's Late Night Phone Call To the President

 from the DMF 'GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY' Archive - August 1, 2017

Hillary Clinton phoned the President’s office shortly after midnight. “I need to talk to President Trump, it’s an emergency!” exclaimed Hillary. After some cajoling, the President’s assistant finally agreed to disturb his boss’s important time.......

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Too Soon??


Middle Finger Symphony Theater


 Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY:Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Friday, September 18, 2020

Down Goes Ginsberg

Chuck Schumer Just Shit His Britches

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Democrats Are Not European-style Socialists. They Are Worse.

If I had to describe the single most disturbing thing about today’s totalitarian socialist leaning Democrat Party, I’d be hard-pressed because the number of possible choices is so large. But if I may, give an observation as a former resident (and also citizen) of a Social Democracy on a point that I don’t think most Americans fully understand.

What distinguishes social democracy from other forms of socialism is that when social democrats lose an election they accept the results. That was true in Sweden when the Social Democratic party finally had to give up power after about 50 years. And it was true in Australia when the current PM Scott Morrison surprised everyone by winning their most recent election.

American democrats have never, and never will accepted the results of the 2016, and are promising us not to accept the results of the 2020 election should they lose.  They have signaled this for the last four years by Russiagate, the ridiculous impeachment theater, the nomination of an obvious puppet candidate (proxy for others), their push for mail-in voting, and proposals such as ending the filibuster, packing SCOTUS, creating several new states, ending the Electoral College, making illegal immigrants citizens, and open borders, every single one of them designed to fundamentally change the country in ways that would keep the left in power indefinitely.

The left is exploiting the goodwill of Americans and their desire to bend over backwards to avoid any taint of racism and to atone for the racist past. Therefore, a great deal of the Democrats’ agenda has been redefined as anti-racist. That is the key they believe will lead to permanent power, and they are betting that the citizens of the US will hand it over to them.

Leftists can sense that Obama’s “fundamental transformation” is well within the possibility of imminent realization, and thus by fair means or foul they will stop at nothing to pave the way for rule by a corrupt and senile fool, managed by a Lady Macbeth of color and abetted by a large group of wealthy and powerful interests within the MSM and Academia to ensure that never again will non-leftists ever be able to have any real influence on policy or opinion within this moribund republic. 

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Columbia University Marching Band Self Euthanizes in the Name of Wokeness

Down With Oppressive Racist Marching Bands!

We seem to be living during one of history’s rare Idiot Extravaganzas.  So it's no surprise to me a story like this pops up.  It's been reported the Columbia University Marching Band issued a statement Saturday announcing it would dissolve after 116 years of performance due to intrinsic, irreparable damage caused by the club’s structure, which was 'founded on the basis of racism' and 'cultural oppression. Yeah, a marching band. 
“The Columbia University Marching Band apologizes for insult and injury victims have experienced as a result of actions perpetrated in its name. The Band has maintained a club structure founded on the basis of racism, cultural oppression, misogyny, and sexual harassment.”
The band was in limbo with the University’s athletics department, which stripped it of its university funding in 2019, and a year prior, Columbia College and and the School of Engineering and Applied Science also withdrew their funding from the band after it stormed a campus library in 2017. I guess if I had been marching for 116 years, I'd be tired, too.

All seriousness aside, readers might want to visit the band's Wikipedia page to see it's history of irreverent and sometimes offensive humor and satire. This could be a bit of performance art mocking the leftist insane culture of wokeness by the self-proclaimed "cleverest band in the world".  As is the case with a lot of the Ivy League marching bands, the group is usually focused on satire (often very crass), and not so much on marching.

After all they actually have to sit through Ivy League Football games. So to distract from the embarrassment, each week's performance featured a new script and new music. The band has had much more in common with the writer's room of a cable tv news satire show than with what most people think of as a marching band. At their best, such bands can be creative and funny, but at their worst, they're like pre-schoolers running around with kazoos and making fart jokes.

So quick, before the ruse is exposed let's hope the band also call for the dissolving of the Columbia Journalism School due to its foundation of teaching fake news and journo-fraud, and the School of Law for spitting out crooked ambulance chasers at this racist and cultural oppressive instution so we can watch the elitist heads explode. 

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Guy Who Once Sold His Own Driveway Wants To Be Your President

We all have known someone like this.  They think they know a lot more than they really do.  And when they talk about how things work, it's with so much confidence that you figure there must be some genuine smarts behind it.  But in actuality, they are just full of shit.  They manage somehow to stick around a long time, so it’s hard to imagine the person is completely clueless and inept.  But once you start really paying attention to the things they say, you begin to wonder.  What would happen if you put the person in charge of something challenging?

When Joe Biden was vice president, he wasn’t in charge of anything.  When he was in the U.S. Senate, he wasn’t in charge of anything.  And he hasn’t had a job in the private sector in more than 50 years. To find out how Joe handles actual responsibility, we have to look a little deeper.

National Review's Kyle Smith reminds us that Joe Biden has already shown us what he’s made of.  Joe once thought he saw a huge real estate opportunity and displayed his managerial ineptitude on a grand scale.  It was a fixer-upper he thought he could buy cheap and make a few simple tweaks to. Kinda the way the Joe of today sees the presidency.

As Smith recounts in lurid and often comical detail, this did not go well at all:
"A couple of years into his Senate career, Biden had a dream of living grandly by buying on the cheap a former du Pont manse, together with a huge chunk of land, for $200,000. The house was boarded up and soon, probably, to be torn down. But Biden saw something in it. Sure, it needed some fixing up. Never fear, Joe is here! Joe is a can-do fellow. 
The first winter he and Jill spent in the house, it used up 3,000 gallons of fuel oil. It turned out the third floor was wide open, to the stars. Squirrels were living up there. Oops. The judgment on display here is not great. Next year, Biden starting selling off bits of the land for development to pay for improvements such as storm windows. 
Small problem here: One of the lots he sold off was his own driveway, and the new owner blocked it off so he couldn’t pass through it. So Joe built a second driveway, which turned into a swamp in winter. He sold off another piece of property that, it turned out, included the front of that second driveway, so he couldn’t use that one anymore either. So I built a third. He hated that one for being a dumpy little thing. Eight years went by, and he made a deal to buy back the original driveway, the one he sold off when he first bought the house. Which cost him a fortune in landscaping to reshape."
It’s worth the time to click over and read the whole thing.

Now to be fair, this was a long time ago. You might say, OK, Joe has learned a thing or two since then, he’s more experienced now. He must have a better understanding of how things work than he did back then.  That’s a reasonable theory.

But Joe still runs around proposing insane ideas to problems he doesn’t understand.  Witness his “plan” to address COVID, which consists of  a) a bunch of things DJT is already doing; and b) a nationwide mask mandate Joe would lack the authority to impose as president.  Sounds like the guy who bought that house back in the ’70s.

This is a guy who complains that “families are reeling” and notes how many people are on unemployment.  Yet he wants to confiscate more capital from the companies that could be hiring them.  Kind of like the guy who sold a piece of land to get money and found out he had sold his own driveway.

[National Review]
[Cain Gang]
H/T Broadside Betty

And  Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, September 13, 2020

I Designed a New Logo for Joe and Kampala 2020

I think it more accurately represents either/both candidates as any logo I've seen.
Joe Peering out From His Basement or Kampala in Her Heels Up Position.
Works Either Way.